CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION NOTES 1 North and South a South states rights b North abolish slavery a 19th century Republicans 2 Republicans and Democrats in 19th century are opposite of what they are today i Liberal widespread education medical care large government welfare ii Abraham Lincoln iii Represented in North b 19th century democrats i Conservative slavery small government states rights ii Stephan A Douglass iii Represented in South c The change in political party positions is known as an example of historical 3 Reconstruction begins BEFORE 1865 Who is in charge Lincoln Or Congress irony a Lincoln s plan i Wanted a short peaceful reconstruction ii Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction 1863 pardoned those who fought against Union restored their property and political rights excluded high ranking officers and politicians 10 of the states voting population had to pledge allegiance to Union did not require south to give political and social equality to blacks iii Lincoln did not want to help slaves past the point of abolishment b Congress plan i Congress felt Lincoln s plan was weak so they took on the plans of the more radical abolitionists ii Wade Davis Bill 1864 50 of southern voters must pledge allegiance to Union ex confederates can t participate in the drafting of state constitutions or work in government slaves have freedom before the law iii Lincoln refused to sign Wade Davis Bill 4 Lincoln endorsed suffrage of black voters a Showed Congress he was more dedicated b Shot before his plans could follow through 1865 5 North and South argue over the use of African American labor a South angered that they now have to pay blacks b North angered that south does not respect the freedom of slave c African Americans not truly free from slavery No land no education i ii 1st SOLUTION General Sherman Union sets 400 000 acres of land aside for African American soldiers iii 2nd SOLUTION Freedmen s Bureau 1 Created by Congress 2 Distributed food clothing and abandoned land in the form of 40 acre 3 June 1865 War is over and the Freedmen s Bureau has settled 500 000 plots to blacks families 6 Andrew Johnson Same ideas about Reconstruction as Lincoln quick and easy a b hated rich planters aristocrats c NOT REPUBLICAN i Was only made VP because of his appeal to DEMOCRATS ii Defended state s rights but not succession Johnson returned the land of the former confederates that African Americans have now settled undid all work of the Freedmen s Bureau d 7 Johnson s reconstruction never existed in his eyes passed Dec 1865 a Debts of the confederacy not legal or binding because the confederacy technically b States readmitted to Union if they accept the 13th amendment abolish slavery c Southern states must renounce their right to succession d Results i Mississippi refused 13th amendment Alabama refused 13th amendment in part S Carolina claims the confederacy was real 8 Black Codes a Beginning of segregation i IN SOUTH blacks can t own guns can t use insulting gestures or language can t be on a jury can t vote 9 Plantations still existed but there were not enough laborers a South s way of avoiding slavery i S Carolina blacks have to pay the government in order to have a business ii Mississippi blacks must have proof of employment with them at all times black children were bound to apprenticeship b Johnson refused to intervene because of his belief in states rights and white supremacy i ii Congress calls Johnson a traitor Johnson pardoned all high ranking confederate officers 10 Congress after War a Many former confederates elected to Congress seen as untrustworthy traitors b Republicans refuse to give southern confederate soldiers prosthetics did give to to the republican representatives Union soldiers c Black Codes united republicans against Johnson and the confederates in congress d Moderates produce bills for reconstruction i Freedmen s Bureau prolonged ii Civil Rights Act of 1865 nullified black codes by making blacks and whites equal 1 Johnson did not sign Civil Rights Act 2 Congress vetoed Johnson e June 1866 14th Amendment passed equality under the law i Tennessee is the only Southern state to approve ii Johnson tells Southern states NOT to ratify the 14th amendment pushed people towards radical republicanism 11 Johnson Impeachment Trial 1868 a A legal statement that Congress is unhappy with the President similar to Indictment b Johnson suspended Secretary of War Stanton and replaced him with Ulysses S Grant i Grant hates Johnson and resigns so Stanton can return c Congress claimed Johnson committed treason by removing Stanton d Senate is court HoR is prosecution i 35 senators vote to convict 1 short of removing Johnson ii Representatives thought getting rid of Johnson would upset checks and balances 12 Election 1868 a Republicans nominate Grant wins by landslide 13 15th amendment passed 1869 Grants everyone the right to vote except women a b Blacks and immigrants still prevented from voting by poll tax and literacy tests 14 Women want right to vote a Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed American Equal Rights Association 1866 BEFORE 15th amendment passed b Women helped to abolish slavery so they now want help from the abolitionists i Abolitionists deny help ii Fredrick Douglass says it is The Negro Hour c Anthony and Stanton found National Women s Suffrage Association Women can t put trust in men i ii Most women gave up after 15th amendment was passed and they were denied the right to vote but NWSA continues in their efforts d Anthony attempted to vote in 1873 but was jailed e Wyoming granted women right to vote in an attempt to boost population 15 African American response to freedom a Began looking for families who were separated during slavery b Formed their own churches c Tried to gain land i Radical Republicans did not want to confiscate private land unless a white settler wanted Native American lands blacks are wage workers NOT land owners d African Americans returned to work paid on plantations i New system of labor sharecropping Freedmen work on land and exchange labor for homes seed clothing food etc ii Sharecroppers had to borrow from shop owners in the first year of farming iii When cotton was picked the farmers had to pay back the shop owners and the land owners iv Shops charged high interest and inflated prices v Sharecroppers became indebted vi Sharecropping makes the South dependent on cotton bad for soil and didn t make much money vii Southern economy is
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