Study Guide for Exam 2 Chapter 5 Part 1 Physical Development in Middle Childhood Growth in Middle Child Ages 6 to 11 elementary school years Physical growth is characterized by slow and steady o Grow 2 3 inches per year from 6 to 11 o Gain 5 to 7 pounds a year o Bodies more muscular and strong o Girls a little taller than boys and girls retain more fatty tissue Average height for girls is 4 ft 10 inches Average height for guys is 4 ft 9 1 2 inches Cultural Patterns of Growth Inadequate nutrition and diseases take their toll producing children who are shorter and weight less Rate of growth is generally more rapid for black children than for white Nutrition Average of 2400 calories needed for growth and exertion more than daily allowance recommended for adults Obesity body weight that is more than 20 percent above the average for a given age and height Obesity is on the rise for children o Obese children are likely to be overweight as adults and have greater risk for diseases Heart disease diabetes heart attacks strokes o Diet genes and social characteristics influence obesity Social amount of time children spend gaging in activities o Lack of exercise is a major factor o Sedentary activities prevent exercise and encourage excessive snacking television watching or video game playing o Very critical that the parent encourage their children to continue to play in organized sports activities or just have free play as a family bike rides going to park etc Motor Development Motor skills continue to develop and improve Gross motor skills large muscle groups o Boys and girls show equal amounts of gross motor skill performance during this time Both can perform equally well while doing sports o Children can play in co ed teams and have the same level of skills no need to sex segregate them until puberty o By age 11 and 12 children can manipulate objects with almost as much capability as they will show in adulthood o 6 and 7 year olds are able to tie their own shoes and fasten buttons Fine motor skills o By age 8 they can use each hand independently o The amount of myelin in the brain increases between ages 6 8 allowing the speed to raise at which electrical impulses travel between neurons Health This is a period of robust health with mild and brief illnesses Children may also experience the following o Asthma Chronic condition characterized by periodic attacks of wheezing coughing and shortness of breath Caused by a restriction of air flow into the lungs by some allergen or genetic related stress o Accidents automobile accidents fires and burns drowning gun related deaths bike accidents Still leading cause of death automobile accidents is biggest factor o Internet safety parental supervision is key Educate children on how they should interact with others never give out personal information to strangers on the internet Children with Special Needs Bipolar disorder when a persons cycles back and forth between two extreme emotional states unrealistically high spirits and energy and depression Often identified because they present some difficulty with learning and in that difficulty we can asses where it emerges Visual impairment o Has both legal and educational meaning o Blindness below 20 200 after correction o Partial sightedness less than 20 70 after correction Auditory impairment o Hearing impairment can occur at certain frequencies or pitches o If these issues are not resolved it can affect language development abstract thinking Ex trying to explain what feelings are abstract Cant just show picture have to link it with words to explain it o How child adapts depends on when hearing loss begins effects will likely be more severe in a child with little or no exposure to the sound of language producing an inability to understand or produce speech o Speech that deviates so much from the speech of others that it calls attention to itself interferes with communication or produces maladjustment in the speaker o Stuttering substantial disruption in the rhythm and fluency of speech Speech impairment This can have a huge effect on children s self esteem relate ability to others social factors like talking in front of the class etc Learning disabilities o Difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening speaking reading writing reasoning or mathematical abilities o Dyslexia prevents fluency in reading can be diagnosed at this time Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD ADHD is a disorder marked by inattention impulsiveness low tolerance for frustration and general inappropriate activity o All children show these traits sometimes but for children with ADHD behaviors are common and interfere with home and school life Common symptoms o Difficulty finishing tasks following instructions and organizing o Inability to sit still fidgeting squirming o Frequent interruption of others or excessive talking Boys are twice as likely to be diagnosed Cause is unknown but is attributed to brain development issues cortex Treatment psychotropic medications behavior therapy o Adderall Ritalin vyvanse etc o Medication can be beneficial to help the child get back on track academically Piaget s Approach to Cognitive Development Part 2 Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Children enter the stage of concrete operational thought Concrete operational stage the period of cognitive development between 7 and 12 years of age which is characterized by the active and appropriate use of logic o Logic mental operations such as reasoning to solve concrete operational problems o Characterized by the actual and appropriate use of logic using mental operations reasoning to solve concrete actual problems o Children are less egocentric they can see another view point that is o Decentering different from their own perspective account the ability to take multiple aspects of a situation into Ex A child may say if we have 4 oz of water and we pour that into a tall glass a child may say that their may be more water this child is centrating that the glass is taller in this stage the child will decenter and show that even though it is a taller glass within the amount of water nothing has changed o Reversibility transformations can be reversed Ex when a child takes a ball of dough and rolls it out into a snake the child knows that it can be rolled back into what it first was with the same amount of dough That one thing can cause another used as a skill when they are trying to reason out or find logical solution to a problem o
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