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FINAL STUDY GUIDE Chapter 13 Emerging adulthood o Most people define adulthood through 3 criteria 1 accepting responsibility for oneself 2 making independent decisions and 3 becoming financially independent o Since the 1950 s Usually late teens through mid to late twenties it is a proposed transitional period between adolescence and adulthood commonly found in industrialized countries o The United States a variety of markers of what emerging adulthood means Sexual Maturity during adolescence Cognitive maturity takes longer Legal adulthood 18 21 years of age Psychological maturity may depend on some achievements like finding one s identity Influences on health o Genetic influences o Behavioral influences Diet weight gain obesity sleep barriers to healthy lifestyle o Diet Those who eat plenty of fruits vegetables and other plants are less likely to develop health problems like high blood pressure than those who eat a diet heavy in meat The recommendation is a Mediterranean style diet rich in fruits vegetables whole grains o Obesity Overweight Obesity is on the rise if obesity and overweight are together about 68 of Americans would meet this criteria women s rates are staying the same but male rates are increasing DUE TO INCREASE IN SNACKING FAST FOOD BIGGER PORTIONS SEDENTARY PURSIITS o Sleep Deprivation affects not only physical health but also cognitive emotional and social functioning Indirect SES relationships o SES Income and education are related to environmental and lifestyle factors Better educated and more affluent people tend to have healthier diets and better preventive health care and medical treatment may also exercise more o Relationships These are vital to health and well being Social integration active engagement in a broad range of social relationships activities and roles This is associated with lower mortality rates Social Support Peak of illicit drug use most popular drug young adults Infertility 1 cause for men and women o Peaks ar 18 to 25 years of age Marijuana is the most popular drug among o For men production of too few sperm female failure to produce ova or to produce normal ova mucus in cervix disease in uterine lining Postformal o Mature type of thinking that relies on subjective experience and intuition as well as logic and allows room for ambiguity uncertainty inconsistency contradiction imperfection and compromise o Begins in emerging adulthood often through exposure to a higher education o Relativistic operates in a social and emotional context Emotional intelligence o Refers to four related skills abilities to perceive use understand and manage regulate emotions our own and those of others o Affects the quality of personal relationships as well as effectiveness at work College transition o Recently more people are taking this path about 2 3 due to the online courses that are now available o Larger amount of females o More likely if from a higher income family o 72 of degrees earned by white students o Family support is a key factor in adjustment o Finishing college has not become more common Spillover hypothesis o Hypothesis that there Is a carryover of cognitive gains from work to leisure that explains the positive relationship between activities in the quality of intellectual functioning Chapter 14 Recentering o Process that underlies the shift to an adult identity Stage 1 still embedded in the family of origin Stage 2 Remains connected to but no longer embedded within the family of origin may still be financially dependent Stage 3 usually by age 30 marked by independence from family of origin commitment to career partner children Adult relationship with parents o Adult children may still need parental acceptance empathy and support attachment is still key o Usually best relationship if child takes a normative life course as has deferred parenthood until later Quality of parent adult child relationship may be affected by the relationship between the mother and father Child may be caught in the middle Failure to launch o When adult children live with their parents o Has become more common in the US especially in high income families o View that the children are lazy is inaccurate usually due to economic concerns Erikson o Intimacy VS Isolation young adults either form strong long lasting bonds with friends and romantic partners or face a possible sense of isolation and self absorption o Resolution is the virtue of love Timing of events normative social clock o Developmental tasks need to be accomplished for successful adaptation to each stage of life not merely about the attainment of adulthood o Commonly expected life experiences that occur at customary times o Social clock set of cultural norms or expectations for the times of life when certain important events such as marriage parenthood retirement should occur o If events don t occur on time stress can be a result Five factor model of personality o Based on the Big Five neuroticism extraversion openness to experience conscientiousness agreeableness o Appear to be linked to various aspects of health and well being o Debate whether changes with age Friendship fictive kin o Tend to center on work and parenting activities o Don t rely on friends as much to fulfill social needs o Women have more intimate friends o Fictive kin friends who are considered and behave like family members o Triangular theory of love balance between intimacy passion and Love Sternberg commitment Gay and Lesbian relationships o In most ways have same patterns as heterosexual couples o But more likely to negotiate household chores resolve conflicts in a more positive atmosphere less stable Cohabitation o And divorce o Less satisfying and less stable than marriages Usually more common after a divorce but can contribute to instability in a new marriage o Married people tend to be happier than unmarried people unless in Marital satisfaction unhappy marriage o Better off financially Expectations and Marital success o As happy as in the past but now less time doing things together o Women place more importance on emotional expressiveness o Depends on partners happiness with relationship sensitivity to each other validation of each other s feelings communication and conflict management o More happy if look at marriage in terms of rewards like love and trust Parenthood o In industrialized societies have fewer children and have them later in life o Women spend more time on childcare but fathers more involved now than before And

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FSU FAD 3220 - Chapter 13

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