FAD2230 Chapter 12 Psychosocial development of Adolescence Class Notes same time Main conflict of adolescence is to be unique and fit in at the The Search for Identity Erikson Identity a coherent conception of self made up of goals values and beliefs which a person is solidly committed Identity vs role confusion o Erikson s 5th stage of Psychosocial development o 3 major issues occupation values and sexual identity Identity Status Marcia Identity statuses status of ego development at a particular time o Crisis period of conscious decision making related to o Commitment personal investments in an occupation or identity formation system of belief o Achievement commitment to choices following a crisis a period of time spent exploring alternatives crisis leading in commitment o Foreclosure person has not spent time considering alternatives to other s plans for his or her life commitment without crisis Gender Differences in Identity Formation Female sense of self develops through establishing relationships don t do bad things so parents won t be disappointed Males sense of self develops more so through developing a separate identity do bad things to have separate identity than others Sexual Behavior 77 of young people have sex by age 20 Increased hooking up behaviors o Cell phone o Computer o Increased mobility cars exc o Parents working more Child pornography is present in society by minor sending inappropriate pictures to others In high school these pictures Can be spread around schools and even sold to pornography sites Adolescent Relationships Adolescent rebellion myth or not NOT o Only 1 in 5 teenagers fit this pattern Most adolescents feel close to and positive about their parents share similar opinions major issues and value their parent s approval Emotionality tends to be less stable during early adolescence and then level out think parents don t love them b c they restrict them Adolescents and Parents Spend less time w family and more time alone in room Tension between dependency and independence Struggle for individualization autonomy and personal identity Arguments over every day personal matters rather than larger issues of safety and right and wrong Authoritative parenting is ideal Parental monitoring and self disclosure Adolescents and peers As children move into adolescence the peer social system becomes more elaborate and diverse Cliques structured groups of friends who do things together Crowds based on reputation Image or identity o Popular jocks snobs band kids smart kids More risk taking in presence of peers o High intensity and high frequency involving friendships Romantic Relationships Breakups during adolescence are predictors of depression and suicide rejection to fragile self esteem Sexual issues emerge w romantic partners By age 16 adolescents interact w and think about romantic Involve passion and sense of intimacy partners more than parents friends or siblings Chapter 12 is only on class notes no book notes will be on the test
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