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FAD 3220 EXAM 3 1 CHAPTER 8 Development in Middle Adulthood Physical development in middle adulthood Middle Adulthood Physical Changes Defined as between ages of 40 and 65 years old Gradual changes of the body become noticeable aspects of aging Signs of aging can be more difficult for those who tie their self image and self esteem to physical attributes such as strength athleticism or physical attractiveness Women are pressured by society to preserve a youthful look o Double standard between men and women s aging appearance Older women viewed in unflattering terms Older men attractively mature Around age 55 a loss of height may occur as the bones attached to the spinal column become less dense o Women average a loss of 2 inches and men lose 1 inch over the life span o Women more prone to a decline because of osteoporosis Bones become brittle fragile and thing lack of calcium Has a genetic component but can be affected by lifestyle Body fat tends to increase in middle adulthood Strength gradually decreases particularly in back and leg muscles o By 60 10 loss of their maximum strength Regular exercise can help adults counteract increases in body fat and decreases in strength o use it or lose it Changes in Senses Vision o Starting around 40 visual acuity ability to discern fine spatial detail in both close and distant objects begin to decline age related vision loss in near vision o Presbyopia Lens changes and elasticity deteriorates which makes it hard to focus images sharply onto the retina Often reading glasses can correct this For those who are already nearsighted may require bifocals or two sets of glasses FAD 3220 EXAM 3 2 o Depth perception distance perception and ability to see in 3D decline o Glaucoma increases either because the fluid cannot drain properly or because too much fluid is produced a condition in which pressure in the fluid of the eye Extremely high pressure causes all nerve cells to constrict can cause permanent blindness o Early detection medication to reduce pressure corrective surgery to restore eye fluid Hearing o Environmental factors can cause hearing loss o Eardrum becomes less elastic reducing sensitivity to sound o Presbycusis gradual age related hearing loss Normally limited to higher pitch sounds used in speech Proceeds quicker in males than females o Trouble with sound localization identifying the direction and origin of sound Reaction time Reaction time increases longer to react to a stimulus but increase is hardly o Reaction time in responding to loud noise increases 20 from ages noticeable 20 60 o Reaction time shows less of an increase when Tasks requiring coordination of various skill Sexual Reproductive Issues Driving a car Sexual enjoyment and activity continues throughout adult life but frequency often declines o of men and women 45 59 report having sex once a week or more o of men 50 59 and of women report masturbating o of men 50 59 and 1 3 of women received oral sex from a different sex partner in the las year Female climacteric bear children to being unable to do so o Around age 45 and lasts for 15 20 years the period that mars the transition from being able to FAD 3220 EXAM 3 3 o Menopause 45 55 year cessation of menstruation and of ability to bear children Menopause is finished when one does not have a period for 1 Symptoms hot flashes changes in sexual desire depression moodiness tension menopause Expectations can significantly affect experience of Perimenopause period of time prior to menopause when hormone production begins to change Hormone therapy estrogen and progesterone are administered Long term risks outweigh the benefits of HT Taking a combo of estrogen increased risk of stroke and pulmonary embolism and progesterone higher risk of breast cancer and heart disease the period of physical and psychological change relating Male climacteric to the male reproductive system in late middle age o Declines in testosterone levels lower sperm count and enlarged prostate erectile dysfunction Most middle aged adults report that they are healthy and suffer fewer common diseases allergies respiratory diseases infections than younger adults Fear health safety and money as age Common health problems o Hypertension silent killer high blood pressure accompanied by no Physical Health symptoms Increase risk of stroke and heart disease o Cancer very afraid of having cancer o Diabetes o Arthritis Stress Continues to have significant impact on health 3 main consequences o Direct physiological effects FAD 3220 EXAM 3 4 Increase hormonal activity increase BP hormone activity decrease immune functioning o Harmful behaviors Increase in smoking drinking and other drugs Decrease sleep and healthy eating habits o Indirect health related behaviors Refusal to seek or receive treatment or comply with medical Diseases advice Genetic and environmental components for heart disease o Men are more likely to suffer from heart disease o Risk rises with age o Cigarette smoking a diet high fats cholesterol lack of physical exercise all increase risk o Stress perceived and experienced is a risk factor o Psychological factors like personality type Type A vs Type B Genetic and environmental components for cancer o 40 diagnosed with cancer are still alive 5 years later o Cancer is 2nd leading cause of death in U S o Cancer cells begin to rapidly multiply and form tumors Cells draw nutrients from healthy cells and body tissue and destroy the body s ability to function Breast cancer most common death among women Prostate cancer most common cancer in men o Poor nutrition smoking alcohol use exposure to sunlight exposure to radiation and particular occupational hazards are all risk factors o Treatments Radiation therapy Chemotherapy Surgery o Mammograms for breast cancer should start at age 40 Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood Cognitive Development Used to believe that cognitive development and intelligence declined during middle age FAD 3220 EXAM 3 5 Types of Intelligence Cross sectional studies showed that older people scored lower than younger people on intelligence tests o Drawbacks of cross sectional studies Cohort effects do not control for cohort effects may well underestimate intelligence in older subjects Longitudinal studies show that cognitive functioning stays the same or can even increase through young and middle adulthood studied over a period of time o Drawbacks of longitudinal studies Subjects may repeatedly perform better with repeated exposure of

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FSU FAD 3220 - CHAPTER #8: Development in Middle Adulthood

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