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1 Civilian defense communities to prepare for invasions 2 Recycle old newspapers to make new paper 3 Recycle scraps of metal 4 People serve on local rationing committees or draft board 5 Victory gardens or vegetables in yards 6 Office of Wartime Information a Grew 40 of nations vegetables a Promoted patriotism and tells people what the government b Heard on radio or in movies celebrities get involved a Food clothing materials all rationed b Rationing books based off how many people are in your family c people buy things off black market d people get wealthier because there is nothing to spend money 7 Rationing because of a shortage of consumer goods wants them to know about the war on 8 people move during war to areas of high powered jobs factories a 15 million people move from rural to urban areas to get jobs in b 7 5 million move to different states c cities grow throughout country d Great Migration racial conflicts in cities lead to riots between blacks and threatened whites 9 Urban areas become havens for gay men and women hidden a Gay people establish their own communities keep sexualities b Religious morality kept homosexuality from being normal c Gay neighborhoods because of migrants and more open wartime 10 African Americans on hunt for equality a Double V campaign victory over Nazis in war and over racism atmosphere at home b Blacks interested in better jobs c Demand rises for government to require companies to hire d A Phillip Randolph black union leader blacks i Wants defense contractors to get more jobs for blacks ii FDR issues Exec Order 8802 to prohibit discrimination in employment of defense contractors and government jobs iii Randolph in turn cancels march on Washington e NAACP grows 3 times over f Congress of Racial Equality 11 12 13 i Nationwide known for sit ins and non violent protests Japanese in America to internment camps a People especially on West Coast fear that Jap Am are spies b Reemerging racism to Asians c Newspapers print stories and ads against Japanese people d Jap Am had no political power e Exec Order 9066 war department authorization to force Jap Am f All this despite the fact that there has been no disloyalty g SCOTUS never ruled internment camps as unconstitutional h 1988 Congress issues apology and 20 000 to each of the because it was a military requirement 80 000 surviving Jap Am 1944 election a FDR dying but still running b Harry S Truman backup to FDR as VP c Rep nominate Dewey in NY i Supports New Deal Liberalism ii Favors internationalism FDR s New Deal Coalition a Organized labor Midwestern farmers white ethnic groups N African Americans middle class families intellectual liberals people on welfare progressive reps white southern democrats urban voters protestants rural voters 15 14 Winter 1945 FDR returning from meeting in Yalta Ukraine Yalta meeting a April 12 1945 suffers brain hemorrhage and dies b Truman made president sets off A bombs c Ends with fragile alliance with Russia leading to Cold War a Independence movements creates problems between US and UK b Stalin wants buffer zone from capitalism in Central Europe c FDR wants self determination d Germany divided into 4 administration zones controlled by e Created United Nations allied powers Berlin split in two

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