1 American Middle Class families a Smaller at the end of the Gilded Age b Lower birth rate c 3 6 children per family as opposed at 7 d families can t afford as many children and don t need the extra work on families i result of the move to industrial society e family limitation is key f people marry at a later age g have kids farther apart instead of back to back h more contraceptives and methods of preventing fertility i this sex talk was not public 2 Anthony Comstock and the NY Society for Suppression of Vice a Comstock Act banned obscene material being sent through b Against any material about sex or pregnancy c Limited success in preventing use of contraceptives because the mail information spread through word of mouth 3 Education at the end of the 19th century a High schools open to prepare men for the work force b People no longer have the idea that women s education will c 1900 71 of Americans ages 5 18 go to schools i Also helped women move into higher end jobs corrupt women this number rises due to compulsory education d 21 of Americans go to college in 19th century e Business schools trade schools open up i i more public universities open up at turn of the century i People go day and night ii Taught bookkeeping typing etc 4 Booker T Washington a Former slave b Wanted to teach self help c Wrote Up From Slavery d Opened Tuskegee Institute e wanted blacks to have patronage with white people i Taught industrial learning ii Wanted students to know how to make a living iii Male student went for farming etc iv Female students went for nursing teaching i ii wanted blacks to assimilate to whites iii idea doesn t work iv Washington comes under fire for accommodating to whites if blacks could make money they would be respected by white 5 Women in Education a Attended single sex institutions in New England and South b Private colleges equal to men s colleges for rich women c Vassar College they wouldn t feel weak from the education i Women has to exercise eat well nap had curfews all so that ii Fears of women s education fade away in the 20th century d Co education becomes the norm in the mid west and moves forward from there 1910 e Women need to support themselves i Used self help books 1 How To Make Money Although A Woman 6 Men and Athleticism a Gender expectations change b More men working for someone else c Brain work muscle work d Growing fear that American man was becoming weak e Athletics become a form of manliness f Native Americans invented lacrosse g Most popular team is cricket h YMCA promotes athletics i Young Men s Christian Association ii Combined vigorous activities with evangelical themes iii Built gyms and athletic facilities iv Promotes muscular Christianity v Fostered a loyal and healthy work force vi Became site of athletic innovation 7 New Sports a Invention of basketball and volleyball during winter b Golf swimming tennis c Women take up activities i Lighter clothing ii Golf archery iii new woman with athleticism and spirit d Boxing weightlifting martial arts e Teddy Roosevelt advocates jiu jitsu i Created Judo room in White House ii Wrestled and boxed iii Advocated strenuous life for American men iv Helped get over his sickliness as a child 8 Baseball most popular sport in America f Bicycle craze 1890 a Formal rules develop in 1840s and 1850s b played during Civil War c National League 1876 cards and caps d Over 12 teams in large cities in NE and Mid West e Growth of sport means big stadiums and collections of baseball f 1901 American League g 1903 World Series h Early Years of Baseball 1870 s i Office workers play baseball ii Distraction from unions and saloons iii Promotes discipline and teamwork i Companies form their own teams and begin paying players j Sets pattern for how American sports develop k Negotiation of race i Early baseball was class and racially separated sport ii 1880s and 1890s a few black players iii 1901 blacks don t play iv Orioles hire light skin black and call him Cherokee Indian v African American players were discouraged and threatened vi Segregated professional league Charlie Grant aka Charlie Takohama 1 Negro League 2 Atlanta Black Crackers etc 3 Erratic pay and rundown fields 4 Popular leagues and players 5 Larry Dobey desegregated American League 9 Outdoor Recreation a Afternoon trips to park b Richer families go camping for adventure c 1910 s camp grounds open 10 i cater to working class ii leisure and relaxation away from industrial life State Parks created by government d people no longer fear the outdoors and forests a Preservation and recreation opportunities b Teddy Roosevelt creates park service to run parks c 1916 Woodrow Wilson creates national service d 17 parks by 1917 59 currently e Lacy Act 1906 monuments i Allows president to set aside objects etc as national ii Roosevelt sets aside 8000 acres 1908 iii Monuments receive less attention than national parks iv Business want to call parks monuments so they can exploit the land f John Muir i Yosemite Valley 1869 ii Famous for environmentalism iii Sierra Club famous environmental group 1 Conserve mountains in U S 2 Protect mountains from businesses 11 Animal Protection a Alaskan fur seals and sea lions protected by Congress b Societies try to gain protection for wild birds i Women especially lobby for birds ii Try to persuade women away from hats with bird plumes iii Pelican Island FL protects c Roosevelt creates 51 executive orders to protect wildlife and land d Hunting and fishing regulated and defined as recreational activity e People feared Native Americans would get ahold of weapons i New game laws to prevent Indians from hunting f Poor class citizens still rely on gaming for food but are now faced with challenges because of regulation g Game laws help preserve endangered animals i Passenger pigeons extinct 1914 Populists i More political than grange ii KFA brushed aside join with Knights of Labor to create a Kansas Farmers Alliance populists b 1890 election populists nominate Weaver 12 13 National Economic Depression 1893 i win 1 million 12 million votes 8 5 c populists are growing movement d split from mainstream parties e goals stronger nation stronger state protect the ordinary people from societies elites public ownership of RR and telegraphs protection of land and resources from monopolies and foreign ownership federal income tax on highest incomes looser monetary policy to help borrowers f Women attempted suffrage and anti liquor laws but populists are not
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