1 Truman a Never wanted to be a cold war warrior only wanted another b 1945 Truman calls for expansion of New Deal with the Second c Fair Deal right to gain job housing medical care education New Deal Bill of Rights and protection from economic fear in old age 2 New Deal liberalism becomes Cold War liberalism 3 Truman s popularity E Europe containment policies and fighting subversives at home a Preserving core of New Deal welfare state but including b Moderate and practical policy meant to bring people together c Not popular on either far left or far right politics a Not very popular Republicans blame him for soviet takeover of b Truman blames himself c 1948 Truman is Dem nominee because there is no one else i ii S Dem become Dixie crats and nominate Strom Thurmund iii Rep nominate Tomas E Dewey iv Truman launches speaking tour and combines issues at home v Truman wins election by 4 vi Foreshadowed political turmoil with attacks on communists abroad give em hell Harry left wing Dem reform progressive party 4 1949 Fair Deal expansion of New Deal a national health insurance aid to education housing program social security expansion higher minimum wage new agriculture program b not very successful not much support from Republicans c meant to help African Americans d Paranoia during Cold War i Extreme fear of subversives ii People too concerned with communism so people paid no attention to Fair Deal 5 Fighting subversives at home government Project Verona after fall of USSR a Subversives underground communists secretly controlling b Unknown if subversives really exist until evidence found for c Leaks and interceptions in government d Alger Hiss aid to FDR at Yalta shows how high up e Informants for the most part stopped by or during WWII not subversives go widespread 6 Alger Hiss informant 7 1950s large scale Red Scare a 1948 accused by Whiticar Chambers former communist as an b Hiss is tried for perjury by Richard Nixon a suspicions of American communists and fear of communism b people made careers denouncing communism c Ex Order 9835 under Truman Loyalty Security Program looking for subversives treason i Allows officials to investigate any government employee ii Broad order that allows anyone to be accused of anything iii Thousands of government employees released because they are unfit for government office 8 House on American Activities Committee a Launched 1938 by Congressional conservatives b Started Red Scare c Hollywood 10 group of directors etc jailed for maybe being d Other actors etc blacklisted for being associated with e Screen Actors Guild led by Ronal Reagan said communists in communists communism Hollywood wouldn t get jobs 9 Joseph McCarthy Rep senator a Feb 1950 speech in W Virginia b Announces list of 200 suspected communists who are known but still working in state department c Creates hysteria d Never gives any proof e Wages smear campaign against anyone who goes against him f Truman sees McCarthy as slanderer g Rep didn t challenge him h 1954 people want proof these people are declared communists i McCarthy launches investigation for subversives in army ii Army officers call out McCarthy on TV do you have no shame i McCarthy looses support j 1956 not reelected 1957 dies k McCarthyism Red Scare 10 1952 election a Cold War is tense hot war in Korea b Rep Dwight D Eisenhower wins election with Nixon as VP i Moderate New Deal welfare state ii Sees politics as either communist or American with no in between 11 Rep divided 12 13 Eisenhower as closet New Dealer housing similar to Fair Deal Eisenhower s foreign policy a Isolationists v anti communists v moderates b Eisenhower is neither too conservative or too liberal c Keeps republicans calm a Highway construction social security minimum wage increase b Creation of Department of Health Education and Welfare a Supports containment b March 1953 Stalin dies 3 year struggle of who will control communist party Nikita Khrushchev becomes secretary of communist party existance i More flexible with communist spreading i New Look defense policy that steps up production of c Khrushchev denounces Stalin and called for peaceful co d Eisenhower wants to shrink cost of containment Hydrogen bomb and long range bombing 1 Intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines 2 Development matches by soviets Arms Race 14 Conservatives begin fighting liberal republicans a Dems still have voice in congress b Adeli Stevenson defeated by Eisenhower in both elections c Dems and Reps agree on Cold War and modern industrial very liberal economy and welfare state people start to think ideology in politics is disappearing John Foster Dawes 15 a Used CIA for covert operations b Involved in Iran for oil i National Premier in Iran seizes British oil properties ii CIA helps British and establishes new king of Iran interest in Guatemalan goods c Directly intervenes in other countries affairs d Guatemala CIA puts new person in charge because of US e Eisenhower approves all operations to Britain a Vietnam lead resistance against Japan and seized North from 16 Vietnam colony of France split with North to China and South care that he is communist China led by Ho Chi Minh i US doesn t care that Ho Chi Minh is trying to bring peace only b France takes back south and fights 10 year battle with Vietnam i Supported by US and Britain ii Eisenhower says that if France fails all countries in this region will also become communist Domino Theory c 1954 US still supporting France i France gives up at Diem Bien Phu ii Geneva Accords partition Vietnam at 17th parallel and calls for elections to unify Vietnam 1 US rejects Geneva Accords 17 d CIA puts a pro America government in charge of Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem anti communist i America involved in Vietnam as early as 1955 Eisenhower Doctrine American forces will assist any nation in Middle East that required aid against armed aggression from communist nations a Proof of containments global reach and access to oil a JFK Harvard grad WWII hero Senator of Mass rich family focus 18 Nixon and Kennedy 1960 c JFK narrowly wins election more on his charm that politics youngest person to run for presidency disadvantaged because he is Catholic democrat b JFK and Nixon debates during election i Televised debates ii JFK looks better than Nixon on TV i VP LBJ ii Robert F Kennedy brother Attn Gen Kennedy has little experience in foreign policy liberation similar to Truman Doctrine i b 1959 Fidel Castro starts revolution and
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