1 Charles Darwin and Evolution a Idea that god didn t create people was unpopular due to strong b Survival of the fittest religious beliefs i in nature all creates struggle to survive ii the ones that survive are the strongest progress i Believed natural selection is blind and random c Darwin did not like the term evolution because it implied upward 2 Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner a Spencer i Used Darwin s theory to develop social Darwinism ii Idea that some human beings are more fit to procreate than others b Sumner c Spencer and Sumner think rich people are most fit to procreate i Said you can t deny competition among human beings i Controversial idea ii Social Darwinism is an excuse for problems with iii American intellectuals reject the idea industrialization a Eugenics science of human breeding that proposed sterilizing people that are unfit to reproduce i Applied to mentally ill and non whites 3 Reproductive laws 4 Plessey v Ferguson 1896 a Separate but equal b Homer Plessey N Orleans resident riding on train told to move to color car because he is 1 8 black i Refused and arrested wherein blacks and whites are separated c Civil rights activists fight against these southern Jim Crowe laws d Reality is that separate but equal did not really mean equal a New scientific ideas industrialization and consumerism b draw people away from going to church c immigrants must decide whether or not to adapt to non religious 5 Decline if religion immigrant life 6 immigrant Catholics a anxious to preserve old Roman traditions in a protestant nation b Irish Italians Spanish French Polish c Want religious life to reflect ethnic diversity d Culture and languages in church and parochial schools e Demand their own bishops catholic church threatened by this f Immigrant priests appointed as auxiliaries g Catholic population is large in America a Prospered in America originally b After 1880 Jews are refugees from Eastern Europe and are not because there would be no centralized control 7 Jews prosperous c American Jews accept reformed Judaism not Kosher d Eastern Jews i Orthodox keep tradition ii Orthodox synagogues open iii Proves difficult to keep their old world traditions 8 Protestants 9 Fundamentalism church a Dominant American religion b Felt they were challenged by immigrants c Wanted to reconcile with new scientific beliefs d Fear that president would be controlled by growing catholic e Enlist in foreign missions to convert heathens f Social gospel revitalize religious faith through welfare a Some protestants disturbed by secular protestants and b Niagara Creed reaffirmed truths of bible through conference c embraced certainty of damnation d bible is at center of religion e revival meetings for redemption saved people through abandonment of beliefs baptism Evangelists i Famous revival speaker who said everyone can have eternal a Dwight L Moody life if they ask for it if they become protestant 10 b Billy Sunday took political stances at revival meetings based in Protestantism i Alcohol is devil ii Unrestricted immigrants and radical labor movements are the iii Opposed child labor iv Advocated voting rights for women they are the moral compass for humans devil 11 Women a Join clubs reform involvement patriotic work b 1880s women s clubs spring up c 1890s General Federation of Women s Clubs opens as an d most are reform clubs e maternalism appeal to what is seen as women s special talent umbrella club i pollution unsafe working conditions urban poverty as mothers and moral guides i argument for gender equality f most are white middle class women 12 Women s Christian Temperance Union a Tackle problem of saloons and want prohibition b Francis Willard leader who said be a woman first c Described plight of abused wives and children as a result of d People are poor because of alcohol e First organization to bring attention to abuse f Middle class city dwellers rural citizens and religious groups alcoholic husbands condemn alcohol local office prohibition fails It is women s duty to vote g Catholics advocate drinking Irish and German i Felt prohibition was an attack on their culture h Francis Willard also advocates women s suffrage i i WCTU get s behind prohibition party j Women work for this party as stump speakers and candidates for k Confront huge liquor companies l Prohibition does not gain a lot of support m Willard quits and goes to England when her attempt at n Constitutional amendment for prohibition passes after she quits o Willard says women now have a knowledge of their own power a 2 victories in the west i women s vote in Colorado and Idaho b women s vote suffers defeat until 1911 c 1913 most women west of Mississippi can vote a Water Public Health Movement i Cities are crowded with poor sanitation and disease ii Cholera transmitted through water iii People just now understanding concept of germs and bacteria 13 National Association of Women s Suffrage 14 iv No cure for disease but preventative measures implemented v 1866 fixed water supply to prevent cholera vi push in industrial cities for clean water drinking and vii Memphis implements modern sewage systems to prevent sewage separated yellow fever cholera typhoid fever and infant water born diseases viii Cities follow Memphis lead ix 1913 average city spending 1 28 per person on health measurements b Public Health Movement is a MAJOR successful reform c Cities also have pollution which cause health problems i ii Waste management hand washing etc encouraged by Infant mortality rate rises reformers d Food and Drug regulation i There is no regulation ii Upton Sinclair publishes The Jungle about meatpacking iii 1904 Muckrakers uncover fraudulent medicines iv Congress passes Pure Foods and Drugs Act in 1906 only the industry best for food and drug regulation 15 Nationwide campaign against prostitution a Prostitution rate high b White slavery i More open to sex than wives i Young white women are abducted and forced into sex slavery ii Not proof of this iii Reality is that women enter prostitution because of low wage desperation spousal abandonment pregnancy out of wedlock or spousal abuse i Did not want to work in a regular pink collar job c Female reformers try to rescue and re train prostitutes d Men arrested if caught with prostitute e Difficulty making brothels illegal because women can t vote and men won t vote betterment 16 Hull House Social settlement a Founded by Jane Adams in 1889 b Community center for women and
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