FAD3220 Exam 1 Review Guide 9 30 15 Study guide includes lecture book and video notes Chapter 1 Introduction Human development Human development is the study of patterns of change and stability in Human development has the following characteristics human growth throughout life o Systematic organized o Adaptive to external and internal conditions o Life span development life long process Domains of development Physical development Cognitive development Personality development Social development The lifespan periods are social constructions Periods of life span o Childhood o Adolescence o Adulthood when are you an adult Smoke cigs Buy lq Fight in war Vote Get married Get own health insurance What will we study Infancy and toddlerhood birth 3 Prenatal period conception to birth Early childhood 3 6 Middle childhood 6 11 Adolescence 11 20 Emerging young adulthood 20 40 Middle childhood 40 65 Late adulthood 65 and older Influences on development Heredity Environment Maturation o DNA chromosomes genes o Parents siblings schools neighborhoods communities 1 FAD3220 Exam 1 Review Guide 9 30 15 o Changes over time Contexts of development Contexts environment philosophies institutions Family SES Gender roles Culture o Ethnicity o Language o Religion o Geographic location Influences on development Normative Non normative influences o Normative age graded influences o Normative history graded influences o Affects the individual like a unique circumstance o Disease disability trauma Nature Vs Nurture environment nurture How much of a person s behavior is due to genetics nature or due to o Nature one s abilities and characteristics are inherited and pre o Nurture one s social and environmental influences shape determined behaviors We should consider that these 2 issues are on a continuum with each issue on one end of the continuum Particular behaviors may fall somewhere between each end Major theoretical perspectives of development Freud s psychoanalytical theory Psychoanalytical Learning Cognitive Contextual Evolutionary sociobiological Sigmund Freud Unconscious forces that motivate human behavior o Sex life o Aggression death o Id pleasure principle Parts of personality all about yourself and getting what you want It is important to meet these needs as an infant but not after that It is the selfish principle Wants instant gratification 2 FAD3220 Exam 1 Review Guide 9 30 15 o Ego reality principle This is the certain things we should do Ex washing our hands after going to the bathroom raising your hand to ask a question not stealing Toddles start learning all these types of things Does what is expected of you o Superego morality principle The principle that understands that life happens it is the balance between the id and the superego Balances what you want with what is expected of you in society Psychosexual stages Psychoanalytical Psychosocial o Oral birth 12 18 mo o Anal 12 18mo 3yrs o Phallic 3 6yrs o Latency 6yrs puberty o Genital puberty adulthood According to Freud if children are not able to gratify themselves during these stages or if they receive too much gratification they may become fixated Erikson s Psychosocial Theory Influence of society and culture on developing personality Erik Erikson Covers 8 stages across lifespan Balancing positive tendencies with negative ones crisis that needs to be resolved Erikson s psychosocial stages Stages of psychosocial development Infant 18mo o Trust vs Mistrust infancy o Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt early childhood o Initiative vs Guilt preschool o Industry vs Inferiority schoolage o Identity vs Role confusion adolescence o Intimacy vs Isolation young adulthood o Generativity vs Stagnation middle adulthood o Ego identity vs Despair maturity 18mo 3yrs 3 5yrs 5 13yrs 13 21yrs 21 39yrs 40 65ys 3 FAD3220 Exam 1 Review Guide 9 30 15 65 and older Learning Behaviorism Classical conditioning o Ivan Pavlov Stimulus and response With dogs Operant conditioning o B F Skinner Reinforcement and punishment Behavioral modification With pigeons Social Learning theory Albert Bandura Reciprocal determinism we learn by our environment and our environment influences us which in turn influences us and how we react to our environment Emphasizes learning what is culturally valued through observing the behavior of another person and other responses to that person called a model rewarded Primary view is that we will imitate behaviors of others that we see are Do NOT have to have trial and error to learn Piaget s theory of cognitive development Jean Piaget Children develop as an effort to understand and act on their world Organization creating categories Adaptation o Assimilation adjusting the information to fit existing cognitive structures o Accommodation adjusting ones cognitive structures when new information is encountered o Equilibrium to develop solutions to our problems through learning and condensing information to what we already know but when we can t to develop new ways to remember that information It is about finding a balance assimilation vs accommodation o Vygotsky s sociocultural theory Lev Vygotsky Children learn through social interaction Zone of proximal distance development o Helps support kids through what is just beyond their reach and what they are not quite ready to accomplish by themselves gap between what kids can do 4 o Microsystem work o Mesosystem o Exosystem FAD3220 Exam 1 Review Guide 9 30 15 Scaffolding o Providing information for individuals to help them be able to do those things in the future Bioecological Approach Urie Bronfenbrenner bioecological theory Development is only understood in social contexts Directly involved in developing individual home school Links between parts of microsystem Links between microsystem and outside systems media Ex your parents workplace how things that go on their government may affect you like if a parent gets laid off work o Macrosystem Largest system It is the overarching cultural patterns ideologies or philosophies during your lifetime Democracy or a capitalist economy would be a How we view and what we value our society would macrosystem be macrosystemic cultural patterns o Chronosystem Dimension of time The idea that time changes all of these things When you re young your microsystem may be completely different compared to when you re in college Evolutionary Sociobiological E O Wilson Based on Darwin adaptive behaviors of a species will lead to survival of the fittest People unconsciously strive
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