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FAD3220 Individual and Family Life Span Development Chapter 1 The study of human development theory and research Human Development Systematic organized predictable Baby develops head before arms and legs Adaptive babies learn to adapt to internal and eternal conditions They must learn to adapt to things such a sicknesses or things like a hurricane or classes Life span development life long process They continue to develop this from birth to death Domains of Development other Three different domains of development that all interact influence each Physical development physical structures of the body Cognitive development growth of the brain evidence is through learning Psychosocial development personality and social relationships Periods of the life span The life span periods are social constructions there are no distinct periods but we categorize different stages so we can understand them better Adulthood when are you and adult usually is at the age of 18 but for different things the age that you must be to do these things varies Such as you only have to be 18 to vote but can t buy alcohol until the age of 21 Social construction we create the ideas in society of what it means to be a child and adolescence or an adult Many years ago when people didn t live as long the ideas of an adolescence didn t exist You were either a child or an adult What We Will Study There are different stages of development in which the ages that you are considered in each stage varies based on one s maturity Influences on Development Heredity we cant control or predict this Environment we have more control over this Environmental factors are things such as parents siblings schools neighborhoods communities extracurricular activities teachers etc Maturation we cannot stop these changes usually we are preprogramed to mature Height and puberty are two forms of maturing that we have no control over Contexts of Development Contexts environments philosophies attitudes about our society or parenting methods and institutions school Socioeconomic status SES how much money you have your status in where you live upper class versus lower class Geographic location how people experience the world influences how they develop Influences on Development Normative normative age graded influences example is at age two children start talking and at age six children can read write normative history graded influences not being alive for 9 11 or experiencing any wars Nonnormative influences things that are not normal not everyone experiences sickness or your parents going through a divorce Chapter 2 Theoretical perspectives on human development Major Perspectives Psychosexual 1 Psychoanalytic psychosexual and psychosocial o Developed by Sigmund Freud He was considered the father of psychology he was the first person to develop a theory of how the mind developed and changed over time he often said that things we experience as young children effected how we live as adults Saying that things effect us long into our adulthood o Freud would say that our sex drives relate to our drive to procreate and produce life o Id the pleasure principle all about yourself and getting what you want It is important to meet these needs as an infant but not after that It is the selfish principle Wants instant gratification Superego the morality principle This is the certain things we should do Ex washing our hands after going to the bathroom raising your hand to ask a question not stealing Toddles start learning all these types of things Does what is expected of you Ego the reality principle The principle that understands that life happens it is the balance between the id and the superego Balances what you want with what is expected of you in society o Freud says that development started at birth and continues into adulthood In each of the 5 stages there was a key that had to be mastered o Developed by Erik Erikson o Says that society helps influence a person s personality It is important for an individual to interact with society o There needs to be a balance between a positive and a negative 1 oral 2 anal 3 phallic 4 latency 5 genital Psychosocial tendency in each of the 8 stages 1 infancy 2 early childhood 3 preschool 4 school age 5 adolescence 6 young adulthood 7 middle adulthood 8 maturity 2 Learning o Long lasting change in behavior based on experience or adaptation to the environment o Learning is continuous once you learn something you can t really unlearn it You learn in stages ex crawling before walking but it is still a continuous development o Learning is also quantitative it is a very fluid process o You learn stuff based on experience or adaptation to the environment o Behaviorism the idea that we evidence our learning through our behaviors 1 Classical Conditioning developed by Ivan Pavlov stimulus and response with dogs wanted to show that he could evidence learning in dogs He would put food in front of dogs and they would salivate so he wondered if he could use some other stimulus ringing a bell before showing the dogs the food and see if that would make the dogs salivate The dogs learned the connection between the food and the bell so they started to salivate at the sound of the bell knowing that bell noise was an indication that food was coming 2 Operant Conditioning Developed by B F Skinner Reinforcement and punishment with pigeons wondered if pigeons would continue pecking the wood even if they knew that no more food was coming or not By rewarding 3 Cognitive them only some of the time not all the time it would make them continue to strive to get the reward By giving the reward all the time they would get lazy and not peck at it because either way they get the reward and by not giving the reward the pigeons would make them disinterested so they wouldn t peck at it at all o Social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura had the idea of reciprocal determinism we learn by our environment and our environment influences us which in turn influences us and how we react to our environment Ex how parents treat their kids differently Basically is how we react to and change to our environment based on how the environment reacts to us we often learn and imitate what is valued in our culture We value young men to be athletes and successful and value women to be beautiful and nurturing so we would reinforce this in young boys and girls we learn what the socially acceptable behaviors are we would get praise or attention for what society

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FSU FAD 3220 - Individual and Family Life Span Development

Documents in this Course
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

24 pages

Exam 4

Exam 4

39 pages

Exam 4

Exam 4

7 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

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Exam 2

Exam 2

22 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

11 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

26 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

9 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

17 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

32 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

10 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

22 pages

Test #2

Test #2

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Test #2

Test #2

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Test #2

Test #2

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

25 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

22 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

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