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AMH 2020 Test 2 Study Guide Topic 6 Chapter 21 Chapter 21 1 bank holiday special session March 9 1933 2 Emergency Banking Act Roosevelt declared to temporarily halt all bank operations and called Congress into a provided funds to shore up threatened institutions measures that followed this included the Glass Steagall Act which barred commercial banks from becoming involved in the buying and selling of stocks and created the FDIC Period of the first three months of Roosevelts administration that held a flurry of 3 Hundred Days legislation 4 National Recovery Administration Established by the National Industrial Recovery Act passed during the Hundred Days Worked with groups of business leaders to establish industry codes that set standards for output prices and working conditions Headed by Hugh S Johnson Soon became corrupt as it was controlled by big business leaders they drove up prices and laid off workers and limited production and divide markets among themselves Produced neither economic recovery nor peace between employers and workers 5 Civilian Conservation Corp set young men to work on projects life forest preservation flood control and the improvement of national parks and wildlife preserves received government wages of 30 month 6 Public Works Administration 3 3 bil built roads schools hospitals and other public facilities 7 Dust Bowl Areas of Oklahoma Texas Kansas and Colorado that were affected by a period on unusually dry weather century s most severe drought Winds blew much of the soil away 8 Federal Housing Administration Insured millions of long term mortgages issued by private banks 9 Congress of Industrial Organizations John L Lewis led a walkout when the AFL convention refused the creation of unions of industrial workers It aimed to secure economic freedom and industrial democracy a fair share in the wealth produced by their labor and voice in determining the conditions under which they worked Helped to stabilize a chaotic employment situation and offered members a sense of dignity and freedom 10 Sit down strike Had been pioneered by the IWW 30 yrs earlier Instead of walking out and allowing employers to bring in strikebreakers the workers halted production but remained inside 11 Share Our Wealth movement Launched by Huey Long Slogan Every Man a King Called for the confiscation of most of the wealth of the richest Americans in order to finance an immediate grant of 5000 and a guaranteed job and annual income for all citizens 12 Works Progress Administration Hired some 3 million Americans each year until it ended in 1943 Constructed thousands of public buildings and bridges more than 500 000 miles of roads and 600 airports Built stadiums swimming pools and sewage treatment plants Most famous projects were in the arts Set hundreds of artists to work decoration public buildings with murals hired writers to produce local histories and guidebooks and record recollections of ordinary Americans including hundreds of former slaves 13 Social Security Act Embodied FDR s conviction that the national government had a responsibility to ensure the material well being of ordinary Americans Created a system of unemployment insurance old age pensions and aid to the disabled elderly poor and families with dependent children 14 Welfare state Term that originated in Britain during WWII to refer to a system of income assistance health coverage and social services for all citizens American version more decentralized involved lower levels of public spending and covered fewer citizens 15 Court packing plan FDR proposed that the president be allowed to appoint new justices for each one who remained on the Court past aged 70 on the pretext that several members were too old to perform their functions Faced with the threat the Court suddenly revealed a new willingness to support economic regulation 16 Minimum wage Set by the Fair Labor Standards Act finally passed in 1938 40 cents hourly 17 Indian New Deal Commissioner of Indian Affairs John Collier Ended the policy of forced assimilation and allowed Indians unprecedented cultural autonomy Replaced boarding schools with schools on reservations and dramatically increased spending on Indian health Passage of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 ended the policy of allotment which divided up Indian lands into small plots for individual families and selling off the rest Federal government recognized Indians right to govern their own affairs 18 Popular Front 19 Scottsboro boys A period of time during the mid 1930s when the Communist Party sought to ally itself with socialists and New Dealers in movements for social change urging reform of the capitalist system rather than revolution Nine young black men arrested for the rape of two white women in Alabama in 1931 The case had very weak evidence and one of the victims recanted however three times they were put on trial and convicted 20 House Un American Activities Committee established by the House of Representatives to investigate disloyalty expansive definition of un American included communists labor radicals and the left Democratic Party 21 Smith Act government Passed in 1940 Made it a federal crime to teach advocate or encourage the overthrow of the 1 What were the major policy initiatives of the New Deal in the Hundred Days NRA National Recovery Administration Federal Emergency Relief Foundation make grants to local agencies that aided those impoverished by the Depression FDR preferred to create temporary jobs to combat unemployment while improving the nation s infrastructure CCC Civilian Conservation Corps PWA Public Works Administration AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act authorized the federal government to try to raise CWA Civil Works Admin employed more than 4 million in construction of highways tunnels courthouses and airports farm prices by setting production quotas for major crops and paying farmers to plant less 2 Who were the main proponents of economic justice in the 1930s and what measures did they advocate FDR New Deal Louis Brandeis advised Woodrow Wilson during the 1912 campaign and now offered political advice to FDR he believed that large corporations wielded excessive power and had contributed to the Depression by keeping prices artificially high and failing to increase workers purchasing power Huey Long and Francis Townsend idea that the lack of consumer demand caused the Depression advocated for redistribution of wealth to increase purchasing power of common Americans 3

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