1 1945 US and Soviet Union war begins a US and Soviets aligned in 1943 with issues of Germany i Taren Conference Big Three meet and work together to deal ii Stalin is different from Democratic US and UK iii Yalta Conference 1945 divisions grow between Churchill Roosevelt and Stalin 1 FDR and Stalin make promises to each other that they don t keep 2 Yalta Conference Promises a Stalin promises wants a buffer zone against Germans and free Eastern Europe i WWII ends and Red army will leave Poland Poland would be ii Bulgaria and Romania would also be free from Red Army iii Soviet military assistance in Far East Japan 1 Kept this promise because FDR promised Stalin merchandise etc 3 Pot span Germany Conference communism containment promises b FDR wants these promises because he wants to stop spread of c Roosevelt dying so Stalin had no intention of keeping his d FDR dies and Truman becomes president in 1945 a Truman decides he does not trust Stalin and the Yalta b Truman wants Red Army out of Europe c Stalin is upset that Truman took back the agreements Agreements i Does not want help in Japan US has Atomic Bomb instead d Truman is very anti communist e European divides into East Europe is communist West is capitalist 4 US bombs Japan twice to scare Stalin a Stalin responds by supporting spread of communism in other b US doesn t want communism in Western Europe so Truman has countries Western Europe to stop it i Funds France and England for capitalist support ii France and Italy elections of 1947 high communist votes 5 Truman Doctrine a Policy of containment b March 1947 c Support of non communist regimes and freedom fighters d Marshal Plan wherever they are i Prevent spread of communism through funding of the ii Stalin doesn t allow Eastern Europe to take Marshal aid iii Successful for rebuilding and political progress rebuilding of Western Europe France Germany Italy UK 1 France and Germany receive funding both for city rebuilding and support of non communist political parties Socialists Christian Democrats e Stalin s Response i Blockades Berlin to force US to back off ii US air lifts supplies to Berlin 1947 6 US does not intend to go into isolation a New world order with US as governing force b NATO created collective security i US takes care of military so Europe Powers focus on welfare 7 European coal and steel corps a Becomes European Union b European Powers now work together 8 Brantanwoods 1944 1945 a Conference established international monetary systems 9 World bank helps development and reconstruction 10 Vietnam French Indochina 11 12 Proxy Battles of Cold War a Ho Chi Minh rebellion against France b US aids France USSR supports Vietnam c France US want to prevent Vietnam from becoming communist a Spread to Asia Latin America Middle East etc b Reshape international relations c Fosters suspicions of subversives d Stifles New Deal because of the fear of communism a FDR wants to ally with USSR to establish permanent world peace b Yalta Convention see above c Stalin wants buffer zone US does not want USSR to gain more Post WWII US and USSR are only remaining world powers countries 13 Stalin wants Poland and Romania a Wants to punish Nazi collaborators there b Stalin is successful in getting Poland and Romania as well as surrounding areas FDR dies Truman becomes President 14 a FDR keeps a lot of stuff from Truman A bombs b Truman does not have diplomatic history with other countries 15 16 17 such as USSR i Tries to intimidate Stalin with a bomb Stalin and Germany i Payments mineral resources etc a Hoped he would get payments from GE for WWII b US and UK have troops in GE c Compromise GE is divided into 4 occupation zones i USSR gets very little sharpens Stalin s resentment 1947 Strategy to contain Soviet communism a containment makes sure USSR communism can t go anywhere b capitalism and communism can t coexist a Sends 8000 word long telegram Feb 1946 George E Kennan US diplomat in Moscow i Says communism is a mask for despotism ii Only options are to help countries who are faced with USSR s iii Says Soviet system is unstable and will collapse influence CONTAINMENT 18 19 b Russians intercept telegram iv Wants to make all other countries capitalist i Stalin thinks US is imperialist aggressor trying to replace UK ii US s fatal flaw containment will lead to capitalist downfall 1947 UK tells Truman they can t support Greece anymore a Response Truman Doctrine see above b It is US s responsibility to support free peoples resisting outside c US will help any country fight communism a US has to help Europe so they don t become communist as a b Sec of State George Marshall asks Kennan to fix issue pressure and armed minorities Europe having economic difficulties result of global depression i Marshall Plan see above 1 Give Europe a bunch of money so they can continue to buy American goods 20 1947 West Germany created including Berlin that was in East Germany a E Germany communist West not b Allies create W GE without Stalin s permission c Stalin puts blockade on Berlin d Allies airlift supplies to Berlin e Stalin eventually lifts blockade on Berlin a NATO N Atlantic Treaty Org US peace alliance with W Europe 21 Buffer Zone creation April 1949 22 NSC 68 aid of eachother i Collective security ii Mutual defense pact where 13 NATO powers will come to the iii W GE joins NATO 1955 i Est E GE with Eastern Europe in a mutual defense pact b Warsaw Pact Stalin s reaction to NATO a Program to maintain US nuclear edge b Develop hydrogen bomb c Soviet Union follows suit with H bomb research d No real reason to ever use this much destruction e Advocates stronger military system f Truman reluctant to make military buildup until involvement in Asia 23 China Civil War a Mao Zedong communist v Chiang Kai shek nationalist b US supports shek and his army c 1949 Mao winning war d Truman decided to buildup military aid but then decides not to e Peoples Republic of China established under Mao f People blame Truman for China Nixon blames him too g US doesn t recognize China or Taiwan or admit them to UN get involved and abandons China 24 Korean War 1st proxy battle of Cold War a N S Korea 38th parallel 1950 1952 b N Korea soviets support communists c S Korea US supports nationalists d N S Korea wage low level war because US and USSR deny all out e 1950 Stalin lets N Korea declare war on South North attacks f Truman asks UN security council to authorize police action war South against invading Northerners i UN
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