1 Gilded Age time of wealth that covered rotten layer of society 2 Politics a Third Party System nationalism modernization and race become huge part of politics b Republicans dominate politics c Solid South votes democrat and tries to rebuild their power d High voter turnout immigrants and blacks e Growth of Congress as western states develop f Fierce party loyalty a Rutherford Garfield Arthur Cleveland Harrison DON T DO b Competitive elections and severe corruption bribes ballot 3 Presidents ANYTHING stuffing etc 4 Creation of third parties as reformers seek change a Nationalism modernization race high voter turnout party loyalty dependence on nominating convection hierarchical party organization i Spoils System apex in Gilded age but started with Andrew b Systematic use of giving gov t jobs as patronage Jackson in 1830 s 5 Political Machines in large cities a Depended on votes of clients mostly immigrants b Way of getting elected into office c Manage elections d Give patronage after or during elections e Payouts to potential competition f Welfare to loyal party members supporters g Recruits members through tangible incentives h High degree of leadership and political control over members i Boss Tweed NY Republican boss i Taminy Hall political machine ii Passed out contracts to city businesses and liquor licenses to iii 3rd largest landowner in NY iv director of 10th National Bank NY Printing company hotels v 1871 caught overpricing contracts for new city contracts vi corruption continues but is done on the down low saloons for party loyalty j mix philanthropy and politics k public parks welfare paved streets streetcars clean water l streetlights removed sewage and trash 1890 s political machines stop philanthropy loyalty ends unemployment rate increases 6 Panic of 1893 radicalizes voters who are no longer loyal to 7 Second Industrial Revolution political machines turn to 3rd party and advocate social welfare a Railroad and slaughterhouse improvements b Gustavus Swift centralized all aspects of slaughtering to make money vertical integration centralizing a product to cut costs c Battles begin between large centralizing companies and small businesses i Small companies can t compete with companies predatory pricing raising or lowering prices in order to drive out competition 8 Big Businesses a John D Rockefeller standard oil businesses i Capitalized on oil shortage by building kerosene refining ii Used vertical integration iii Owned 95 of all oil in US by 1880s iv Invented horizontal integration 1 Bankrupts competitors and then offers them membership 2 Creating a monopoly in his franchise b Lawyers invent trust business owner appoints trustees to manage different parts of his business i Trustees come together and sit on board to bring branches together under standard oil i Afraid prices will raise too high production 9 Consumerism c Reformers attempt to fight off monopolies and trusts d 1900 100 largest companies in the US control 1 3 of ALL e consumerism is born a Department stores created b Catalogs so small towns could buy from department stores in big cities i Money back guarantee ii Instructions and advice iii Tools clothing furniture toys etc i New color ads c Advertising ii Postcards junkmail iii Billboards iv Magazines 1903 1 Ladies Home Journal first to have 1 million subscribers d Goods are not selling because most of it is luxuries that the majority of Americans can t afford i gave people the PROMISE of affording luxury items ii motivated people to continue to work in dead end jobs Industrialization in late 19th century 2nd industrial revolution cont a People begin working for other people instead of on their own 10 i Factories shops etc ii White collar workers offices management iii Blue collar workers handymen laborers iv Pink collar workers women workers 1 Women are cheap labor 2 Secretaries sales and factory workers dead end jobs no man would want v System of management develops 1 Railroads begin this 2 Workers divided by specialty and departments 3 Cost accounting 4 Invention of middle manager slaughterhouses vi Women children immigrants take jobs in factories and vii Skilled workers become less common 1 Henry Ford creates assembly line 2 Workers are not valuable and are replaceable viii Child labor is highest in South ix African Americans and immigrants are also cheap blue collar labor 11 Mass Migration 1890 s a European immigrants come to American to make money b Road to American is difficult starving and sick Ellis Island c Sojourners immigrants come to America to make enough d 1902 most sojourners are Irish Italian or Greek many Irish e 1880 50 000 Jewish immigrants from Germany f numbers increase from Eastern Europe to America money to go home single women i most leave because of poverty and religious prosecution g Many immigrants forced to stay in US because they couldn t Jews make enough money in the Gilded Age factories i 1 3 returned home ii unable to fulfill American Dream i left China due to political problems and low wages a 1840 s First wave of Chinese immigrants to CA for Gold Rush b performed low wage work in U S c received hostility on the West Coast more than European 12 Asian Immigrants immigrants i race riots began against Asians d Chinese restaurants and laundries open e 1870 s West coast whites burn down San Francisco China Town f whites place pressure on politicians to get rid of the Chinese g Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 prevented Chinese immigrants and beat up residents immigrants women especially i Repealed in 1943 also applies to Japan ii Chinese challenge law in courts iii Granted citizenship if child is born in US Anchor Babies iv Exclusion Act attempted to stop anchor babies h Asian Americans excluded from labor unions i Whites rounded up Asian immigrants and sent them out of CA j Created a legal foundation for exclusion of other groups first illegal immigrants Labor Unions 13 a Conflict existed between laborers and management b Labor strikes workers sought better conditions hours and c Great Railroad Strike 1887 wages i Protested wage cuts as a result of Panic of 1873 ii Paralyzed RR industry through strikes no one to operate iii RR property burned and locomotives overturned iv Did not accomplish anything showed that blue collar trains workers were upset and ready to organize d After Strike Do Not Hire list passed out to exclude strike participators e National Guard created to protect against civil violence f Knights of Labor first
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