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FAD3320 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Class Notes Physical Development in Early Childhood Early Childhood 3 6 years Children slim down and shoot up Head is still large but body catches up Boys are taller and heavier than girls Typically grow 2 3 inches and gain 4 6 lbs per year Sleep Patterns Average 11 hours of sleep per night and can give up daytime Need to assess your child s sleep temperament naps o Morning or night person how many hours of sleep needed after physical activity or day at school Some children give up naps and some don t Motor Skills Great advances in gross motor skills Physical skills that involve large muscles hop w feet off ground The book says most children under age 6 are not ready for o Running jumping climbing organized sports but Nari disagrees and hand eye coordination Fine motor skills o Buttoning shirts drawing tying shoes legos physical skills that involve the small muscles Systems of Action permitting a wider or more precise range of movement process of learning to tie shoes increasingly complex combinations of skills Health obesity Can be hereditary but mainly environmental o Children at this age are much more verbal about what they like and don t like Parents shouldn t let their children make too many choices about what they eat o Parents try to teach their kids a varied palate through trying new foods Increased caloric intake needs to be 2400 3000 calories because they are growing and expending calories These calories should be decreased as they grow Decreased exercise if parents don t encourage an active lifestyle or have too many electronics Greatest increase in prevalence is among low income families because of increased cheap processed foods and less healthy foods When talking to families and kids about health it is important to consider their financial situation Cognitive Development Piagetian Approach Preoperational Stage Second major stage of development in which symbolic thought expands but they can t use logic yet o Occurs at approx age 2 7 but differs among children Preoperational Thought Symbolic Function numbers or images to which a child has attached meaning Time is difficult to grasp using mental representations words it later o Deferred imitation strong symbol of something and using o Pretend fantasy dramatic imaginative play o Language uses systems of symbols to communicate o Understanding objects in space maps 3yrs o Understanding causation o Transduction tendency to mentally link particular phenomena whether or not there is logically a causal relationship children thinking parents got divorced because they were bad Understand identities o Mom sister grandma and grandpa and their relationships to one another o People and many things are basically the same even if they change in shape size form exc hair cut or style Understand Categorization o Good bad ugly pretty exc quality o Animism attribute life to objects that are not alive o Don t understand what is appropriate rude or polite Numbers o Ordanality bigger or smaller o Cardinality counting 31 2 yrs o Number sense counting number knowledge number transformation estimations number patterns o They typically come across numbers more than letters causing sense of numbers to come earlier than letters Immature Aspects of Preoperational Thought Centration tendency of children to focus on one aspect of the situation and neglect the others common Decenter to think simultaneously about several aspects of a situation Egocentrism inability to consider another person s point of view think everyone experiences the world the same way they do eating sleep when they do looking at something while driving Conservation two things that are equal remain so if appearance is altered as long as nothing is taken away which weighs more 50 lb feather or 50 lb of gold Juice in a glass height vs volume Irreversibility failure to understand that an operation or action can go two or more ways don t understand that you can undo or fix things in their mind they have to see it Influences on Memory Retention Uniqueness of the event going to Disney world vs home Emotional impact of the event Active participation The way adults talk w child about shared experiences social interaction model Language Development Fast mapping process by which a child absorbs the meaning of a new word after hearing it once or twice in conversation including bad words Dramatic increase in words from 3 6 o 3 900 to 1 000 known words o 6 speaks 2600 words understands 20 000 o They understand A LOT more words than they can speak Language goes from simple to complex They omit articles a an the Long narratives and then and then and then Try to imitate adult like speech Understand social speech inside outside voice Private speech talking to yourself good thing Chapter 7 Book Notes Includes all bolded main information not presented in lecture Night terrors child awakens abruptly early in the night morning from a deep sleep Child may scream breathe rapidly and thrash out even though they aren t actually awake and remember nothing about it the next morning Enuresis repeated involuntary urination at night by children old enough to have bladder control common Handedness preference for using one hand over the other Is usually evident approx age 3 Food allergy abnormal immune system response to specific food Most are outgrown Lower SES families are at more risk for injury illness and death Families with children are fastest growing part of homeless Parental smoking is a preventable cause of childhood illness and Air pollution pesticides and lead can also effect neurological population death development understanding of mental processes and states beliefs intents desires dreams exc o Knowledge about thinking and mental states don t know o False beliefs and deception don t understand people can mind is continuously active until middle childhood be wrong or have different beliefs and interpret things differently first explored by Piaget Awareness and Theory of mind o Distinguish between appearance and reality o Distinguish between fantasy and reality Three steps of memory system storage and later retrieval Encoding process by which info is prepared for long term Storage retention of info in memory for the future Retrieval process by which info is accessed or recalled from memory storage Information processing model s 3 storehouses Sensory memory temporary storage of incoming sensory Working memory short term storage for info being actively information and

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FSU FAD 3220 - Chapter 7

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