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AMH2020 Exam 2 Study Guide KEY TERMS Muckrakers Name for investigative journalism that focuses on the negative side of life very influential St Clare s The Jungle Booker T Washington Born into slavery and taught African Americans self help through the Tuskegee Institute didn t believe in book education and thought learning should be through industrial education farming nursing animal husbandry that taught real life skills becomes leader for blacks and avoids controversy from whites wanted to cultivate patronage through getting money from whites thought hard work education and respectability would erase white prejudice comes under fire for appealing to the white man Baseball in the19th and 20th century Rises in popularity during Civil War as it was played in military camps professional league launches with National League built concrete stadiums with ball parks like Fenway and Wrigley Field baseball hats and cards become popular white collar workers begin playing in spare time turns to blue collar workers in late 19th century promotes discipline Charlie Grant hired as pro player light skinned claimed he was Cherokee to avoid harassment Atlanta Black Crackers become first negro team part of the black leagues YMCA young men s Christian association becomes first in Boston to combine religion with sports muscular Christianity develops basketball volleyball boxing weightlifting and martial arts Roosevelt stresses the strenuous life by taking up boxing during presidency Tuskegee Institute Established by Booker T Washington historically black institute focusing on self help for African Americans relying on yourself to accomplish things instead of whites People s Party Farmer s Alliance and Knights of Labor join together in Kansas to form this third political party called themselves populists and won 1 million votes nationwide believed there was disconnect between labor and government and wanted a pro people approach to protect against large corporations platform was for poverty to go down by increasing their power wanted public ownership of railroads telegraph systems to protect natural resources protect against foreign ownership tax the highest income brackets and have a loose monetary policy to help borrowers and decrease poverty supported by farmers women s suffrage groups labor groups and the temperance movement Jacob Coxey Radical reformer from Ohio who proposes government should hire unemployed to fix roads in the U S Coxey s Army marches from Ohio to Washington D C onto national lawn but put in jail for trespassing moral was that government wouldn t help anyone blamed for problems in America along with the Democrats and labeled a radical 1890s Economic Depression panic of 1893 begins with farm foreclosures railroad bankruptcy investor panic as stock market plummets recessions last fewer than 6 months depressions last longer banks suspend transactions and go bankrupt leading to 25 unemployment rates wealthy fear overthrow from lower classes Gold Standard vs Free Silver Free Silver arises from the mint not charging a fee to produce silver coins activists thought there would be a rise in money from producing a lot of coins to help the economy Cleveland supported the Gold Standard where money was tied to Fort Knox s supply of gold bars arranged purchase of gold through JP Morgan that helped save the Gold Standard Disenfranchisement southern states prevent black citizens from voting by issuing poll taxes setting the Grandfather Clause if your Grandfather couldn t vote neither could you and literacy tests Segregation Jim Crow Laws No political opposition to Democrats in the south led to legalization of segregation in hotels parks and other public places rise of the Jim Crow Laws with increase also in lynchings until the 1970s William Jennings Bryan Nominated by the Democrats to run for the presidency in 1896 ran on free sliver platform attacking the Gold Standard with his Cross of Gold speech defended farmers wanted a federal income tax on the richest Americans replacing tariffs moved away from conservative roots of the party populists also nominated him but he turned them down causing the fading of the People s Party 17th Amendment Passed in 1913 requiring senators to be chosen by a popular vote instead of by state legislature 16th Amendment Guarantees income tax placed on everyone for federal revenue support was levied by the federal government not the state American Exceptionalism Belief that America is the best country in the world and Americans are better than everyone else America has a manifest destiny to spread its culture around the world American Imperialism Building off ideas of William Seward who emphasized the key to power is accessing foreign markets control or dominance over another country which may involve raw material access or natural resources Social Darwinism Once America has culturally taken over the world races would be bound to compete and whites would win implied upward progression an changes in humanity and the environment invented by Charles Darwin survival of the fittest theory Alfred T Mahan Urges America to get involved in the colonial market and wanted America to get big naval fleets ended up purchasing three steel plated battleships part of American navy force Monroe Doctrine Claimed that everything in the western hemisphere and everything surrounding the Americas belonged to America and said that Britain couldn t lay claim to anything anymore pushed Britain out of the west completely making America more powerful Spanish American War war of 1898 30 000 troops train 200 000 new recruits and made it so Spain had no chance of winning war Spanish navy first fires on American ships in the South pacific not in the Caribbean American ships took control over Guam the Philippines Puerto Rico and Hawaii before war made its way to Cuba main battle fought on San Juan Hill in Santiago Cuba where African American regiments did all the fighting and were followed by the Rough Riders Spanish retreat and try to escape but are shot down by U S ships full Spanish surrender follows only 345 deaths from combat 12 from battle losses Anti Imperialism Supporters include Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie supported effort to give the people of the Philippines back their freedom and control over themselves Philippines George Dewey was in charge of American Pacific fleet of ships and was told to claim the Philippines if war was declared took control for territorial expansion and

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