FAD3220 FAD3220 Chapter 1 01 14 2014 Human development is the study of patterns of change and stability in human growth throughout the life Human development has the following characteristics Systematic organized crawling walking etc Adaptive to internal and external conditions ex kids who live in houses with stairs may adapt skills to get around Life span development life long process Domains of Development Physical development Cognitive development brain and learning Psychosocial development psycho personality and social relationships Periods of the Life Span The life span periods are social constructions Childhood Adolescence Adulthood when are you an adult Smoke cigarettes Buy alcohol Fight in a war Vote Get married Get your own health insurance Pregnancy Being a parent What we will study Prenatal period conception to birth Infancy to toddlerhood birth to 3 Early childhood 3 to 6 Middle childhood 6 to 11 Adolescence 11 to 20 Emerging and Young adulthood 20 to 40 Middle adulthood 40 to 65 Late adulthood 65 and over Influences on development Heredity DNA chromosomes Genes Environment Parents siblings schools neighborhoods communities more related to your siblings than you are with your parents Maturation Changes over time Contexts Environment of Development Environments Philosophies Institutions Family Socioeconomic status Gender roles Culture Ethnicity Language Religion Geographic location Normative what are the normal things we expect expected average Normative age graded influences certain things we go through at different stages puberty 11 20 losing teeth elementary school etc Normative history graded influences Nonnormative influences Affects the individual like a unique circumstance Disability disease trauma 01 14 2014 Chapter 2 Major Perspectives Psychoanalytic Learning Cognitive Contextual Evolutionary sociobiological Psychoanalytic Psychosexual Theory Freud o Unconscious forces that motivate human behavior Sex life the way we try to be good at things exude confidence get education all related to sex to attract a partner Us keeping our society alive relates to life Aggression Death You might be aggressive in your work place for people who threaten your job they would die in their job lose their job through aggression and death you get life Parts of personality Id Pleasure principle instant gratification Develops during infancy Based on reaching pleasure Ego reality principle Superego morality principle Toddlerhood o Psychosexual stages need to be met or will have problems What they should do later on Oral birth to 12 to 18 months Anal 12 to 18 months to 3 years Phallic 3 to 6 years Latency 6 years to puberty Genital puberty to adulthood Psychoanalytic Psychosocial Influence of society on developing personality Erik Erikson Covers 8 stages across the lifespan Balancing positive tendency with the negative one crisis that needs to be resolved First stage the way infants learn to trust their environment and their caregiver is by us meeting their needs Not safe to trust everyone in life obvs o Stages Maturity Ego integrity vs despair wisdom age 50 Generativity vs stagnation care age 35 50 Middle Adulthood Young Adulthood Adolescence School age Preschool Early childhood Infancy Learning perspective long lasting change in behavior based on experience or adaptation to the environment Continuous not in stages and quantitative Behaviorism o Classical condition Ivan Pavlov Stimulus and response Put food in front of a dog and he will salivate associated food with a bell o Operant Conditioning B F skinner Reinforcement and punishment Social Learning Theory o Albert Bandura o Reciprocal determinism the person acts on the world as the world acts on the person o Observational learning modeling o Cultural view of what is valued o We learn the most appropriate majority things to do through imitating others Cognitive world o Jean Piaget o Children develop as an effort to understand and act on their o Solving problems evidence of learning o Organization creating categories so that they can organize different things and learn them o Adaptation Assimilation adjusting the information Accommodation adjusting one s cognitive structures o Equilibrium balance o Sociocultural Perspective Lev Vygotsky Children learn through social interaction Helps support children through what is just beyond their reach Zone of proximal development the gap between what children can do and what they are not quite ready to accomplish by themselves Scaffolding Contextual o Urie Bronfenbrenner bioecological theory o Development is only understood in social contexts Microsystem directly involved in developing individual home school work siblings neighborhood peers teachers Mesosystem links between parts of microsystem home religious setting school neighborhood Exosystem link between your microsystems and outside systems tv media local government parents work mass media school board local industry Macrosystem overarching cultural patterns dominant beliefs and ideologies Chronosystem dimension of time place in time and history and how that changes affects your development Evolutionary Sociobiological o E O Wilson o Based on Darwinism adaptive behaviors of a species will lead to survival of the fittest o People unconsciously strive not only for personal survival but to perpetuate their genetic legacy 01 14 2014 Fertility and Fertilization I Fertility and Fertilization 01 14 2014 a Fertile Window between 6th and 21st days of menstrual calendar i Week before week after menstruation ii Highly unpredictable b Gametes sex cells sperm and egg ovum c Zygote single cell when sperm fertilizes ovum d Uterus womb implantation e Cervix opening of the uterus II Male Factors a Sperm i Several hundred million a day ii Ejaculated in the semen b Testes i Sperm production c Multiple Births Twins i Two ova 1 Two released 2 Unfertilized ova splits 3 Dizygotic twins fraternal 1 Single fertilized ova splits ii One ova 2 Monozygotic twins identical twins 3 d Multiple Births Higher order i Triples quadruplets quintuplets etc 1 Nature or fertility drugs can cause women to ovulate many ova thus increasing the likelihood of multiple fertiliziation 2 Other fertility treatments e g shaving the egg for implantation can increase the likelihood that eggs can split e Basics of Genetics i DNA ii Chromosomes coils of DNA 1 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell iii Genes 1 Functional units of heredity iv Human genome 1 Complete set of genes in the human
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