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Final Test Key Terms 11 05 2013 Adolph Hitler Benito Mussolini Rhineland Sudentland Neville Chamberlain Winston Churchill Blitzkrieg Cash and Carry Destroyer Deal Lend Lease Rape of Nanking Hideki Tojo Emperor Hirohito Pearl Harbor USS Arizona Executive Order 8802 A Phillip Randolph Executive Order 9981 Isoroku Yamamoto Internment Executive Order 9066 Manhattan Project Enrico Fermi Albert Einstein Trinity Test Potsdam Conference Enola Gay Little Boy Bockscar Fat Man World War 2 Rationing and conserving Women in the workplace Progress and retraction 2 steps forward one step back Rosie the riveter Immigrant opened up slightly Defiance and Protests o Double V Campaign the idea is that hopefully the Nazis will be defeated and equality will come to the US o Asa Phillip Randolph huge debate against De Bouis he wants insurance from the double V campaign o The call for a March on Washington the march was going to happen but called off Executive order 8802 June 1941 by Roosevelt provides jobs during the war America Progressive but also Conservative Black Pride and Commitment A Second Great Migration Executive Order 9981 July 1948 by truman Activism the initial phase of the Modern Day Civil Rights Movement Fascism on the Attack Pearl Harbor Home Front Rationing and Women in the Work Place Nativism Internment and Regulations Fighting the war Atomic Diplomacy Isolation or Intervention Internment and Regulations who is perceived as the enemy Germans o Exclusion form military zones o Curfews and restrictions o Seizure of property o Deportation o Alien enemy registration o Internment camps concentration camps o Regulations on Germans Nationality most important Italians o Enemy alien list of 600 000 o Curfews and restrictions o Seizure of property o Forced migration away from coastal regions o Loss of jobs o Interned o Joe DiMaggio new york baseball player o Frank Sinatra Italian entertainer threat o Fiorello LaGuardia major of New York Distant himself from mafia o All had to fight the sterotypes with the mobs o Regulations on Italians Nationality important but Ethnicity is a factor Asians o The effects on Asian immigrations o Who is chinese and who is Japanese o Images of Asians Chinese now our Allies Chinese Exclusion Act Repealed Japan seen as inferior or worse o China is good now o Race physical Asian o Nationality Japanese or Chinese o Regulations on Asians Nationality with Chinese but Race is a paramount with regards to Japanese o Hideki Tojo leader of the military Japanese Japanese Internment o Executive order 9066 120 000 citizens of japan and americans Hawaii did not turn there janapanese Americans to important to their economy o loss of property o overwhelming forced to camps no massive killlings no gas tanks o based on national origin and ethnicity o When the internes are released there is a reparations case where the us gives 20 000 to every living interne and but immediately after they got nothing until the case German internment 11 000 almost half from other countries Internee exchanges Based on political Italian internment 1600 all citizen of Italy Some sympathetic to Mussolini With regard to internment consider who is the dominant group on society When does ethnicity play a factor When does race play a factor When do previous beliefs and the history on the US play a factor Ending the War V E Day May 8 Still have the war in the pacific o In order to end it we must turn to the decision to use the atomic bomb Manhattan Project atomic bomb Germany is trying to create o Enrico Fermi R white N Italian o Albert Einstein R white N Jewish o Fermi and Einstein create the atomic bomb o July 16 1945 Trinity Test o Potsdam Conference o Harry S Truman president during time Hiroshima o Enola Gay plane o Little Boy bomb o August 6 1945 o One plane one bomb Nagasaki o Bocksca plane o August 9 1945 o Fat Man bomb August 14 Japan Surrenders V J Day September 2 1945 The Cold War Key Terms Joseph McCarthy Federal Employee Loyalty Act HUAC House on Un American Activities Committee Black Listed William Levitt Dwight Eisenhower Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis Nikita Khrushchev Lee Harvey Oswald John F Kennedy The fear of communism at home abroad Harry S Truman o Finanical Aid to Europe o Increases Military Because this is the height of the world war o Federal Employee Loyalty Act Program Makes Americans take oaths to make sure they are loyal to the united states McCarthyism o Senator who gains momentum because he is previous of how is communism in the united states o Joseph McCarthy WIS o Accusations no communist You had to sign a afra Davis saying you had never been affiliated with a communist If they went into a meeting with communists then What would get them off the hook was if they gave names of other people present at that party Those name a huge list until you find the owners of the o Congressional Hearings business McCarthy also goes after Hollywood He went into a party that he didn t know was communist and was accused he only went to flirt with a girl If you refuse to give names you will be blackballed and you wont work where you use to anymore Black balled doesn t tell names of who were at the communist parties and never works in Hollywood again Black Listed The 2nd Red Scare o Naming Names Being accused is guilty enough Witch hunts New age McCarthyism if you were affiliated with the communists He goes after congressional men and the army and they back down and he creates the great scared during ww2 The pumpkin patch files had films in it Affluence Anyone can buy a car consumer goods were sky rocketing We are the only nation where industry was not affected by the war The rest of the war wants to buy our products This changes other parts of society 1957 Chevy Corvette rise of automobile new business o gas stations o roads o hotels o drive in movies o fast food o driveways and carports o rise of the malls o chance to getaway Television o Can spread news fast o Changes politics average people can watch Kennedy wins in 1960 against Richard Nixon It is a close election The people who listened to the debates on the radio thought Nixon won the people who were watching it on television thought Kennedy won because of how he looked Because of the way he carried himself also Changes in Society Rise of Suburbia William Levitt o The rise of the suburbs a major effect of ww2 o A big thing during ww1 is debits during ww2 we get rid of that Another thing that affect us was the bonus army of paying them

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