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AMH2020 Exam 3 Notes The Birth of American Imperialism The Spanish American War 1898 Important war that signaled an important policy shift for the American government starting to look politics outside of American and dealing with other countries What was America s foreign policy like in 19th century o None that existed all over the place series of accidents Late 19th century the Europeans were moving more and more into Africa and fighting wars to take over particular territories didn t interest people in the US Frederick Jackson Turner Historian Famous for the Frontier Thesis American s wealth is based on expanding the frontier End of 19th century no frontier left if political power is tied to this what does it say about the future Charles Darwin Survival of the Fittest Foreign policy Alfred T Mahan Navy man Wrote The influence of sea power upon history o Book argues that the country with the strongest navy will be the best or strongest country Need a strong navy and bases Not interested in colonizing other places wanted strategic places around the world for bases America s Navy thanks to Mahan Know it gradually improves ranking in the world throughout 1889 1907 Spain s Empire circa 1550 Spain interested in colonies By 1898 only colonies left o Cuba Puerto Rico Guam and Philippines Cuban Revolution of Cubans died during the Revolution Reconcentration camps Fighting between Spain and Cubans USS Maine Battleship to Cuba not to provoke conflict An explosion on the USS Maine that killed over 250 US sailors Americans assumed that it was an attack Still don t know what happened to the USS Maine if it was an attack or not debate still occurring today with historians William Mckinely Thinks there is a lot of political pressure Wants to wait for an investigation before taking action cautious with his approach to the USS Maine disaster He know how bad war could get so that s why he doesn t want to just slip into war right away if it can be avoided Teddy Roosevelt Served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy A Disciple of Mahan Eager to go to war and had no experience in war Jumped at the chance to go to war with anyone Calculated Declaration Teller Amendment US will not annex Cuba will not hold on to Cuba or colonize it or keep it as a territory Sneak attack on Spain s Navy and it was a complete success 10 Spanish ships sunk in the Philippines Victory in Manila Volunteers of US troops in Cuba were African American Immunes In order for America to start a war they called for volunteers many people were enthusiastic to go to war with Spain they believed they would be immune to tropical diseases that existed in Cuba African Americans Segregation integration for the first time in Tampa when being a volunteer at the war in camps TR and the Rough Riders Teddy Roosevelt quit his job and joined the Army Invents his own regiment that he called the Rough Riders Ivy league polo players snotty a few cowboys and Indians that had no military experience whatsoever that wanted to make a name for themselves in this Spanish American War Platt Amendment Cuban sovereignty with conditions o Naval Base Guantanamo Bay o US could intervene to protect Cuban Independence Anti Imperialists US annexes the Philippines Filipino unfit for self rule they would have an anarchy and misrule over there used as excuse to take over Filipinos renew guerilla war against the US World War I The Great War 1914 1918 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand One of the reasons of starting WWI Austria Hungarian leader Mutual Defense Treaties Secretly negotiated defense treaties with other countries If one is attacked the other one comes in to help After Franz Ferdinand is attacked Austria Hungary launches a war to Serbia then Russia declares war to help Serbia World War I First Modern War Submarines and U Boats Germany Machine guns on tanks Trenches War mainly fought in trenches Causes problems for soldiers constantly exposed and bombarded by shells Shell Shock Occurs to soldiers in the trenches where they develop post traumatic stress syndrome soldiers start to have problems with the nervous system Ypres in 1914 Most popular scene or building in Belgium Germany Re built again Most dangerous job in Ypres is farming Woodrow Wilson All for neutrality Lusitania In practice he was willing to trade with whoever in the US usually allies with France and Britain and sometimes Italy Passenger ship sailed in Atlantic America will join the war if it occurred again Woodrow Wilson declared war if they didn t stop Solves problem temporarily Zimmerman Telegram Telegram from Germany to New Mexico British intercepted Germany said if the British go against the US that they would give them all the land the British lost to the Americans Wilson intercepts this message from Germany to British and isn t ready to go to war still what pushes him into WWI is unrestricted sinking of ships by submarines again It pushes him over the edge and asks for a declaration of war America enters war with fresh soldiers Diverse and Segregated Army Wilson s 14 Points and the Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Versailles Punished the Losers by Peace treaty ended the war o 1919 this treaty did Carving up territory Reparations War Guilt Clause League of Nations created o Nations can use this United Nations a way to fix problems where countries could talk to each other instead of fighting on the battlefield Wilson leaves the country for the first time a president does this he went to Europe to negotiate a peace plan The Home Front Jobs opened up for women Women s Suffrage 19th Amendment Final push during the war War and Civil Liberties Espionage Act 1917 Sedition Act 1918 o Illegal to utter print write or publish any disloyal profane scurrilous or abusive language about the Government or the Constitution Anti Hyphenism Campaign o People think of themselves as German Americans etc and the campaign advertised to end that and make everyone American Targeted at German population that lived in US From Boom to Bust America in the Great Depression The Roaring 20 s The Great Gatsby Prosperity everywhere flappers alcohol and higher wages Wasn t roaring for everyone The Stock Market Crash 1929 October 24th 1929 Extreme crash by the end of Black Tuesday the stock market lost about 1 3 of it s value Margin buying People borrow money to invest in the stock market loans from banks almost 2 3 of stock value that these people purchased wasn t even with their own money but the banks Banks lost money

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