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Chapter 1 The Study of Human Development Theory and Research Human Development Study of patterns of change and stability in human growth throughout the life Characteristics of human development include o Systematic organized ex growing from top of head down and from the center out o Adaptive adapting to internal and external conditions o Life span development human development is a life long process mind continues to develop throughout life Domains of Development Influences of Development Physical growth of body and brain sensory capacities motor skills and health Cognitive learning attention memory language thinking and problem solving Psychosocial emotions personality and social relationships Heredity inborn traits or characteristics inherited from biological parents o DNA chromosomes genes Environment the world outside the self beginning in the womb and learning that comes from experience o From parents siblings schools neighborhoods and communities Maturation unfolding of natural sequences of psychical and behavioral changes o Changes over time Contexts of Development Family o Nuclear household unit consisting of one or two parents and their children o Extended multigenerational network of grandparents aunts uncles and cousins Contexts include environments philosophies and institutions Socioeconomic Status SES combination of economic and social factors describing an individual or family including income education and occupation Gender roles behaviors that culture determines appropriate for men and women Culture a society group s way of life including its customs language traditions religion values and beliefs Ethnic group a group united by ancestry race religion language or origin Influences of Development Normative characteristics of an event that occurs in a similar way for most people in a group o Normative age graded influences the timing of biological events is fairly predictable within a normal range ex menstruation at 14 o Normative history grade influences significant events that shape the behavior and attitude of a historical generation ex WWII 911 Nonnormative characteristics of an unusual event that happens to a particular person or a typical event that happens at an unusual time in life o Ex surviving a plane crash disease disability Cohort a group of people born at about the same time Chapter 2 Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development Issue 1 Is Development Active or Reactive Reactive View o John Locke tabula rosa a blank slate on which society writes o Mechanistic model model that views human development as a series of predictable responses to stimuli people are like machines that react to environmental input Active View tendencies o Jean Jacques Rousseau noble savages who develop according to their own o Organic model Model that vies human development as internally initiated by an active organism and as occurring in a sequence of qualitatively different stages people are active growing organisms that set their own development in motion Major Theoretical Perspectives Psychoanalytical Psychosocial and Psychosexual Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic perspective view of human development as shaped by unconscious forces that motivate human behavior o Sex life o Aggression death Parts of personality o Id pleasure principle drive to seek immediate satisfaction of their needs and desires if it feels good do it Babies especially do things because it feels good o Ego reality principle represents reason aim to find realistic ways to gratify the o Superego morality principle includes the conscience and incorporates socially id that are acceptable to the superego approved shoulds and should nots Erik Erikson Psychosocial development the socially and culturally influenced process of development of the ego or self personality Balances positive tendency with the negative one crisis that needs to be resolved Learning Long lasting changes in behavior that result from experience or from adaption to the environment Learning is continuous and quantitative Behaviorism learning theory that emphasizes the predictable role of environment in causing observable behavior o Classical conditioning associating a stimulus that does not ordinarily elicit a response with another stimulus that does elicit the response Ex Ivan Pavlov conditioned dogs they would get food with a bell ring o Operant conditioning association of behavior with its consequences reinforcement and punishment Ex B F Skinner If a pigeon hit the lever food came out Social Learning Theory theory that behaviors are learned by observing and imitating models o Reciprocal determinism the person acts on the world as the world acts on the person o Observational learning learning through watching the behavior of others Reinforcing good behavior o From video combining perspectives Arianna dances because of her Hispanic background and the attention her mother gives her Cognitive View that thought processes are central to development Jean Piaget children develop as an effort to understand and act on their world 3 processes o Organization creation of categories Schemes ways of organizing information about the world that govern the way the child thinks and behaves in a particular situation o Adaption how children handle information in light of what they already know Assimilation taking in new information and incorporating it into existing Accommodation adjusting ones cognitive structures to fit the new cognitive structure information o Equilibration tendency to seek a stable balance among cognitive elements Achieved through a balance of assimilation and accommodation Sociocultural Theory Lev Vygotsky o Children learn from social interaction o Zone of proximal development the difference between what a child can do alone and what the child could do with help o Scaffolding temporary support to help a child master a task explaining to children in different terms Contextual Development can be understood only in its social context Urie Bronfenbrenner Bioecological theory 5 levels of environmental influence o Microsystem everyday environment of home school or work including your o Mesosystem interlocking of various microsystems links between home and face to face relationships school o Exosystem links between a microsystem and outside systems that directly affect a person indirectly How does the transit system affect job opportunity o Macrosystem overarching cultural patterns such as dominate beliefs and economic and political systems o

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FSU FAD 3220 - Chapter 1: The Study of Human Development

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Chapter 7

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Test #2

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Chapter 1

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