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FAD Exam 3 Chapters 11 12 13 14 Physical and Cognitive Adolescent Growth Adolescence developmental transition between childhood and adulthood entailing major physical cognitive and psychosocial changes A social construction o Only recently existed Then and Now o Puberty is beginning earlier than it used to for most and entrance into a vocation or a job and marriage happens later The allows for longer periods of education or vocational training to prep for adult responsibilities Opportunity and Risk o Young people with supportive connections with parents school and community tend to develop in a positive healthful way o Risks have risen and now many adolescents must deal with high death rates due to accidents cars guns drugs alcohol homicide and suicide Since 1990 children have been less likely to use marijuana alcohol to carry weapon or not wear a seatbelt which is a positive trend Physical Development Puberty process by which a person attains sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce o Signals the end of childhood o Takes place in 2 stages Adrenarche maturation of the adrenarche glands Increasing levels of this hormone play a part in the growth of pubic axillary armpit and facial hair fast body growth oily skin and body odor Timing depends on child s ability to reach critical amount of body fat needed for reproduction Obesity and excessive weight gain can bring on puberty faster Gonadarche maturation of testes and ovaries o Timing Signs and Sequence Girls changes begin at age 8 Boys changes begin at age 9 Takes 3 4 years in both sexes Primary and Secondary Sex Characteristics Primary Sex Characteristics organs directly related to reproduction which enlarge and mature during adolescence Ovaries fallopian tubes uterus clitoris vagina testes penis seminal vesicles and prostate all enlarge and mature Secondary Sex Characteristics physiological signs of sexual maturation that do not involve sex organs hair and breast growth Signs of Puberty First external signs Boys enlargement of testes Girls breast tissue pubic hair and enlargement and protrusion of the areolae and nipples o Acne and deepened voices Adolescent Growth Spurt sharp increase in height and weight that precedes sexual maturity that lasts about 2 years and precedes sexual maturity Girls between 9 14 Tend to be taller heavier and stronger than boys at this age Reach adult height by about 15 Muscular growth peaks at 14 Pelvis widens and accumulates fat under skin which gives a rounder appearance Boys between 10 16 After their spurt are taller heavier and stronger Reach adult height by 17 Muscular growth peaks at 12 Become larger overall shoulders widen legs lengthen forearms longer relative to upper arms Signs of Sexual Maturity Beginning with menstruation in girls and sperm production for boys Boys spermarche boys 1st ejaculation occurs at around age 13 Nocturnal emissions wet dreams occur Girls menarche girls 1st menstruation occurs between 10 16 Secular Trend trend that can be seen only by observing several generations Ex decreased age in puberty increased height and weight Adolescent Brain Adolescent brain is a work in progress changes in emotions judgment organization of behavior and self control due to structural changes Risk Taking result of interaction of 2 brain networks o Socio emotional sensitive to social and emotional stimuli o Cognitive control regulates responses to stimuli Process info about emotions differently than adults o Early adolescents used amygdala involved w instinctual reaction o Older used frontal lobes handle planning reasoning judgment impulse control and emotional regulation Becomes more adult like throughout adolescents Frontal Cortex o Adolescents have increase in white matter o Pruning of dendrites in childhood results in reduction of gray matter which increases brain efficiency Physical and Mental Health Physical Activity exercise and lack of it affects physical and mental health o Benefits improved strength and endurance healthier bones and muscles weight control reduced anxiety stress increases self esteem grades and well being Decreases likeliness of participating in risky behavior o Sedentary lifestyle increased risk of obesity and type II diabetes growth problems likelihood of heart disease and cancer o Only 1 3 of U S high school students engage in recommended amounts of physical activity Sleep o Need just as much as middle childhood 8 9 hours o 40 report morning sleepiness 22 are sleepy most days sleep deprivation is an epidemic among industrial countries go to sleep later and wake up early patterns of late bedtimes and oversleeping can contribute to insomnia lessons motivation causes irritability and concentration and school performance can suffer deadly for drivers crashes due to falling asleep o After puberty the secretion of melatonin a hormone that tells the brain it is ready for sleep takes place later making them tired later yet they need the same amount of sleep which causes their biological schedules to not be in sync with school societal ones Nutrition Eating Disorders o U S adolescents eat foods with high cholesterol fat and calories and low nutrients o Obesity U S teens twice as likely to be overweight as other peers in 14 similar countries US teens are 2x more likely to be overweight 34 of US teens have a BMI at or above the 85th percentile 18 of US teens have a BMI at or above 95th percentile o Overweight teens are poorer in health and are more likely to have difficulty attending school performing household chores or engaging in strenuous activity or personal care Tend to become obese adults subject to psychological physical and social risks o Body Image and Eating Disorders Body Image descriptive and evaluative beliefs about one s appearance Girls especially unhappy because of the fatty weight gain during puberty Boys become more pleased with their growing muscular bodies Excessive concern with weight can signal a body image disorder Anorexia Nervosa eating disorder characterized by self starvation Life threatening 3 5 of adolescent girls People have distorted image of their body though usually underweight to begin with and stop eating to lose more weight o A subconscious need for control repetitive perfectionist behavior emerges o Can be withdrawn and depressed Warning signs secret dieting dissatisfaction after losing weight increasingly lower weight goals excessive exercising irregular period Bulimia Nervosa eating disorder in which a person regularly eats huge

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FSU FAD 3220 - Physical and Cognitive Adolescent Growth

Documents in this Course
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

24 pages

Exam 4

Exam 4

39 pages

Exam 4

Exam 4

7 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

11 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

22 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

11 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

11 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

26 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

9 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

17 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

32 pages

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

10 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

22 pages

Test #2

Test #2

14 pages

Test #2

Test #2

14 pages

Test #2

Test #2

14 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

25 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

22 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

88 pages

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