Some things he mentioned about the exam 70 questions 10 t f some power points pics majority of material starting from WWII at home McCarthyism cumulative portion Great railroad strike how did labor policy change role of fed government rural to urban divide or shift Not specific No specifics from other exams Hay Market Great Society broad themes over whole course how did republican party move no pictures from exam 1 and 2 pics from war at home questions about songs Pete Seeger Bring him home Woody Guthrie looks like I highlighted all of the terms he mentioned also put up a recording of the lectures except 4 3 4 17 lecture only covered the last small part of the outline on 4 15 so that recording doesn t cover much He wasn t the clearest on what parts are cumulative but said about 20 we should expect from the previous exams Also I forgot to exit out of the recording after class so they go on Hope it helps 4 3 World War 2 Home front Preparedness and War at Home 1940 1945 Preparedness Campaign o WWII caused social change and influenced people s lives o WWII brought an end to the Great Depression o US started to create arms for the War o After Japan bombed Pear Harbor on December 7 1941 America was already prepared for the war because of the Preparedness Campaign o All sectors of the US was ready for war o Industry started to expand and unemployment went down to where there was a o There was a shortage of men because more men were in the war fighting over shortage of workers seas o 4 million women joined the war effort o Shortage of workers to meet the demand for the goods for the military unemployment was unheard of o Anyone could go out and get a job either in the armed forces or in factories Problems Waging the War o Shortage of Workers Labor Reforms change because government wants people to work all the time so the worker rights were ignored All the Labor Deals about maximum work hours were suspended because factories always needed people work Women had to fill all the jobs men couldn t because they were in war Took many office jobs or lived in the factory Rosie the Riveter represented the strong woman that contributed to the war Women made up a third of the work force Huge change before war After war it was much more acceptable for women to take up jobs that were previously only men s jobs African Americans benefited All the white men join the war and go over seas so black men and women work in the factories They gain recognition because of the war They also join the war After the war ends most African Americans hold on to benefits but some do lose their jobs A lot of problems due to shortage of workers that Government has to face Wages went up to get more people into jobs so it was an incentive Government also spent a lot of money on weapons National War Labor Board was the first out of many industries created because of the war It was charged with managing the labor supply so that the production of war materials goes smoothly It was the step in to manage disputes between workers and factories Try to help stop strikes so production never stops Designed to stop disputes before they even begin It tackles the problem with increased wages to set a cap The Board limits wages and can t go above a certain point Controls shipping or anything important for the war effort Rationing and Conservation of food and gas There was a ration of gas per week or month So people couldn t drive around long distances because the gas was mostly needed for tanks and planes for the war The growing of Victory Gardens so people can grow their own food and the food from farms can go to the troops Patriotic Posters were placed everywhere for Victory Gardens Even Radicals were on board to help for the war o Shortage of Raw Materials Government take steps America to move to a self sufficient economy Roosevelt says that they can t trust the market and take steps for a planned economy They create a War Production Board to Regulate the economy So people can t get new items in America because all the items are used for the war So every factories build for the war Example Ford makes tanks instead of trucks Very successful If you needed a new car you couldn t during the war had to wait even if you had money Huge problem for consumers People save their money It dictates people s sense of style since there were fewer materials Elbow patches on jackets disappeared because the war needed leather Disappeared by 1946 o Funding the War Taxation was used to help for money with the war Roosevelt presented a 100 top marginal taxation so no one should have more then 25 000 a year after they pay their taxes This didn t go over well and didn t pass Taxes did go up Highest earners were paying 94 Still not enough money for the war Only paid for half the cost of the war War Bonds were regular treasury bonds for Americans to support the war Played on patriotism People have more income so people buy the war bonds People couldn t go out and buy new items like cars or radios so most people buy bonds with their extra money All sorts of ideas were out to get people to buy these bonds But America does have to repay them and there is a debt that America has to face o Selling the War Convincing the Public The Government wants people to be happy working and producing The war is sold so that the people can back it up Propaganda was used A lot of companies help with the war but some were forced to help All scripts needed to be signed by the government first before it can be an advertisement Posters are one of the ways the government plays on fears to get others to help with the war effort They were an ideal way to propaganda because it was cheap Favorite way of private and public companies When you ride Alone you ride with Hitler poster Some posters had humor some were on the darker side Change Japanese or German figures to make them seem inhuman Hollywood went all out for the war effort Encouraged major stars to enlist One actor that enlisted was Jimmy Stewart stared in It s a Wonderful Life and worked his way up to General Hollywood also showed movies for the war Cartoons were designed for patriotism Daffy Duck was one example Mickey Mouse was donated for the war effort dressed up for the war and posters made 4 8 Movie 4 10 Starts at the beginning of Cold War as World War II is coming to a close Winston Churchill was the prime minister of England during the …
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