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These are all of the key terms for the second exam as well as main points from each outline If any key terms are missing they were not discussed in class lecture Rumor has it that the majority of the test questions come from key terms and notes Good luck Outline 8 Ideas in the Late Nineteenth Century Social Darwinism and the Rise of Modern Liberalism 1 HMS Beagle 1830s a boat Darwin spent two years on His goal was to super navigate the globe and map the South American coast He was in charge of observing the world around him as his crew manned the ship Darwin Naturalist he noticed slight variations in plants and animals based on their environment These organisms were suited for the environment that they lived in e g Darwin s Finches 2 Survival of the Fittest a result of natural selection The term was coined by Herbert Spencer NOT Charles Darwin in relation to human evolution Survival of the fittest meant that the weak dumb and slow people should die off while the smart fast and capable would succeed and increase their numbers 3 Andrew Carnegie a big business man who supported Herbert Spencer s idea of Survival of the Fittest He believed that the wealthy people should help the less fortunate because it was a moral duty to them i e Carnegie s Gospel of Wealth and that the government should not intervene in helping them 4 The Theory of the Leisure Class The ruling class engaged in less productive and less time consuming activities they had time for leisure leisure class The people of the lower classes wanted to emulate the leisure class and engage in the same activities and consume the same products a Leisure class and others engage in CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION the use of wealth for the sake of displaying social status b The lower class looks at the leisure class and envies them Outline 9 Progressivism 1 The Social Justice Movement and the Efficiency Movement 1 The Jungle 1906 a novel written by Upton Sinclair This man called attention to problems in the meat packing industry and beyond This type of work was referred to as paid slavery The book reflected the meat packing industry the corruption of people in power and bad conditions of laborers It highlighted the contrast between rich and poor 1 a Sensationalism a worker fell in with the ground beef NO EVIDENCE but it affected the people who read the book b Sinclair s GOAL cause outrage in the public VERY SUCCESSFUL 2 The History of the Standard Oil Company Ida Tarbell was critical of Standard Oil Her father s business was destroyed because of Standard Oil this impacted the way she saw American Industry Her book The History of the Standard Oil Company was written to expose unfair tactics The book exposed the activities of Standard Oil how they used immoral business practices against laborers and small businesses a Effects of The History of the Standard Oil Company gathered support for anti trust movement Standard i Anti Trust Movement GOAL break up large companies like 3 The Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 paved the way for Food and Drug Administration 4 Social Workers early forms were Social Justice Progressives These people wanted to change society through charity and outreach Wealthy members of the Social Justice Progressives helped fund SOCIAL WORKERS Go in and help the poor Helped promote people to help other people professionally 5 Brandeis Brief a written legal document used by lawyers to present their case and argument to the court Before B B most briefs were pure legal theory B B presented statistical data and sociological evidence This impacted how the Supreme Court viewed cases and changed how future cases were argued 6 Multiple Use Approach an idea that emerged during the Efficiency Movement and Efficiency Progressivism during the 1890s through the 1930s Advocates of this approach argued that all aspects of the economy society and the government were riddled with waste and inefficiency Advocates also sought to use expertise science and new social sciences to identify and fix problems related to WASTE 7 Wise Use exploit natural resources sustainably With this idea companies could only use resources to a certain degree That way resources can re generate themselves a Gifford Pinchot 1st Chief of United States Forest Service He was one of the 1st academically trained foresters Pinchot was a BIG proponent of the Wise 2 Use Policy Pinchot was a leading conservationist and wanted to benefit people by eliminating waste Outline 10 Progressivism 2 1 8 hour day One of the main issues Progressives fought for was the 8 hour work day for railroad workers 2 Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Teddy Roosevelt returns from out of the country and sees the damage Taft did to the Republican Party so he decides to run again Roosevelt created the Progressive Party which was a wing of the Republican Party He was president from 1901 1909 a Roosevelt tried to steal the nomination from Taft in 1912 b Created the Progressive Party aka The Bull Moose Party 3 Interstate Commerce Commission granted the power to set maximum railroad rates 4 and led to the discontinuation of free passes to loyal shippers This power was granted by the Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act The Roosevelt Panic of 1907 This financial crisis also called the Roosevelt panic was short but spurred much needed fiscal reforms It exposed the need for a more elastic currency and in response Congress passed the Aldrich Vreeland Act of 1908 a Nelson Aldrich was a leader of the Republican Party in the U S Senate He was in favor of protective tariffs and the gold standard He travelled to Europe to observe research and study the European Banking System Central Banks 5 Union Pacific the railroad that started from Omaha in the mid 1860s and was built westward as part of the transcontinental railroad 6 The Federal Reserve Act 1913 out of this act emerges the Federal Reserve The Federal Reserve used the power of the gov t to manipulate interest rates Its goal was to prevent a spiraling of economic problems that lead to bank runs The Federal Reserve leads to a huge expansion in the Fed l Gov t and was a landmark Progressive reform It also enabled the government to be stronger in regards to business regulation 7 Socialist Party this party s candidate was Eugene Debs who ran for president from prison He was involved in the labor movement and represented the extreme left i e Socialists labor movement Marxists Debs read the Communist Manifesto and was similar in some ways to Bryan but also different 3 8 Lowering

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FSU AMH 2020 - Social Darwinism and the Rise of Modern

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