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These are all of the key terms for the first exam If any are missing they were not discussed in class lecture Rumor has it that the majority of the test questions come from key terms and notes Good luck Outline 1 The Third Party System and the Rise of the Republican Party 1 The Whig Party credited with transpiring platform to new Republican Party Their major issue involved the control over the expansion of slavery Others included industry railroads modernization homesteading go out and settle west and better race relations There was however a difference in the platforms of northern Whigs and southern Whigs 2 Inflation more bills were admitted to circulation which resulted in a decrease in value 3 14th Amendment reaffirms the state and federal citizenship of all persons regardless of race born or naturalized in the United States and it forbids any state to abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens to deprive any person of life liberty or property without due process of law or to deny any person the equal protection of the laws A Reconstruction Amendment which settled the question of slavery Enlarged powers of the Federal Government and promoted political equality 4 Lame Duck an elected official or group continuing to hold political office during the period between the election and the inauguration of a successor an office holder with no power 5 Presidential Veto when the President overturns a piece of legislation that was previously passed or will soon be passed in Congress 6 Greenbacks paper money that is backed by gold Called greenbacks for their green color They were very susceptible to counterfeit 7 The Secret Service developed following the emergence of the greenbacks and counterfeiting of paper money Has two main purposes a Protect the President b Counterfeit Money 8 Free Trade Democrats are proponents of Free Trade Europe will buy cotton and Southerners will buy home goods from Europe e g furniture luxuries The South wants Europe to compete with the North who does not support tariffs on European goods That competition would mean chapter prices for the South 9 Reconstruction Amendments 13th 14th and 15th Amendments These amendments settled the question of slavery enlarged powers of the Federal Government and promoted political equality The 13th Amendment was the first Reconstruction Amendment This promoted political equality outlawed slavery everywhere It ensured no more state s rights and put the Federal Government in the position of monitoring Civil Rights in the states unsuccessful 10 10th Amendment state s rights 1 11 Radical Republicans did not think the 10 Plan established by Lincoln pardoned to rebels willing to renounce secession and accept emancipation of slaves was fair The Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South blamed the planter class They wanted to change the social society of the South They wanted the South to resemble the North small farms and big factories 12 Thaddeus Stevens a leading Radical Republican who was active on the Underground Railroad He was anti slavery and wanted it to end He was a supporter of the National Currency and Federal Government taking a larger role in having a National Bank 13 Benjamin Butler a representative from Massachusetts He was in charge of Occupy New Orleans and was hated by most of the rebels who lived there He moved into Congress to become an active Radical Republican Both Butler and Stevens were annoyed with President Lincoln 14 Emancipation Proclamation outlawed slavery in states still in rebellion THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION DID NOT FREE ALL SLAVES 15 13th Amendment the 13th Amendment was the 1st Reconstruction Amendment It promoted political equality outlawed slavery everywhere It ensured no more state s rights and put the Federal Government in the position of monitoring Civil Rights in the states but was unsuccessful 16 The 10 Plan this plan was implemented by Lincoln for an amicable reconciliation It gave full pardon to rebels willing to renounce their secession and accept the emancipation of slaves The pardon would restore all property except slaves and full political rights When 10 of a states voting population took an oath of allowance to U S that state would be able to organize a new government 10 PLAN ENGRAGES RADICAL REPUBLICANS IN THE NORTH THEY DIDN T THINK IT WAS FAIR 17 The Freedman s Bureau this provided provisions clothing and fuel to relieve destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen and their wives and children It was the first federal experiment in social welfare Intended to last for a year and aid in assisting free black slaves into social life e g education health etc The task was too big for the bureau Legislation was passed to extend its life one of the last straws for Republicans Johnson vetoes 18 Fiat Money money currency declared by the government to be legal tender Fiat money does not have a value in its own right backed up by word of the federal government accepted by the government 19 The Democratic Party proponents of Free Trade Conservative parties named by the Democrats emerged to mobilize the white vote Their goal was to outnumber the white and black Republicans Following all of this the Republicans began to lose control gradually in the South 2 Outline 2 Violence Corruption and Economic Turmoil 1 The Civil Rights Act of 1866 divides Johnson and the Radical Republicans Stated that all people born in the United States regardless of race are citizens of the United States Johnson vetoes and tries to turn the states to reject this amendment Johnson loses credibility with Congress 2 Impeachment possibly removal from office of Johnson Congress wants to set up Johnson so he falls into his own trap 3 Ku Klux Klan Act 1871 authorized the military to use whatever force was needed to stop the violence They would put them on trial and search them etc It worked until the end of the 1st Ku Klux Klan By the mid 1870s the first Ku Klux Klan was gone There was still some violence from it but not as much as before a Remember The Ku Klux Klan was based in the South Extremely violent and intimidating 2nd 3rd clans are different 4 Hiram Rhodes Revels a black Congressman from Mississippi among them was the ablest Congressmen of all time 5 Carpetbaggers Northern politicians or activists who wanted to implement legislature Northerners who allegedly rushed south with all their belongings in carpetbaggers to reap political spoils were more often than not Union veterans They were drawn south by

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FSU AMH 2020 - The Third Party System

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