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AMH 2020 What Is The Cause Chapter 17 The Civil War Slavery is widely believed to be the root of The Civil War Slavery existed in the North died out mainly near the revolutionary period All original colonies had slaves Almost all causes can be tied back to slavery Because of slavery Northerners and Southerners have different ways of life Economically Socially Historians do not believe that slavery is the reason Sectionalism is another cause Different sections of the country wanting and believing different things North and South did not agree on tariffs centralized banking systems expansion of slavery into territories South believed that if slavery didn t expand it would die what should be done with land railroads and state rights Declining Southern influence in government might have been another cause Northern Advantage The north has 23 states and 22 million people But some of those states boarder states like California and Oregon would not contrib ute to the Northern cause They had a well established central government A government that was recognized abroad Surpassed the South In population They have more people More natural resources More financial wealth More transportation facilities Produced most of the nation s foodstuff and manufactured goods They do not need to import because it is made there They had a large scale labor supply Had no major handicaps Ex South is a one crop economy they depend on cotton and need to import manufac tured goods Southern Advantage 11 states and 9 million people 5 and a half million are white 3 and a half million are slaves The South was fighting a defensive war on their own soil It does not take as many troops to defend Fighting against a friendly population South had a higher morale confidence They were fighting for something that was easy to get aroused about for their indepen dence They were passionate Hoped for aid from France and England France and England purchased a good deal of their cotton They were so dependent on it that they joined their cause Slaves expected to provide food and supplies This meant that white men could go off and fight the war and not have to worry about it Questionable Advantages Military leaders and soldiers can be considered superior than those of the North North had political appointees South s had been trained in the art of warfare They lived outdoors more Civil War Con t Battle Of Antietam It was unexpected how long it was 4 years Despite the advantages of the North and the South neither side was prepared War supplies lacked Raw troops had to be trained January 1 1963 Declared slaves in confederate states free Most deciding aspect of the war Southern invasion of North soil Bloody fight It was a draw military wise but a North victory in the long run Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation Issued by Abraham Lincoln Stated that if the Southern states in rebellion would not come back within 100 days the slaves would be freed Didn t affect slave states that stayed in the union It was always a moral crusade for southerners now it is one for North Civil War ended April 1864 Number of deaths surpasses 618 000 dead 415 000 wounded This conflict tore families apart Brothers were fighting each other in disagreement churches were divided over slavery and survival of the union It was a war between the states Emancipation Proclamation Ensured the end of slavery Behind The Lines The Homestead Act of 1862 Deals with land out in the west and what should be done with it Any citizen can claim up to 160 acres of land Live on the land for 5 years Must show improvement on the land Build a house plant house grow a garden Then you can get title to that land for a very small fee North and South could not agree with this Morrill Act 1862 Raised tariff considerably By the end of war it is 3 times higher than before Has always been an issue North wanted a protective tariff Transcontinental Railroad 1862 Created two corporations to build a railroad to connect east and west coast Reconstruction 1865 1877 Lincoln planned 10 percent plan Southern state could be readmitted into Union once 10 percent of its voters swore an al legiance to the union This plan was thought to be too lenient Radicals wanted to ensure that slavery was ended black rights were protected and the power of the planter class was destroyed be fore readmitting the southern states April 9 1865 General U S Grant Met General Robert E Lee Lee was to surrender to the army of the North Virginia Marked the end to one of the most tragic wars in history Millions worth of property destroyed Most Southerners did not own slaves Many of the men were just fighting for something they believe in their way of life slavery etc Southern states restored into the Union is Reconstruction Problems Economic South had to be rebuilt They suffered from war lack of food ruined plantations now free blacks testing freedom and white abandoning Political Southern states brought back to the union State government had to be recreated in these Southern states Social Hate and bitterness needed to be put aside Status of free men and woman had to be established in meaning Almost 4 million blacks freed Now they were the responsibility of the nation Dying of starvation and disease Congress passed Bureau of Refugees Freedom and Abandoned Lands Freedom s Bureau Helps slaves into transition into freedom Head of agency is General Otis Howard Commissioner Freedom s Bureau Con t Issue rations Gave good clothing medicine to poverty stricken Supervise labor system Now slaves have to be paid for their labor not cheated Try to make sure they are not taken advantage of Make sure white land owners have the labor they need Write contracts Secure land 1866 homeland act pass Justice Special courts so blacks can get justice in the legal systemv Serves as a missing persons bureau They are trying to reunite families that have been torn apart due to slavery Before it was illegal to teach blacks to read and write Help set up an extensive system of school for blacks Working with other groups and organizations working together One Ex American Missionary Association Education Northern whites could donate to help the newly freed people Some people devote their whole lives to helping them get an education Black colleges Hampton Fisk Atlanta University Dillard Tougaloo Talladega Taking these newly freed men and woman and getting them ready for school Most blacks will not go will be in classes taught be northern whites which had a lot of

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