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Chapter 13 Emerging adulthood proposed transitional period between adolescence and adulthood commonly found in industrialized countries Influences on health barriers to healthy lifestyle Diet what people eat affects how they look how they feel and how likely they are to get sick and even die Those who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables are less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who eat diets heavy in meat People who eat a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits vegetables whole grain and unsaturated fats tend to live overall healthier lives Obesity 10 15 prevalence rate worldwide Snacking availability of inexpensive fast foods supersized portions high fat diets highly processed foods and sedentary lifestyle have all been accredited as the reason for obesity epidemic Obesity can lead to depression vise versa Obesity carries risk of high blood pressure heart disease stroke diabetes cancer gall stones arthritis and other muscular and skeletal disorders while diminishing the quality and length of life Sleep sleep deprivation affects physical health cognitive health emotional health and social functioning Adequate sleep improves learning of complex motor skills and consolidates previous learning Indirect o SES those with higher incomes rate their health as better and live longer than those with lower incomes Better educated and more affluent people tend to have healthier diets and better preventative health care and medical treatment These people exercise more and are less likely to be overweight smoke less are less likely to use illegal drugs and less likely to abuse alcohol o Relationships social integration active engagement in a broad range of social relationships activities and roles Social networks can influence emotional well being as well as participation in healthful behaviors Social support marriage material informational and psychological resources derived from the social network on which one relies on for coping with stress Those with social support more likely to eat and sleep sensibly get enough exercise avoid substance abuse when going through stressful situation Peak of illicit drug use age 18 25 most popular drug marijuana is most popular illicit drug among young adults Infertility Inability to conceive a child after 12 months of sexual intercourse without the use of birth control 1 cause men production of too few sperm Women blockage of fallopian tubes Fertility begins declining for women in their late twenties with substantial decrease in their thirties Men s fertility declines significantly by their late thirties Postformal thought mature type of thinking that relies on subjective experience and intuition as well as logic and lows room for ambiguity uncertainty inconsistency contradiction imperfection and compromise Shifting gears ability to think within at least two different logical systems and to shift back and forth between abstract reasoning and practical real world considerations Problem definition ability to define a problem as falling within a class or category of logical problems and to define its parameters Process product shift ability to see that a problem can be solved either through a process with general application to similar problems or through a product a concrete solution to the particular problem Pragmatism ability to choose the best of several possible logical solutions and to recognize criteria for choosing Multiple solutions Awareness of paradox recognition that a problem or solution involves inherent conflict good now bad later Self referential thought person s awareness that he of she must be the judge of which logic to use Emotional intelligence EI Salovey and Mayer s term for the ability to understand and regulate emotions an important component of effective intelligent behavior College transition college only recently became the most common path to adulthood Women make up the majority of college population Diverse student body contributes to cognitive growth Spillover hypothesis hypothesis that there is a carryover of cognitive gains from work to leisure that explains the positive relationship between activities in the quality of intellectual functioning Chapter 14 Recentering process that underlies the shift to an adult identity Adult relationships with parents still need acceptance empathy and support form parents and financial support for education enhances emerging adult s chances of success in adult roles Quality depends on relationships during early childhood positive relationship during early childhood predicted warmer and less conflicted relationships with both parents at age 26 Failure to launch young adults who are forced to remain somewhat dependent on their parents out of economic concerns and the need to obtain training or schooling to a greater degree than previous generations Erikson Intimacy versus isolation Erikson s 6th stage of psychosocial development in which young adults either form strong long lasting bonds with friends and romantic partners or face a possible sense of isolation and self absorption Timing of events model theoretical model of personality development that describes adult psychosocial development as a response to the expected occurrence and timing of important life events Normative life events in the timing of events model commonly expected life experiences that occur at customary times social clock set of cultural norms or expectations for the times of life when certain important life events such as marriage parenthood entry into work and retirement should occur Five factor model of personality theoretical model of personality developed and tested by Costa and McCrae based on the Big Five factors underlying clusters of related personality traits neuroticism extraversion openness to experience conscientiousness and agreeableness Friendship less stable in young adulthood than earlier and later periods because of relocation frequency Tend to center on work and parenting activities and sharing confidences with friends Single young adults rely more on friendships than married young adults Women tend to have more intimate friendships than men fictive kin friends who are considered and behave like family members Love Sternberg triangular theory of love Sternberg s theory that patterns of love hinge on the balance among three elements intimacy passion and commitment Gay and Lesbian relationships in the past 40 yrs or so gay and lesbian adults have increasingly lived openly this increase in

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FSU FAD 3220 - Chapter 13 Emerging adulthood

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Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Test #2

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Chapter 1

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