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AMH2020 1 29 12 Study Guide Spanish American Warm first time army is mobilized o Go to Cuba to fight o When Blacks came to gift they face segregation used to fight out West where segregation didn t exist Rough Riders o First official volunteer Calvary regiment o Cowboys out west mixed in with polo players from Harvard mixed unit o Leader Lieutenant colonel Theodore Roosevelt Resigned from his cabinet position in order to fight in Cuba Invasion of Cuba o Fight takes place in Southwest Cuba Santiago Harbor General Joseph Wheeler Blockade of Spanish fleet US wanted to isolate Cuba Santiago Harbor is surrounded by hills US wanted to seize land in order to keep artillery there Ex Confederate general How general of US army Gets sick in Cuba with Malaria starts to hallucinate during San Juan Hill Kettle Hill battles o July 1 1898 o US seized hills around harbor o Rough riders assigned to San Juan hills and the African American Regiment was assigned to seizing Kettle Hill The African American Regiment seized Kettle Hill and headed towards San Juan Hill they actually took both the hills for America but the Rough Riders get the credit Battle of Santiago o July 13 1898 o Cuba Surrenders to US Before the war ends US had already seized Puerto Rico Philippines liberated Cuba o Aftermath of the war 250 US army soldiers died from battle 2500 US army soldiers died from disease During the war Walter Reed found out that the disease was transmitted from mosquito o Used the information to create more advanced medicine Treaties by the US are either signed in Paris or Ghent most popular places for signing the treaties Treaty of Paris Spain recognizes Cuba s independence Spain cedes Guam and Puerto Rico to US US paid 20 million to the Philippines o People in Philippines believed they would get independence like Cuba o Became a US territory US received 99 year lease on Guantanamo Bay and maintained right to intervene if Cuba was threatened Philippine War 1899 1902 o 4000 Americans died o 50 000 Filipinos died o US began to torture prisoners Water boarding first began Used the same strategy as Weyler did in Cuba Moved villagers into Camps Burned villages o The Philippines gave business to America and allowed the navy base to expand o Emilio Aguinaldo Leader of Filipino military Captured in 1901 Highest Civilian official in Philippines o Douglas McCartney became leader of US army general in Philippines o US support drops when US starts War in Philippines Didn t like the way American Empire Democrats against imperialism and expansion o Believed US should spend money at home to expand not abroad Republicans liked and supported imperialism In 1898 US became a world player The Progressive Era 1900 1912 o US have change in heart on spending money abroad and at home o Began in big eastern cities wanted city commissioners Also had roots in Midwestern states Potential primates fair chance Voices of Midwestern state citizens believed they weren t being heard for presidential elections Also began to institute senators o Conditions that demanded reform Break down moral code Believed companies no longer cared about the consumer o Bad products and child labor in order to lower the cost of products Growth of monopolies o Hard to control o One company controlled the steel manufacturing industry one company controlled meat manufacturing industry and one controlled the oil factories Concentration of wealth o One percent owned 50 percent of wealth o 12 percent owned 90 percent of wealth o Progressive era wanted redistribution of wealth Government bribery o City commissioners made sure residents relieved best service o City managers dealt with everyday tasks Election of 1900 o McKinley will run for reelection as a republican with Theodore Roosevelt as his running mate o After Theodore Roosevelt came back a hero from Cuba the San Juan Hills and becomes the New York governor at 42 years old As governor starts changing New York around Many big businesses did not like him and they wanted Roosevelt to become Vice President Candidate to get him away from New York History of Roosevelt prior to war in Cuba Graduated from Harvard first job was New York state legislator at 23 years old and got married In his early 30s mother and wife died on same day o Become New York and moved out west to a cattle ranch Becomes a cowboy for 3 years Goes back to New York in 1890 gets remarried and enter politics again Wanted to prove he wasn t just a city boy o McKinley beats William Jennings Bryan in the election September 6 1901 o William McKinley was assassinated by Lean Czolgosz Didn t believe in Government McKinley dies 8 days after Roosevelt becomes President after assassination Progressive Era Cont Teddy Roosevelt o Placed as Vice President from Republican New Yorkers who wanted to get him away from New York To end political career o During election campaigned with rough riders his regiment from Cuban war o Becomes president in September 1901 Allowed to give an inauguration address 1901 in Buffalo New York Laid out his plan o Attack social problems big businesses and wealth o Break up railroads use government to assist farmers out west o Help middle class and poor Americans o Assisted by writers Muckrakers 1901 1908 exposed the wrongs of monopolies and big business to the public Samuel S McClure and McClure magazine Expose business and foreign policies Ida Tarbell and Standard Oil o Series of articles in magazine and made into a book 1902 1903 Standard of oil Expose of the evils of the oil industry and a voice against monopolies o Oil was used for lighting and machinery o Rockefeller owned all oil in Ohio and expanded to owning all of oil industry in United States Controlled production every aspect o Take over other business o Big business o Rockefeller profit Complete monopoly Sherman Anti Trust Act 1890 Didn t care about employers of consumers just wanted to make a o First government attempt to control trusts Anyone who monopolized trade or commerce among the states or with foreign countries was guilty of misdemeanor and subjects to one year s imprisonment o Roosevelt broke up standard oil company and the DuPont company o Used for ATT in the 1980s Upton Sinclair and The Jungle o Production in business Roosevelt Products that harmed consumers o The Jungle novel based on Sinclair s experience Exposed Chicago s meat industry No attempt of sanitation Altered country and meat industry suffered o Happened in many industries Cereal industry milk

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