New colonialism In the late 1800 s the newly united nations of Germany and Italy began moving toward colonies The United States wanted to get in on this rush 1 6 billion dollars made in Africa trade Propaganda for Imperialism Alfred T Mahan Wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History Everyone was building battleships that ran on coal Mahan said we need supply points for coal all over the world Panama canal was built so fleets can go from atlantic to pacific Bases needed to be built to protect panama canal Rev Josiah Strong Our Country Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis Wants to send missionaries out instead of military Wanted to use religion rather than military Hawaii was good for growing sugar cane America let Hawaii send sugar to the US without a tariff if they don t send it to anyone else US leased Pearl Harbor from Hawaii as a naval base Queen Lydia Liliuokalani said that Americans land would be confiscated Americans revolted and overthrew Hawaii s monarchy in 1893 American Samoa divided between US and Germany Yellow Journalism led to Spanish American War Spanish had Spain and Cuba General valeriano Weyler Sent from Spain to Cuba to stop the revolt Put villagers in concentration camp so they cant help the rebels Weyler doesn t have enough food for the villagers 200 000 Cubans died in these camps William Randolph Hearst Ordered journalists for his newspaper to exaggerate their stories Printed on yellow paper Stories were blown out of proportion People started demanding that US take action US sends Battleship USS Maine to evacuate Americans if need be and keep things under control Feb 13 USS Maine explodes in Cuba Yellow Journalism blames Spanish true cause coal burners US declares war on Spain Battle of Manila Bay George Dewey sank Spanish fleet and took control of the Philippines Tampa was the embarkation dock There was still segregation Black soldiers beat up people at a soda fountain that wouldn t let them drink because they were black 1 30 12 Rough Riders United states volunteer cavalry Mix of all kinds of people Led by Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt Unites States trapped Spanish battleship fleet in Santiago Bay General Joseph Wheeler ex confederate that was a general in this war hallucinations about civil war San Juan Hill 1898 The Rough Riders and black regimens win battle of San Juan Hill Battle of Santiago Spanish fleet tries to escape from the bay and is destroyed Treaty of Paris US seize Guam and Puerto Rico from Spanish Liberated Cuba and seized the Philippines for 20 million dollars in the 3 month war US received a 99 year lease on Guantanamo Bay and maintained a right to intervene if Cuba was threatened 280 Americans killed in combat 2500 killed by disease Damage done by rebels cause the Philippine War 4 000 American soldiers die in 3 year war Destroyed and villages that may have contained rebels About 50 000 Filipinos died Emilio Aguinaldo highest civilian officer in Philippine War Early Progressivism Began in big eastern cities Wanted to stop corruption in city management Also had its roots in midwestern states Presidential primaries Conditions that demanded reform Breakdown of the moral code Growth of monopolies Concentration of wealth Govt Bribery 12 of population owned 90 of the wealth 1 owned 50 of the wealth Election of 1900 William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt was made Vice president to get him out of New York Roosevelt Mother and wife died on the same day Went out west to cattle ranch in North Dakota Wanted to prove that his wasn t afraid to get his hands dirty McKinley is assassinated by Leon Czolgosz Roosevelt becomes president 2 6 Teddy was allowed to give an inaugural address laid out what he was going to do as president 1 attack social problems of countries by going after big businesses 2 break up the railroads Use government to help farmers by broadening the governments power over the railroads 3 help middle class and poor America 4 Conservation of natural resources This address made conservative republicans in congress freak Muckrakers group of writers who exposed the wrongs of monopolies and big businesses to the public Samuel s mcclure and mcclure s magazine Ida Tarbell and Standard Oil Ida wrote a series of articles for mcclures magazine Eventually put together in a book called the history of standard oil Was an expose of the evils of the oil industry and a voice against monopolies Owned by John D Rockefeller Put everyone out of business and controlled all of the oil distribution in the US Sherman Anti Trust Act First government attempt to control trusts Anyone who monopolized trade or commerce among the states or with foreign countries was guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of 5 000 and 1 year in jail Roosevelt put this to good use and broke up the standard oil company and the dupont company Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle about the Chicago meat processing industry Rats and roaches in meat processing facilities Nobody wanted to eat meat anymore The dairy cows that provided milk were fed hops from leftover beer Milk from cows came out blue Added chalk to turn it white before sending it out to consumers Caused tuberculoses Pure Food and Drug Act banned use of harmful chemicals and preservatives in food or medicine Was the forerunner of the food and drug administration Cureforhedacke Brane fude Medicine contained alcohol salt and other ingredients Declared misleading by the Drug and Food Act Fined 700 B M Tuberculosis Turpentine and ammonia Said it burnt the tuberculosis out of the lungs Manufacturer fined 10 Lincoln Steffins and the Shame of the Cities Political machines were corrupt Railroad Regulations Hepburn Act In 1900 6 railroad companies controlled 75 if all rails in the US Gave the interstate commerce commission the power to reduce rates as the courts saw fit Increased the size of the interstate commerce commission from the five to seven members Gave it control over pipelines ferries and express companies UPS Places on the railroads the burden of showing that a rate was not unreasonable The first time in history the government could look at a business s information to set rates Roosevelt s foreign policy Panama Canal Purposely instigated an uprising in panama by freeing Panamanian exiles in 1903 10 million dollars given to the new Panamanian Government for the Panama Canal Took 10 years to build Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Said that the US wouldn t intervene in Latin America s
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