AMH2020 Exam 2 Study Guide Friday January 27 2012 Election of 1896 o Populist Party Platform is adopted by the Democrats Free Silver Income Tax First time they raised a lot of money for elections o Republicans run on the gold standard o o Decides if Government will become a huge bureaucracy or have states handle the issues o William Jennings Bryan VS William McKinley Mark Hanna o Great Campaign manager of William McKinley near Ohio o Went to Wall Street and 1 tells them if Dem win the election of 1896 they are going to unleash free silver and it will raise inflation 2 if they win they will begin regulating big businesses and railroads Wall Street gets scared and they give 3 5 mil to McKinley s campaign He raised more money too and flooded newspapers with campaign ads to attack the Democrats Election o Blends old campaign vs new campaign o McKinley stays at home toward his campaign and he gave speeches from his backyard o William Jennings Bryan first to take a campaign tour across the country travels more the 18 000 miles by rail and speaks to 3 million people o McKinley wins the election of 1896 because of the fear that the Democrats would inject new issues into politics Showed that a 3rd party could interject issues into American politics into everyday lives regulation growing government for business etc done by People s Party They also advocated an 8 hour work place They also made laws what an employer could and could not do to an employee The American Century begins in 1896 because America was no longer isolated from Europe affected international affairs and began influencing other peoples affairs o o o AMERICAN IMPERIALISM New Colonialism 1800s 1890s In the late 1800s the newly united nations of Germany and Italy both now countries not series of states began moving toward Colonies Decide to make colonies like all of the other European countries and the only problem left is that there was no more land Only in Africa Italy claims Libya Germany claimed other parts Other European countries followed suit England Belgium France Was a trade empire American ships carried American goods all over the goods merchants made 1 6 billion dollars in the decade of the 1880s Most went to third world countries If America established companies the people would be forced to establish trade with them only and they could exploit goods the lands had too The United States wanted to get in on this rush o o Domestic Propaganda for Imperalism The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1890 by Alfred T Mahan Mahan was a captain in the US Navy The rest of the world Germany Great Britain were beginning to build great weapons for battle so he said we needed to produce more too especially battleships Said America needed to keep up Battleships run on coal to run the boilers so they needed a constant supply He said there needed to be coal stations all over the globe for fuel He also said America needed a canal to connect the Atlantic to the Pacific and vice versa Therefore America needed to EXPAND colonization Panama Canal built trans ocean He said that because it was going to be in Central America we needed bases to protect the canal and the best choices were in Hawaii and the Caribbean Expansion for military purposes o Our Country Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis 1890 by Reverend Josiah Strong Strong was a preacher his book said America could expand but it did not need military purposes to do so use missionaries to express Christianity to Natives and therefore they could trade w America Expansion in the Pacific Sugar cane drew Americans to Hawaii and could make a lot of money doing so o o Americans have been in Hawaii since 1950s a lot of living there around 1980s and 1990s o America signed a trade agreement in 1875 with Hawaii which was ruled by a Queen Lydia Liliuokalani o Conditions of Agreement Can ship sugar to the US without a tariff import tax as long as it didn t sell sugar to any other country Pearl Harbor was leased as a naval station after Mahan s book came out o o Queen wanted Hawaii to be free of foreign influence and confiscated land owned by Americans o Americans in 1893 overthrew the Queen and in 1898 Hawaii became a territory under McKinley o America claims Samoa o Now they have two fueling stations outside the US o Yellow Journalism is a big cause of the Spanish American War 1890s Cuba and Puerto Rico as it last two colonies in the new war Spanish American War o o Cuba keeps revolting and in the 1890s it revolted again o o Weyler orders a Reconcentration policy and they rely on the people to give them support The rebels could Spain sends General Valeriano Weyler not operate without food etc o Has villagers put in Concentration camps so they can t aid the rebels o Weyler does not have enough logistics to meet all of the needs of the prisoners food etc o More than 1 6 million were put in camps and 200 000 died 1 out of every 8 Yellow Journalism o o o o Two newspapers in competition for readership in NYC William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulltizer Sent writers to Cuba to cover the revolt and write sensational stories that were accompanied by political cartoons o Called yellow journalism because of the paper it was printed on sort of yellowish o Americans begin getting mad about it because they are kind of blowing up all of the info out of proportion and begin demanding that the US take action In September of 1897 the American Ambassador of Spain said that they were going to send troops to intervene because it was inhumane Spain began backing down their policies They recalled Weyler from Cuba back to Spain ends reconcentration and they give Cuba the ability to self rule o US sends a battleship USS Maine to Havana Cuba to evacuate and keep order in 1988 o o USS Maine blows up in Havana Harbor in 1898 killing several hundred US sailors 216 killed and They do not want them to back down on policies immediately Yellow Journalism said it was TREACHERY and that the Spanish did it o US Naval Board said that the Spanish had floated a mine and blown the ship up o o o It was most likely a spark ignited one of the coal carriers and blew it up carelessness The US sends an ultimatum to Spain get out of Cuba or else In April of 1898 the US declares war on Spain Battle of Manila Bay May 1 1898 Spain had colonies in the Philippines o o When word reached the fleet that war had been declared and George Dewey US seized the Philippines for the US and blew up Manila Bay Preparing for Invasion 1898 o Tampa
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