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AMH2020 EXAM 1 KEY TERMS FIRST 3 SETS Civil War Redux and Reconstruction Emancipation Proclamation Signed in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln Issued a preliminary proclamation on September 22 1862 freeing the slaves in the Confederate states as of January 1 1863 the date of the final Proclamation This was the result of the Battle of Antietam on September 17 1862 Antietam September 17 1862 One of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War fought to a standoff on September 17 1862 in Western Maryland 23 000 American s were killed or wounded This is 4 times the number of people killed on D Day Before this battle President Lincoln thought the purpose was to keep the country united Afterwards he decided it was to free the African American s in the South Compromise of 1850 This was a complex compromise mediated by Senator Henry Clay that headed off southern secession over California s statehood to appeal to the Southerners it included a Fugitive Slave Act stronger than the previous and a delayed determination of the slave status in the territories of New Mexico and Utah California would enter as a Free State but the rest of the territories would enter the country as the people in the territory pleased John Brown He was a family man but a failed New England Farmer and Sheepherder The only thing he was actually good at was having children he fathered 20 children Followed the Old Testament LITERALLY Traveled to Kansas in order to kill proslavery people o He brutally murdered them with broad sword wanted slave owners dead o Led a slave rebellion and had them kill all the slave owners they could find o Harper s Ferry in 1859 Brown went to raid the arsenal and use the weapons to arm the slaves but he was captured Captured and hung less than one month later o Caused an uproar with the Southerners they did not realize that this was an isolated incident and were afraid that the Northerners would not stop at anything to make sure slave owners were killed This caused the South to secede in an attempt to protect themselves from widespread john Brown attacks Vicksburg May July 4 1863 The turning point in the Civil War when Vicksburg fell into the control of Ulysses S Grant after 2 months of siege This gave the union control of the Mississippi River Not only captured the city but also 30 000 Confederate soldiers This allowed them to prevent supplies coming to the Confederates from Texas Gettysburg July 1 3 1863 Fought in Southern Pennsylvania was a simultaneous defeat of the Confederacy with Vicksburg This showed that the South no longer stood a chance in the Civil War Election of 1864 Abraham Lincoln Republican AMH2020 EXAM 1 KEY TERMS FIRST 3 SETS o Believed he would be defeated in the election George B McClellan Democrat Appomattox Site of the Surrender of Confederate general Robert E Lee to the Union General Ulysses S Grant This ended the Civil War on April 9 1863 Lincoln s 10 Plan December 8 1863 His plan allowed all confederates except for prominent military and political leaders to regain citizenship by taking an oath that supported the Constitution and 13th amendment 13th abolished slavery Then after 10 of the voters in the 1860 election had regained citizenship in the state they were allowed to set up a government that would be acknowledged by the president o Arkansas Louisiana Tennessee become states By doing so this would ensure that he would have more votes in the election of 1864 because he is scared he would not be re elected Radicals disagreed with this plan Wade Davis Bill July 8 1864 Pushed through Congress in July of 1864 introduced by Henry Davis and Benjamin Wade The Radical Republican plan for reconstruction Required loyalty oaths abolition of slavery repudiation of war debts and Confederate officials and military leaders wouldn t be declared US citizens Said that Congress and not the president should control Reconstruction Were afraid his plan wouldn t do enough to protect the freed slaves Andrew Johnson He became president in 1865 after Lincoln s assassination Hateful person born in NC and raised in N Tennessee to an extremely poor family o He was made fun of for his poverty trigger of his hatred o Finally began making money as a tailor Senator for TN by 1857 starting the war o Yet stayed loyal to the US because he blamed the wealthy southerners for He was a slave owner and a racists therefore he did not think slaves deserved equality He kept this a secret therefore the Radical Republicans thought that his presidency would be good Johnson s Reconstruction Plan May 29 1865 Took a personal stance and gave pardons with similar exceptions to Lincoln s plan but with a new condition o Anyone with more than 20 000 in taxable property had to send a letter to Johnson personally apologizing in order to get a pardon Appointed a provisional governor to each Confederate state They were supposed to call for a Constitutional Convention o Only white voters could be delegates o Helped to make secession illegal o Freed slaves couldn t attend the conventions o Allowed them to write laws that would put the slaves virtually into slavery Radicals thought he was crazy when he was protecting the slaves well AMH2020 EXAM 1 KEY TERMS FIRST 3 SETS 39th Congress Committee of 15 Congress was leaning to the Radicals Committee of 15 o 9 representatives 6 senators not dominated by radicals o 3 key pieces of Legislation in 1866 Freedmen s Bureau Extension Act Formed during the Civil War to help freed slaves and poor whites by distributing food clothing and providing schooling Set to end in 1866 but the extension kept it until it was no longer needed Allowed military power to stop discrimination Bill was vetoed by Johnson and they Representatives could not get 2 3 s majority to overturn it Civil Rights Bill of 1866 Defined citizenship and asserted the rights of the Federal gov to intervene in state affairs if necessary to protect its citizens Also vetoed but Congress overrode this veto 14th Amendment Reinforced the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to put it in the Constitution Determined the state s representation o Change slaves from being counted as 3 5 of a person to a whole person Kept Confederates that had previously sworn an oath to the Constitution from holding office Forbid Confederates from collecting reparations from government Swing Around the Circle Campaign Andrew Johnson used the mid term election of 1866 to campaign against the 14th amendment and the Civil Rights Acts He claimed the election gave the

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FSU AMH 2020 - Civil War Redux and Reconstruction

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