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AMH2020 EXAM 1 CLASS NOTES 1 6 12 1 27 12 Civil War Redux 1861 1865 Battle of Antietam September 17 1862 fought I southern Maryland Before this Lincoln thought the Civil War was to help keep the country united Afterwards he realized southerners were using the slaves to help fight in the war and produce food and ammunition and gun powder o He decided in the summer of 1862 that he would free the slaves of the south o When the United States won this victory this was used to ussue the Emancipation Proclamation Here he said that all of these Slaves were to be free on January 1 1863 23 000 American s were killed or wounded 4x the number of people killed to D Day This Battle changed the war to one of freeing people instead of uniting the country THE CIVIL WAR WAS CAUSED BY SLAVERY This started with the war against Mexico which resulted in the all of the land in the Pac 10 o Then discussion arose with whether or not Southerners could carry their slaves into the new territories Acquired from Mexico o The problem would have lay dormant for years if the Gold Rush had not occurred and California not wanting to become a state free of slavery Before they became a state there was balance among senators equal free state and slave state senators The Southerners did not want them to become because it would tip the balance in favor of the Free states The Compromise of 1850 said that California would enter the nation as a Free State however the rest of the territory would be left up to the people and how they wanted to Four years later the problem erupted again in Kansas o Stephen Douglas was the Governor at the time from Illinois o Because he was from Illinois he wanted the railroad to start in Chicago and go west to San Francisco He cut a deal with the Southerners to go from Chicago to San Francisco then if the people wanted the land to be slaves they could vote it in Then Kansas and Nebraska were created Problem was that both Pro slavery and anti clavery sent people to vote Lots of fraudulent voting people from MO crossed the border to vote and then went back home All hell broke loose and they Slavery people burned an antislavery town John Brown Family man o Failed New England Farmer and Sheepherder o Fathered 20 children o Believed LITERALLY the Old Testament of the Bible o He went to Kansas to kill proslavery people and wipe them off the earth Beheaded people with Broad swords wanted to kill any slave owners he could find Then he deicded to lead a slave rebellion and have them kill all the slave owners they can find Harper s Ferry 1859 went to raid the arsenal and use the weapons to arm the slaves AMH2020 EXAM 1 CLASS NOTES 1 6 12 1 27 12 This results in Brown s demise he is captured by the US Army and hung less than one month later o Southerners did not realize that this was an isolated incident and that there was going to be a widespread attack and that the Northerners would not stop for anything to kill the slave owners This is why the South seceded in order to deal with the Slavery issue by himself so that they could prevent what they thought were the widespread attacks from John Brown Wanted to cut the Confederacy by the Mississippi River in order to prevent the supplies coming Ulysses S Grant seized the town of Vicksburg MS along with 30 000 confederates The union Vicksburg May July 4 1863 from Texas now controlled the entire River Gettysburg Campaign June July 1863 Union defeated the Confederacy this was back to back with Vicksburg However Lincoln still believed that he would be defeated in all aspects including the election in This signaled that the Union would now secure the war 1864 William T Sherman Andrew Johnson Took the city of Atlanta from the Confederacy which ensured Lincoln s re election He s an idiot Had too much self confidence Held a grudge and had a lot of hate in his heart He was chosen to be Vice President by Lincoln and Lincoln had planned that he would never be president Appomattox April 9 1865 Lincoln s Assassination Ulysses S Grant forces the Confederate Army to surrender He did not like violence very charitable to the Confederates that he captured On April 14 Lincoln is murdered by John Wilkes Booth o Booth planned to kill all of Lincoln s cabinet o The guy who was to kill Johnson got drunk at a bar with Andrew Johnson and passed out Now Johnson is President and he is going to try and carry on the antagonism Casualities of the War Union Confedereate o Battle deaths 110 070 o Disease 250 152 o Total 360 222 o Battle Deaths 94 000 o Disease 145 000 o Total 239 000 Results of the War Close to 4 miliions slaves were freed at the end of the War South was ruined economically Questions that remained unanswered AMH2020 EXAM 1 CLASS NOTES 1 6 12 1 27 12 o How would the South respond to defeat o How would ex slaves adjust to freedom o How would Andrew Johnson perform as President Political Reconstruction 1865 1868 Presidential Recontruction December 1863 April 1865 Andrew Johnson 1865 1868 1866 1868 Radical Reconstruction Driven by a split in the Republican party o Moderate Wing Abraham Lincoln Believed the South should be brought back into the United State and there should be as little animosity as possible between the two sides South should not eb punished or be held accountable Most of this came Lincoln himself because he had brothers in laws fighting for the confederacy because his wife was from Kentucky He wanted to see the US become a united country again and grow strong Also didn t want to punish because he needed their votes for legislation o Radical Wing Benjamin Wad Charles Sumner Thaddeus Stevens Lincoln s 10 plan December 1863 All confederates except prominent military and political leaders could regain citizenship by taking an oath that supported the Constitution and 13th Amendment which abolished slavery When 10 of the people if a states who had voted in 1860 had taken the oath they could set up a government which would be recognized by the President He did this so that he would have more votes because he was scared he would not re reelected Arkansas Lousiana and Tennessee became states again after this plan went into effect Radicals disagreed with this plan o In July 1864 pushed a bill through congress Wade Davis Bill Introduced by Henry Davis and Benjamin Wade o They were afraid his plan would not do enough to protect the free slaves o Said that Congress and not the president should control Reconstruction A majority of the people of the state not 10 of those

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