AMH 2020 Final End Poverty in California Sinclair response to new deal program to create commune Huey Long share the wealth program seize all assets over 2 million and even distribute Works Progress Adminstration created to employ people or odd jobs Agricultural Adjustment Act stop production of crops to inflate prices Wagner Act eliminate yellow dog contacts in industry only not agriculture National Labor Relations Act Wagner act Social Security Act establish social security Mary McLeod Bethune civil rights leader an educator started Bethune Cookman University Committee for Industrial Organization organized industrial worker unions National Council on Negro Women black women organization to provide assistance John L Lewis president of United Mine Workers of America UMW helped create CIO Farm Security Adminstration new deal program to combat rural poverty Southern Tenant Farmers Union union which attempted to help farmers wanted farm coops Emergency Relief Act banks Federal Deposit Insurance Coporation insurance for banks Glass Steagall Act creates fdic Frances Perkins first women in the cabnet Roosevelt secretary of labor Mechanized Cotton Picking Civilian Conservation Corporation New deal program hire young adults to work on conservation project Bonus Army WWI veterans want bonus promised to them march and camp in Washington in protest Federal Emergency Relief Act direct assistance National Recovery Act established from the NIRA Civil Works Administration temporary relief from unemployment Tennessee Valley Authority provide infrastructure and use hydroelectric power for electricity Fair Competition Codes fair for workers minimum wage Dorothea Lange photographs dust bowl Fair Labor Standards Act establishes minimum wage and over time pay Yellow Dog Contracts 1930 never have and never will be a part of a union Hugh Johnson trade union company ran ran NIRA created NRA sick chicken case unconstitutional Schechter Poultry Corp v United States sick chicken case Four Horsemen 4 conservative justices opposed all NEW DEAL PROGRAMS Court Packing large quantities of judges War Production Board created to ensure increased production for war efforts Executive Order 9066 created Japanese internment camps Butler Decision gets rid of Agricultural adjustment act Double V Campaign Negro campaign for victory abroad and at home Victory Garden grow vegetables and other things to help with the war effort Upton Sinclair created the end poverty in California concept Executive Order 8802 outlawed discrimination in defense contracts Zoot Suit Riot beating of Mexicans being viewed as draft dodgers and nazis Negro Defense Committee Florida black defense group John Robert Edward Lee ran Florida State Defense Council A Phillip Randolph ran Negro Defense Committee Spessard Holland Governor of Florida felt blacks were subversive Florida State Defense Council state defense if invaded motorcycle units Guy Hobson Allen created Florida motorcycle escort unit Battle of Midway soft under belly Churchill s invasion of southern europe unconditional surrender victory at any cost Rosie the Riveter we can do it Isolationism staying removed from European problems Containment Policy containment of communism to soviet union and china Truman Doctrine containment practice of stopping the spread of communism Marshall Plan economic aid to Europe to contain communism George Kennan wrote the book on containment Domino Theory if one south Asian country falls all others will fall Berlin Airlift airlift of aid into east Germany to aid west berlin Eisenhower Doctrine containment in the Middle East Satellite States state that is formally independent but controlled by another state Abdul Nasser Egyptian president that promoted Arab Nationalism Arab Nationalism anti U S Korean War war in korea 38th parallel stop north Korean invasion of south Korea Warsaw Pact communist pact in eastern Europe North Atlantic Treaty Organization pact amongst democratic states in western society NSC 68 belief soviets would have first strike capability led to arms race Kim Il sung north Korean leader Syngman Rhee south Korean leader 38th parallel border between north and south korea Sputnik Russian satellite Red baiting act of accusing a group or an individual of being a communist Joseph McCarthy anticommunist The Kitchen Debate between Nixon and soviet leader about the success of American capitalism The Johns Committee investigated communist and civil rights workers in Florida Charles E Johns ran the Johns Committee The Purple Pamphlet was the pamphlet discussing homosexuality House Un American Activities Committee investigated suspected communists Virgil Hawkins civil rights activist who legally defended poor and under privileged Velde Committee use of bugging reports Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Kansas 1954 separate is not equal Robert Saunders secretary of Florida NAACP R J Strickland Alliance for Progress economic aid in south America to prevent communisit infiltration Peace Corps 1960 s aid to provide social aid to third world countries Limited Test Ban Treaty prevented testing new nukes attempt to prevent creation of new nukes Ho Chi Minh North Vietnamese Vietcong south Korean communist Army of the Republic of Vietnam North Korean army Gulf of Tonkin Resolution declaration of war Operation Rolling Thunder air raid and bombing of North Korean military targets William Westmoreland commander of U S forces in Vietnam Cesar Chavez civil rights leader created national farm workers association w Dolores huerta National Indian Youth Council civil rights for native americans American Indian Movement Dolores Huerta worked with Cesar Chavez in creating National Farm Workers Association United Farm Workers civil rights for farm workers created by Huerta Chavez Students for a Democratic Society SDS university students for civil rights Silent Spring book written by Carson sparked environmental movement President s Commission on the Status of Women Kennedy commission for equal rights Jack Kerouac beat movement author The Beats non conformist in 1950 s Title 9 equal funds for both genders at university level Port Huron Statement SDS statement for civil rights Youth International Party YIPPIES Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin created with extreme left ideas Kent State Shootings shooting of anti war protesters on Kent State campus Central High Little Rock High where integration started Women s Political Council black women seeking civil rights Thurgood
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