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BSC1005 Study Guide Unit 2 Chapter 1 Physiology The science of biological FUNCTION Homeostasis Maintenance of a constant internal environment regardless of the environment OR variations within cells Pathophysiology diseases o Biomedical research helps to solve diseases Chapter 2 Blood Blood is part of the circulatory system Heat is distributed by blood Blood is the connective tissue of the circulatory system because it s continuously circulating Major component of blood water Clotting initial step in healing process is called coagulation o A hemophiliac cannot produce clots dangerous o Excessive clotting won t allow blood to flow dangerous A heparin treated blood sample separates the plasma WBCs RBCs and platelets in blood to determine ones hematocrit o Hematocrit of volume of RBCs in a blood sample o Process done through centrifugation Hematopoiesis general term for production of ALL blood cells RBCs and WBCs Red Blood Cells RBCs In males RBCs make up 45 of blood 40 in females o When someone has a higher percentage most likely due to elevation o When someone has a lower percentage due to blood loss Specialized to transport Oxygen O2 Biconcave shaped because speciliazed for gas transport o RBCs have no nucleus so they can t divide reproduce RBCs come from stem cells of the red marrow of the bone Hemoglobin Hb oxygen binding protein and responsible for the red color of RBCs 4 subunits of Hb in RBCs carbon oxygen hydrogen nitrogen are important for our physiology Affinity for O2 how tightly O2 is binded RBCs participate in CO2 transport and transports it as a bicarbonate o Converted by carbonic anhydrase An RBCs lifetime 3 4 months o The process of forming new RBCs erythropoiesis EPO o Blood doping taking out blood and putting it back in before a competition to increase hematocrit aka amount of O2 This is used for treating anemia but people without anemia use it for their own advantage Damaged RBCs are removed by the spleen Sickle cell disease Hb levels are low so it affects the RBC shape o The altered shape affects RBCs ability to change shape when going through tight spaces so it creates blockage White Blood Cells WBCs AKA leukocytes Fight disease part of the immune system Produced in red marrow of bone by stem cells like RBCs Makes up 1 of blood volume Types of WBCs o Neutrophils eosinophils basophils lymphocytes made up of B cells T cells and natural killer cells and monocytes Platelets Plasma AKA thrombocytes Involved in clotting Produced by megakaryocytes Made up of mostly water then electrolytes proteins and other molecules i e dissolved gasses like O2 and CO2 Most of the components of blood are found in plasma except Hb is found in RBCs Other information about blood Blood carries hormones Platelets and fibrinogen play big roles in coagulation blood clotting o Platelet plug activation of platelets fibrin strands strengthen plug Antibodies the blood Antibodies protein components of immune system circulation in They recognize foreign particles by binding to them Vaccinations introduce part of the virus so that the body can produce antibodies to quicken immune response Regulation of Body Temperature Body temperature regulation by varying blood flow to the body s o If it s cold less blood flows to the surface to conserve heat o If it s hot more blood flows to the surface to get rid of heat Cardiovascular diseases are 1 cause of death cancer is 2 Occurs when some cells multiply too rapidly creating a tumor WBCs produced faster than normal When cancer cells enter blood and transport to other parts of the body affecting tissues The chances rate of metastasis differs with different cancers surface Cancer WBC Cancer Metastasis Lymph The fluid between cells in tissues Transported through lymphatic system that includes lymph nodes o Contain large numbers of WBC for the immune system i e lymphocytes Mixes with blood in the cardiovascular system Chapter 3 Cardiovascular Physiology William Harvey s On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals explains the cardiovascular system for the first time The heart is the pump and it s divided into 4 chambers o Right atrium RA deoxygenates blood leads it to lungs o Left atrium LA oxygenates blood leads it to the body The most dominant o Ventricles pump blood to the arteries o RA brings blood in LA leads blood out The cycle o Body RA RV Lungs LA LV body o From the body to the RV the air is deoxygenated and when it goes through the longs it becomes oxygenated again SA node is the pacemaker of the heart o It s initiated by the heart s electrical signal o It activates the atria and activates first AV node transmits signals between the atria and the ventricles ECG EKG ECG reflects the electrical activity of the cardiac cycle and it used to diagnose heart problems ECG records o P wave activation of atria o QRS complex activation of ventricles lub sound o T wave the recovery wave dupp sound with blood Cardiac Output minute Vasculature Tubes Diffusion Phases of the Cardiac Cycle Mechanical Action potential triggers contraction aka there s physical pumping 2 phases of the cardiac cycle are diastole and systole Systole cardiac muscle contracts Diastole cardiac muscle is at rest and it s when the heart fills Stroke volume amount of blood pumped on each beat Stroke Volume x Heart Rate volume of blood pumped in 1 Veins venuoles arteries arterioles and capillaries each made up of smooth muscle connective tissue and endothelium Capillaries are thin to help with gas exchange Transport of respiratory gases O2 and CO2 b w blood capillaries and cells tissues Cardiovascular Diseases Atherosclerosis blood vessel blockage Heart attack when blood vessels in heart become blocked Stroke blood vessels in brain become blocked Heart failure heart s ability to pump is reduced o Non fatal heart attack w substantial damage can cause this Difference b w lymphatic and cardiovascular systems lymphatic system does not have a dedicated pump cardiovascular has the heart Lymph s move with compression of vessels Chapter 4 Respiratory Physiology Air enters exits through nasal cavity oral cavity Nasal cavity oral cavity pharynx Pharynx divides into esophagus digestive system and trachea Epiglottis flap like structure that blocks esophagus while leads to lungs breathing visa versa Pharynx larynx trachea left right primary bronchi smaller bronchioles in left and right lungs Larynx location of vocal chords Inhalation is active contraction of diaphragm and rib muscles o Exhalation is

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