Intro to World Religions Final Study Guide TERMS 77 81 1 Adi Garth In Sikhism it is the definite statement of a unique spiritual stance primary scripture with 3 major sections every copy is identical 2 Advaita Vedanta Hinduism belief that teaches a non dualistic reality where only Brahman is real 3 Agnostic any ultimate reality god is unknown and will always be unknowable 4 Ahimsa In Jainism it is the first of the five vows with forbids al involvement with the world and preaches the no harm principle including animals because of belief all things are connected 5 Alchemical Daoism Chinese understanding of the medicine of the body tried to purify body and soul to reach immortality 6 Amaterasu In Japanese mythology is the primary deity associated with the imperial family later evolves to the sun goddess in Shintoism 7 Amitabha Buddha promised to establish the Pure Land after his death known as infinite light Buddha 8 Anatman principle of no self we have no permanence or eternal soul 9 Arhat worthy ones saints in Buddhism ones who have attained Nirvana 10 Arjuna Warrior who comes to symbolize the human souls quest for salvation in the story in Bhagavad Gita 11 Aryan Literally meaning noble ones it is the group which migrated from central Asia to the region which today is Iran 12 Atman human soul 13 Aum Shinrikyo New religious movement in Japan responsible for an attack in a subway in Tokyo killing 13 example of charismatic holy man with apocalyptic message leading youth 14 Avalokiteshvara Each Dali Lama is said to be a manifestation of this Boddhisatvah 15 Bhagavad Gita an excerpt of the longest poem ever written Mahabharata One of the holiest books it teaches loving devotion to Krishna and selfless action 16 Bhakti Major shift in Hindu culture promoted active involvement in the worship of the 17 Bodhisattva an enlightened being who attains Buddhahood for the good of all sentient 18 Bodhisattva Vow Vow to culminate certain virtues perfection is called paramita 19 Brahma creator god minor deity not to be confused with BRAHMAN 20 Brahman The Supreme Being pervades and transcends not only humans but the universe itself cannot be described 21 Brahmin The highest part of the Hindu caste system priests 22 Buddha Sage who founded Buddhism awakened one came from warrior caste originally Gautama 23 Buddhism indigenous to India goal to end suffering and ignorance and reach Nirvana 24 Cinnabar In Daoism it is ingested to attain immortality it is poisonous 25 Dao Chinese concept meaning the way 26 Dao De Jing Chinese classic texts fundamental to Daoism 27 De Confucian virtue good and wise must rule over small minded and morally inferior 28 Devi The greatest goddess of Hinduism appearing in many forms such as Parvati and 29 Diaspora the dispersion of any group from their homeland ei Jewish diaspora from divine beings Kali Israel 30 Digambaras one of the two main sects of Jainism called the naked sky clad monks do not wear clothes and women are forbidden 31 Durga Supreme Goddess of Hinduism 10 1000 arms weapons rides a lion 32 E meter used in Scientology to measure the static field surrounding the body and say if a person has been relieved of spiritual impediment and past experiences 33 Filial Piety Respect for ones parents and respect worship of ancestors 34 Granesh most widely worshipped deity in Hinduism by all sects has elephant head and removes obstacles also worshipped by Jains and Buddhists 35 Guan Yin Bodhisattva usually female known for compassion and seeing hearing all people sufferings Buddhist 36 Hanuman Hindu deity devotee of Rama and central character in Indian epic Ramayana 37 He 38 Hinayana Buddhist term meaning inferior vehicle school of Buddhism contrasted with Mahayana great vehicle 39 I Ching Classic of Changes oldest of Chinese classic texts containing a divination system similar to western geomancy 40 Water Babies Mizuko Japanese new tradition for mothers who undergo the loss of an unborn child or abortion to help with grief Women place small Jizo figure in temple to represent child 41 Jiva Ajiva Jiva is your soul which is an eternal substance with consciousness and Ajiva is non soul 42 Jnana term in Hinduism meaning knowledge 43 Kali A manifestation of Devi this is a fierce wild goddess who is dark and disheveled and wears skulls but us still called mother by her devotees 44 Kannon Japanese version of Avalokiteshvara intervenes the most and is worried about humans problems and suffering 45 Karma cause and effect idea that causes us to go through the cycle of Samsara 46 Krishna In Hinduism he is the 8th incarnation of the supreme Vedic god Vishnu and describes the single way as the way to be liberated from a cycle of life and death 47 Lakshmi Mother of all creation goddess of good fortune love and salvation Hinduism and Jaina 48 Lami 49 Li The Confucian principle of rites and rituals of religion as well as everyday courtesy 50 LWA LOA Spirits of Haitian voodoo mediators between humans and God not deities 51 Mahayana Great Vehicle of Buddhism it is the largest school and promotes the Bodhisattva path 52 Mandalas in Hinduism they are the geometric drawings representing gods goddesses and cosmos drawn on floor and used for meditation and ritual In Buddhism they are the sacred geometrical design used to classify the families of Buddha s and Bodhisattva s 53 Mandate of Heaven Chinese philosophy that teaches that legitimacy of ruler can only be determined through his conduct 54 Moshka the state of complete detachment from the world cannot communicate with those still in Samsara 55 Monastic Daoism wrathful incarnations 56 Pavarti Hinduism she is the wife of Shiva who is generally benevolent but has some 57 Puja Hindu rituals preformed at home to worship deities 58 Pure Land Buddhism Branch of Mahayana centered around veneration of Amitabha Lies towards the west and can be reached if we think of Amhitabha while dying 59 Ren Confucian belief meaning humaneness or benevolence to capture virues such as respect liberty trustworthiness kindness best way to attain this is by practicing Li 60 Ritual Daoism 61 Sallekhana in Jainism this is the ritual death achieved at the end of a long fast 62 Samsara continuing cycle of life and rebirth affected by karma of past lives 63 Santeria afro Caribbean religion mixing Catholicism and African voodoo 64 Shiva In Hinduism it is the creator destroyer god 65 Sikh A follower of Sikhism pluralistic religion of India 66 Svetambara sect of Jainism where
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