Violence Corruption and Economic Turmoil The Radical Reconstruction Use military to rebuild the south o Divided South into 5 districts o Military would register freed slaves to vote o Johnson vetoed it but was overruled The Tenure of Office Act o Required approval of Senate for the removal of any government official o Johnson could not just fire people o Impeachment is just a process o Most slaves were Republican The 15th Amendment o Citizens right to vote may not be deprived based on race color or previous condition of servitude o African Americans gained power Hiram Revels Blanche Bruce P B S Pinchback Scalawags Southern white republicans friendly to radicals and ex slaves Carpetbaggers Northern businessmen who moved to the o General Nathan Bedford Forrest o Total equality would lead to the South s collapse o Used Intimidation against scalawags carpetbaggers and blacks o 1871 KKK act Military could use whatever force necessary to stop the klan The Myth of the Lost Cause o Confederate Generals represented the Virtues of southern nobility o Losses on the battlefield were inevitable due to the Northern superiority in resources and manpower o Slavery was a benign institution and the slaves were loyal and faithful to their masters South for profit White Southern Reaction Ku Klux Klan 1860 s o Defense of States rights and not the preservation of slavery was the primary motivation for secession Black Codes o Laws passed by Southern Legislatures in the 2 3yrs immediately following the end of the war These laws limited civil rights and liberties of freed slaves o Passed before Radical Reconstruction Sharecropping part of its crop o Signed to work a part of land and owed land owner o Racked up credit with plantation owners and weren t able to get out of debt o Seen as another form of slavery Readmission and Redemption 1873 1877 Election of 1876 o Hayes R vs Tilden D o Prolong reconstruction versus ending it Compromise of 1877 The Corrupt Bargain o All Federal Troops removed from southern states The Grant Administration The Fisk and Gould Scandal o Recruited people to tip them off on the governments gold situation o Plunge in stock prices o Led to financial panic and stock market crash o Bank runs run to withdraw money Whiskey Ring o Began in St Louis o Lost millions of dollars o Conspiracy of government officials and whiskey distillers who pocketed tax revenue The Credit Mobilier o Build Railroads o Over priced and overbilled the government o Gave stocks to congressmen investigators The Panic of 1873 o NY stock exchange closed for 10 days o Railroads went bankrupt o Many businesses failed o Unemployment at 14 by 76 o Long Depression 1873 1879
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