Abnormal Psychology CLP 4143 Noah Venables FSU Exam 4 Cluster A odd eccentric Personality Disorders Paranoid PD distrust suspiciousness interpreting motives as malevolent o 5 5 6 prevalence o Early adulthood o 3 1 men women o Chronic o Weak relationship with schizophrenia o No twin adoption studies o COGNITIVE THEORY Underlying belief people are malevolent Lack of self confidence o SUSPECT 4 criteria S suspicious of others S spousal infidelity suspected U unforgiving holding grudges P perceives attack E enemy or friend suspects friends C confiding in others feared T threats perceived in benign events o Therapy is hard b c therapist are interpreted as threats Schizoid PD social detachment restricted emotion o 4 1 7 lifetime prevalence o Early adulthood o 3 1 men women o VERY RARE o Traits are heritable twin studies o Unclear of relationship with schizophrenia o DISTANT 4 criteria I indifferent to criticism praise S little interest in Sexual experience D detached affect T tasks done solitarily A absence of close friends N neither desires enjoys close relationships T takes pleasure in few activities o Psychosocial treatments Increased skills contacts awareness Schizotypal PD social interpersonal deficits eccentric behavior cognitive perceptual disturbances o Discomfort for close relationships o 6 5 2 lifetime prevalence o early adulthood o 2 1 men women o genetic relationship with schizophrenia o Schizotypal PD may be a milder form of Schizophrenia o COGNITIVE THEORY Underlying belief people are malevolent Lack of self confidence o ME PECULIAR 5 criteria M magical odd thinking beliefs E experiences unusual perceptions P paranoid ideation E eccentric behavior appearance C constricted inapp affect U unusual odd thinking speech L lacks close friends I ideas of reference A anxiety in social situations R rule out psychotic pervasive developmental disorders o Treatment Schizophrenia drugs increased social contacts skills training Cluster B dramatic emotional Borderline PD BPD o Core features Identity disturbances dissociation 1 2 Interpersonal chaos 3 Emotion deregulation 4 impulsivity o Chronic distressing course o 1 2 lifetime prevalence o 3 1 women men o 50 sought mental health services o 75 attempt suicide 10 die by suicide o TREATMENT Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Emotion regulation Mindfulness Distress tolerance Interpersonal skills training Psychopathy person w no conscience lacks remorse o Continuum degrees o Mixture of traits behaviors o The Mask of Sanity Hervey Cleckley o Psychopathy Checklist Revised Interview 20 items rated 0 40 30 psychopathic o MISCONCEPTIONS Psychopathy is not psychosis Not violent killers some not most Not untreatable Not criminal only some Antisocial PD ASPD o DSM 5 I II III IV Adult Antisocial Behavior Age 18 Conduct disorder before 15 Not due to another disorder o Core features 1 Failure to conform 2 Deceitfulness Impulsivity 3 4 Irritability aggressiveness 5 Reckless disregard for safety Irresponsibility 6 7 Lack of remorse o 1 3 lifetime prevalence 50 80 of prisoners o Most common PD o Men women o NO ethnic difference o 80 abuse drugs alcohol o Low levels of education Histrionic PD o Core features Inapp Sexual behavior 1 Not center of attention uncomfortable 2 3 Shifting shallow expression of emotion 4 Use physical attention draw attention 5 Excessively impressionistic speech lacking in detail 6 Self dramatization 7 Suggestible easily influenced by others 8 Considers relationships more intimate than they are o Separated divorced married o 1 3 2 2 lifetime prevalence o Present for treatment for exaggerated medical problems or Axis I disorders o NO TREATMENT empirically tested Narcissistic PD o Core features 1 Grandiose sense of self importance 2 Fantasies of success power love beauty brilliance 3 Believes special unique only understood by other special Indulgent parent encourages view of self o Don t seek treatment with interpersonal problems Cluster C anxious fearful decisions Dependent PD overly reliant on others for responsibilities and daily people 4 Excessive admiration 5 Sense of entitlement 6 7 Lacks empathy 8 Arrogant attitudes behaviors Interpersonally exploitative o 1 lifetime prevalence o Psychodynamic interpretation Reaction to poor self worth o Cognitive interpretation o difficulty being doing things alone o nurturance from others o fears being alone to take care for self o 1 lifetime prevalence o women men o heritable 8 o CBT used to Decrease anxiety Increase assertiveness Obsessive Compulsive PD OCPD perfectionist cost of getting things done o Rigid o Stubborn o Hoarding o Reluctant to delegate o OCPD is not to OCD o 1 9 to 4 7 prevalence o comorbid with depression anxiety disorders o CBT effective Avoidant PD o Socially inhibited o inadequacy o intense fear of criticism rejection o reluctant to take risks due to fear of embarassment o 1 lifetime prevalence o comorbid with mood anxiety disorders o NO gender disorders
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