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FAD 3220 Chapter 15 Physical and Cognitive Development in Mid Adulthood Class Notes Middle Age A social construct Not recognized in other cultures Developed as life expectancy increased Defined by book as ages 40 65 Can be a time of loss but also a time of growth Physical Changes Use it or lose it The more people do the more they can do Loss in muscle tone flexibility stamina speed and dexterity due to genetic aging but also because of decreased use or activity Gradual decrease in basal metabolism basic metabolism that controls weight gain loss Vision Changes Presbyopia age related vision problems o Sensitivity to near vision dynamic vision light visual search speed of processing visual acuity Changes in pupil of the eye Loss of elasticity in the lens Reading glasses bio focals Hearing Changes Presbycusis gradual age related hearing loss Normally limited to higher pitch sounds used in speech Proceeds quicker in males than females Taste and Smell Sensitivity to taste and smell decreases Foods may seems more bland Women keep these senses longer than men Sensitivity may change to different types of food salty sweet bitter exc Structural Systemic Changes Skin thins and becomes less taut Hair thins and greys as melanin the pigment agent declines Gain weight and lose height due to shrinking of intervertebral disks Bone density decreases shrinking as people age Sexual Reproductive Issues Sexual enjoyment continues throughout adult life Menopause Cessation of menstruation and of ability to bear children 45 55 o Symptoms hot flashes changes in sexual desire depression moodiness tension Decreases in testosterone and sperm count o Erectile dysfunction Physical Health Most middle aged adults report that they are healthy Common health problems o Hypertension high blood pressure o Cancer leading cause of death o Heart Disease o Diabetes body doesn t properly produce insulin Some health problems are within their control and some are not Emotions and Health Negative emotions associated w poorer physical and mental health Positive emotions associated w good health and longer life Middle aged are more likely than younger or older adults to suffer from psychological distress sadness nervousness restlessness hopelessness and worthlessness Cognitive Development Used to believe that cognitive development declined during middle age Longitudinal studies show that cognitive functioning stays the same or increases Losses may be a sign of individual issues problems Types of Intelligence Fluid applied to novel problems independent of culture and education ability to adapt older people using technology o This type of intelligence is better for younger adults does not increase in middle age and becomes increasingly harder for older adults Crystallized ability to remember and use learned information dependent on education and culture o Improves through middle age and older age Adult Cognition at it for 100 000 hours Expertise through experience You can be an expert at anything if you work Encapsulation progressive dedication of information processing and fluid thinking to specific knowledge systems making knowledge more readily accessible like a filing system that adults have to promote better mental organization Integrative integrate logic with intuition or emotion o Person who is expert older can use their integrative intuition instead of just following by the book to solve problems Creativity in Middle Age Creative performance What and how much a creative mind produces Creativity peaks around late thirties o May vary upon the field o Losses in quantity may be compensated by increases in quality Book Notes Reflects all bolded important information not presented in lecture Perimenopause period of several years 3 5 during which a woman experiences physiological changes of menopause includes first year after end of menstruation Also called climacteric change of life Osteoporosis porous bones condition in which the bones become thin and brittle as a result of rapid calcium depletion In women it accelerates 5 to 10 years after menopause b c of rapid bone loss due to reduced levels of estrogen Mammography Diagnostic x ray examination of the breasts greatly benefits women over 50 Hormone Therapy treatment with artificial estrogen sometimes in combination w the hormone progesterone to relieve or prevent symptoms caused by decline in estrogen levels after menopause Stress is the damage that occurs when perceived environmental demands or stressors exceeds a person s capacity to cope with Those in middle age experience higher and more frequent stress levels than younger adults or older adults Can lead to serious illness Definition of who is literate has changed over time At the turn of the century a person w a 4th grade reading level was considered literate Now a high school diploma is barely acceptable to be an active part in the working world Literacy In an adult ability to use printed and written information to function in society achieve goals and develop knowledge and potential

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FSU FAD 3220 - Chapter 15 Physical and Cognitive Development in Mid Adulthood

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