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Important Terminology for AMH 2020 Final Inflation too much money chasing too few goods 14th Amendment all persons born within the U S are citizens All citizens are entitled to equal treatment under the law Lame Duck anything said politically by a politician is ignored Presidential Veto when the president refuses to pass a law amendment etc that congress has proposed Greenbacks another name for demand notes The Secret Service created after the Civil War because of mass amounts of counterfeit after the paper currency was created The Whig Party a political party before the Civil War that fragmented and became the Republican party The Democratic Party stayed constant They took a backseat to the republicans during a 70 year period Fiat Money money that has value because the government says it does The Freedmen s Bureau helped out free slaves with education food land shelter etc The 10 Plan full pardon to rebels who accept emancipation of slaves pardon would restore all property except slaves and full political rights 10 of state s voting population took an oath of allegiance to the U S state would be able to organize a new government 13th Amendment abolished slavery within all territories of the U S Settled question of slavery and reconfigured federal government and the states Emancipation Proclamation outlawed slavery everywhere except border states Benjamin Butler general in charge of Louisiana made southerners mad radical Thaddeus Stevens leading radical republican worked hard to defeat slavery Radical Republicans critical to reconstruction didn t want to pardon the confederacy annoyed with the 10 plan Reconstruction Amendments 13th 14th and 15th amendments Impeachment the act of removing president from office based on legal allegations Union Pacific railroad construction company involved in the Credit Mobilier Scandal Scalawags southern democrats republicans who are polite to radicals and ex slaves Redeemers took part in redemption and helped the south regain power Bank Runs when a large amount of bank customers rush to withdraw their deposits from banks because they believe bank is or might become insolvent Samuel Tilden ran in election of 1876 was a northern democrat who didn t believe in paper currency he won popular vote but the votes had to be recounted ended up losing to Hayes U S Grant became president after Hayes had much corruption in his administration Black Friday 1869 when the stock market crashed Ku Klux Klan Act allowed military to handle KKK in whatever way they seemed fit Hiram Rhodes Revels first black senator of Mississippi only served as a temporary Carpetbaggers northerners who traveled to the south to profit and economically gain and to also help in the reconstruction The Grand Wizard the leader of the KKK Nathan Bedford Forrest founder of the KKK very violent believed the south would collapse in anarchy if blacks were given complete rights Rutherford B Hayes republican believed in equal rights won election of 1876 Corrupt Bargain democrats did not approve of the compromise of 1877 The Great American Desert what the northern central plains were referred to because they were similar to a desert and often had great dust storms The Cheyenne tribe in the great plains that had fights with the Lakota and American troops Oregon Trail most famous of all emigrant trails Civilized wanted the tribes to conform to American ways and get educated and become civilized people The Great Sioux Reservation given to the Lakota where they were to become civilized and reside The Grand Council of 6 000 Tribes came together to talk and plan ways to stop the Americans from furthering their push to the west Powder River Country rich hunting area for many tribes and a place where many travelers and government built forts Montana Gold Rush 1863 Black Hills Gold Rush 1874 California Gold Rush 1848 Bozeman Trail another famous emigrant trail many Americans traveled by Henry Bessemer patented the Bessemer process which made steel inexpensive The Golden Spike ceremonial piece that was hammered to signify completion of the trans continental railroad Central Pacific built half of the trans continental railroad Union Pacific built the other half of the trans continental railroad Questionable business practices used by many monopolistic business owners like Jay Gould Manipulation unscrupulous behavior Trusts large diversified corporations which dominated the late nineteenth century and created when stockholders of several companies conveyed their shares of those companies in trust to trustees Horizontal Integration process of combining a number of firms engaged in the same enterprise into a single corporation Kerosene Whale Oil used for fuel before oil was discovered Robber Barons wealthy men who used questionable ways to become wealthy critical to growth and the industrial revolution The Standard Oil Company founded by John D Rockefeller corporation consisting of many different oil refineries basically a monopoly Haymarket Incident Massacre huge violent strike against owners by labor unions The Baltimore and Ohio street battles in response to the railroad strike strikers battled militia and many were killed federal troops sent in to restore order and end the strike It was a victory for the labor movement they received sick and death benefits and the railroad offered the first ever pension Urbanization cities increased in size Immigration increased jobs expanding markets Industrialization increased mechanization and mass production Meant that owners had less need for skilled workers 8 Hour Leagues campaigned solely for shorter work days The First State law Illinois enacted the first 8 hour workday law Karl Marx wrote Communist Manifesto and he believed that the working class should unite to fight exploitation and to overthrow the capitalist system May Day day specially designed to remember the fallen in the Haymarket Riot it drew in sympathy for the Labor movement The Gold Rush 1848 large gold deposits were discovered in California which caused gold to decrease in value The Comstock Lode 1859 where large deposits of silver were found silver decreased in value as gold increased Monetary Policy process by which a government or central bank employs measures to influence economic activity Deflation decreasing the money supply The Gold Standard using gold solely over silver caused deflation Conspiracy farmers believed that the government was purposely trying to bankrupt farmers to obtain their

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