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World Religions Vocabulary List Exam II Islam Islam means what in what language Islam means submission in Arabic and signifies the commitment of its adherents to live in total submission to God Hanifs pious ones who were people who concurred with Jews and Christians in their ethical monotheism 570 Birth of Muhammad What are the 2 major branches of Islam What is the majority Where do these two branches take their names The two major branches are Sunni and Shi a the majority are Sunni They take their name from the Sunnah or tradition of the prophet Muhammad mi raj The prophet s journey to heaven Translated to night journey Hijrah The prophet s migration from Mecca to establish a community in medina in 622 CE In dates the abbreviation AH stands for year of the hijrah the starting point of the Islamic dating system Qiblah direction of prayer caliph amir From the Arabic hlalifah one who represents or acts on behalf of another The caliph was the Prophet s successor as the head of the Muslim community the position became institutionalized in the form of the caliphate which lasted from 632 to 1924 Qu ran sent down to the prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years the heavenly book for the Muslims that carry what they believe the eternal Word of God Status of Qu ran p 218 the heavenly book for the Muslims that carries what they believe the eternal Word of God Tafsir this is the term for commentary on the Qur an means unveiling or elucidating the meaning of a text Iman kufr iman means faith trust and a personal sense of safety and well being in God s providential care mercy and justice Kufr is the opposite of iman meaning rejection of faith Meaning knowing the truth but willfully denying or obscuring it by acts of rebellion against the law of God Why is hadith considered so important Hadith is the most important component of Sunnah because it is the most direct expression of the Prophet s opinions or judgments regarding the community s conduct Sunnah legal manuals six collections topically organized beginning with the laws governing the rituals of worship and continuing with the laws regulating the social political and economic life of the community Halal means lawful one of the five categories in the scope of the Islamic law obligatory Haram means unlawful one of the five categories in the scope of the Islamic law forbidden Muhammad ibn Idris al Shafi I wrote first systematic treatise He developed a legal system He said that the religion should rely exclusively on the Book of God and the Sunnah of God s Prophet Abu Nasr al Farabi one of the greatest Islamic philosophers of all time Known as The Second Teacher He wrote the novel The Necessity of the Art of the Elixir Mahdi the rightly guided one The Shi I twelfth Imam understood in his role as the rightly guided one who will emerge from hiding at some unspecified future date to restore righteousness and order to the world Rumi most creative poet of the Persian language He made the Mathnawi which is a collection of nearly 30 000 verses Dhimmis protected people non Muslim religious minorities accorded tolerated status in Islamic society 5 pillars of Islam The shahadah the profession of faith through which one becomes Muslim regular worship including participation in all five of the obligatory daily prayers almsgiving the Ramadan fast and participation in the annual pilgrimage to Mecca Shahadah be able to produce the two statements The Muslim profession of faith in God as the only god and in Muhammad as God s prophet I bear witness that there is no god except God and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God In sha Allah Zakat the prescribed welfare tax 2 5 per cent of each Muslim s accumulated wealth collected by central treasuries in earlier times but now donated to charities independently of state governments Sadaquh Alms given voluntarily in addition to the zakat Id al Fitr The holiday celebrating the end of the Ramadan fast the festival traditionally begins following the sighting of the new moon Hajj The annual pilgrimage to Mecca 4 essential features of a mosque a fountain for washing hands face and feet upon entering a large area for kneeling and prostration in prayer a pulpit from which the leader of Friday noon worship delivers the sermon and an imageless niche in the middle of the wall closet to Mecca indicating the Qiblah Mohamed Zakariya 2 types of Jihad struggle in defense of the faith some jihads are military waged in response to threats to the community s security or welfare others are spiritual waged to improve moral conduct in society Hijab A woman s veil or head covering Does the Quran mention the hijab What does it mention No it does not refer at all to the hijab It only demands that woman dress modestly in the following verse it mentions that males should do this as well Hinduism Hinduism shares it s name with what other major term and derives from what To what does it refer Hinduism shares its name with the term India and it is derived from Sind which is the name of the region of the river Sindhu Santana dharma means literally eternal faith Dharma the closest word to meaning religion to the Hindus To the Hindus the word means righteousness justice faith duty and a religious and social obligation 2700 BCE Evidence of the Indus Valley civilization Mohenjo Daro This is a town that was thought to be on the banks of the Indus River the name translates to Mound of the Dead This is one of the first ancient Hindu developed towns that interacted with the other Harappa Vedas considered the most authoritative texts of Hindu they are the earliest surviving Indo European compositions Collectively they are known as shruiti Rig Veda the earliest section of the Rig Veda it contains 1 028 hymns Upanishads each Veda has this these are philosophical works this word directly translates to sitting near the teacher What is unique about the Atharva Veda The Atharva Veda differs from the other three Vedas in that it includes material that scholars consider non Aryan such as incantations and remedies to ward off illness and evil spirits Varnas this is the origin of the four classes of Hindu society They are traced to the initial cosmic sacrifice Karma action specifically ritual action it refers to a system of rewards and punishments attached to various actions System of cause and effect that could take many lifetimes to work out Samsara this is a continuing cycle of death and rebirth or reincarnation that is implied by the term karma

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