Crib Sheet Abnormal Exam 2 Content Of Exam Mood Disorders Chapter 6 Anxiety Disorders Chapter 7 OCD PTSD CBT for Depression Anxiety PowerPoint only Questions from a conversation with Aaron Beck http www youtube com watch v POYXzA gS4U Chapter on depression Briefly describe each disorder Bipolar disorder o Bipolar I At least on episode of mania lasting 1 week Depressive symptoms can occur but required for Bipolar I o Bipolar II At least one major depressive episode with at least one episode of hypomania symptoms lasting 4 days clear changes in functioning that are observable to others but impairment is not marked no psychotic symptoms Depressive episode required Cyclothymic disorder o Milder chronic form of bipolar disorder o Lasts at least 2 years in adults 1 year in children adolescents o Numerous periods with hypomanic and depressive symptoms o Does not meet the criteria for mania or major depressive episode o Symptoms don t clear for more than 2 months at a time Major depression o Sad mood or loss of interest or pleasure called anhedonia o Symptoms are present nearly every day or most of the day for at least 2 weeks and included four of the following Sleeping too much or too little Psychomotor retardation or agitation Poor appetite and weight loss or increased appetite and weight gain Loss of energy Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt Difficulty concentrating thinking or making decisions Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide o Not due to normal bereavement death Dysthymic disorder o Now called Persistent Depressive Disorder PDD o Depressed mood for at least 2 years 1 year for children adolescents plus 2 other symtoms Poor appetite or overeating Sleeping too much or too little Poor self esteem Trouble concentrating or making decisions Feelings of hopelessness Define Pressured speech Flight of ideas o Subjective impression that thoughts are racing o According to the DSM 5 this is a symptom present in manic and hypomanic episodes How is mania different from hypomania o Mania last for 1 week while hypomania lasts for 4 days o Mania symptoms cause significant distress or functional impairment while hypomania shows clear changes in functioning that are observable but impairment is not marked Describe Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT by Aaron Beck o Systematic exposure to feared situations o Beck s Theory Negative triad negative view of self world future Negative schema underlying tendency to see the world negatively Negative schema cause cognitive biases tendency to process information in negative ways What is attribution theory What are risk factors for suicide o Low serotonin levels o Overly reactive HPA system hypothalamus pituitary amygdala Triggers release of cortisol stress hormone which makes the amygdala over reactive o Economic recessions o Media reports of suicide o Social isolation and a lack of social belonging o Problem solving deficit o Hopelessness low life satisfaction How does the focus of treatment for depression differ between CBT and Interpersonal therapy o Interpersonal theory focuses on current relationships while CBT focuses more on changing behaviors Describe the treatment of Behavioral Activation o Increase participation in positively reinforcing activities to disrupt spiral of depression withdrawal and avoidance What are some of the more common biological treatments for depression e g medications etc o Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT o MAO Antidepressants o Tricyclic Antidepressants o Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor SSRI o Mood Stabilizers Antipsychotics Anticonvulsants What are some of the medications used for depression What are the common medications used for Bipolar disorder o Mood Stabilizers Lithium Up to 80 receive at least some relief with this mood stabilizer but has a potential serious side effect of lithium toxicity Antipsychotics Zyprexa Anticonvulsants Depakote Chapter Anxiety Define Specific phobias o Disproportionate fear of a particular object or situation o Fear out of proportion to the actual threat o Most specific phobias cluster around a few feared objects and situations o High comorbidity of specific phobias o Ex Fear of flying snakes heights etc Social anxiety disorder o Persistent intense fear and avoidance of social situations o Fear of negative evaluation or scrutiny o Exposure to trigger leads to anxiety about being humiliated or embarrassed socially o Onset often adolescence o More intense and extensive than shyness Panic disorder o Frequent panic attacks unrelated to specific situations Panic attack sudden intense episode of apprehension terror feelings of impending doom intense urge to flee Symptoms reach peak intensity within 10 minutes Agoraphobia o Anxiety about inability to flee anxiety provoking situations E g crowds stores malls churches trains bridges tunnels etc o From the Greek word agora or marketplace o Causes significant impairment Generalized anxiety disorder o Involved chronic excessive uncontrollable worry Excessive anxiety and worry at least 50 percent of days about at least two life domains e g family health finances work and school o Lasts at least 6 months o Interferes with daily life Patients often can t decide on a solution or course of actions o Other symptoms include restlessness poor concentration tiring easily irritability and muscle tension o Common worries Relationships health finances daily hassles o Often begins in adolescence or earlier I ve always been this way What is Taijin kyofusho o Japanese fear of offending or embarrassing others Briefly describe each of the following risk factors for anxiety risk for more than 1 anxiety disorder o Behavioral conditioning two factor model Conditioned responses to threat Sustained by avoidance of safety behaviors Avoid eye contact appear aloof stand apart from others Risk factors act as diatheses Vulnerabilities influence development of phobias o Genetic vulnerability o Behavioral inhibition Relatives with a phobia increases risk for other anxiety disorders in addition to phobia Tendency to be agitated distressed and cry in unfamiliar novel settings Observed in infants as young as 4 months May be inherited Predicts anxiety in childhood and social anxiety in adolescence o Neuroticism Higher levels linked to double the likelihood of developing anxiety disorders React with negative affect Linked to anxiety and depression o Cognitive Sustained negative beliefs about the future belief of lack of control over the environment Thinking bad things will
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