Election of 1896 Republicans nominated William McKinley with running mate Garret Hobart 10 4 12 Mark Hanna Platform Money Question Protective Tariff Gold standard International bimetallism a world gold silver standard Democrats nominated William Jennings Bryan with running mate Arthur Sewall of Maine Bryan of Nebraska known as The Boy Orator of the Plat was a champion of free silver Platform Unlimited coinage of silver at ratio of 16 to 1 Populists endorsed Bryan but nominated a different running mate Tom Watson of Georgia McKinley won with 271 electoral votes 7 1 million popular votes Bryan lost with 176 electoral votes 6 5 million popular votes Republicans had control of both houses of Congress McKinley Administration Dingley Tariff 1897 Gold Standard Act 1900 Spanish American War Election of 1900 Republicans renominated William McKinley with running mate Theodore Roosevelt Endorsed McKinley Administration Emphasized prosperity New role in international affairs Platform Platform Democrats renominated William Jennings Bryan with running mate Adlai Stevenson Attacked Republican Imperialism esp policy toward Cuba Puerto Rico and the Phillipines More stringent anti trust laws Socialists nominated Eugene Debs McKinley won with 292 electoral votes 7 2 million popular votes Bryan lost with 155 electoral votes 6 3 million popular Debs lost with 94 000 popular votes Second McKinley Administration Pan American Exposition Leon Czolgosz fired two shots into McKinley point blank one of which ended up killing him on September 14 1901 Czolgosz was executed on October 29 1901 Theodore Roosevelt became President the youngest man to hold office
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