9 11 12 The Grant Presidency Election of 1876 Republicans at the nominating level were split into Stalwarts Supported Grant Radical Southern policy 13th 14th 15th amendment Spoils system Half breeds Did not support Grant Did not support radical Southern policy Civil service reform Led by James G Blaine Acquired name because they were considered halfway between liberal Republicans and Stalwarts Republican Convention Rutherford B Hayes was nominated w unblemished record excellent war history Running mate William A Wheeler Republican platform Reform Sound money Permanent pacification of the South Democrat Convention Samuel J Tilden former governor of New York nominated secretive lawyer multimillionaire helped smash Tweed Ring Tilden s chief rival was Thomas Hendricks of Indiana who occupies second place on ticket Democrat platform Exploitation of all Republican misdeeds Tilden wins popular vote but with 184 electoral votes he was one short 20 votes in question From Louisiana South Carolina and Florida all 3 states submitted 2 sets of returns one Democratic and one Republican Electoral commission joint committee formed of 5 senators 5 representatives 5 Supreme court Justices 7 Republicans 7 Democrats 1 independent would have final authority unless both houses agreed to overrule it Independent David B Davis resigned from joint committee and went to serve in Senate as party affiliated Joseph Bradley takes his place Republican but most independent there was Hayes won vote Democrats threaten to filibuster till hell freezes over A lot of corruption on both sides Republicans stuffed ballots cheated etc but Democrats scared Blacks who would have voted for Hayes away from polls Compromise of 1877 Hayes had to promise to Remove federal troops from South Appoint Southerners to high government positions He did appoint David Key as postmaster general South would receive federal aid for internal improvements levees roads In return received promises of Equal treatment of Blacks Promises that his election would stand OFFICIAL END OF RECONSTRUCTION REMOVAL OF TROOPS
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