CSU PSY 401 - Final Exam Study Guide

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PSY 401 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lectures 32 37 Lecture 32 4 24 Gestalt Psychology Explain Gestalt Learning happens in specific context Explain the contributions of Wolfgang Kholer Studies with chickens show it two screens that are similar one is darker train to respond to darker one basic law of effect then change screen so darker is now lighter one are able to pick the darker one shows it extracted out the larger relationship this was hard for behaviorists to explain The Mentality of Apes critique of trial and error learning for mazes same strategy of trial and error behaviorists used task in which animals couldn t use other learning methods insight sudden realization of the whole Insight 1 Cognitive trial and error 2 Relative inactivity 3 Insight out of nowhere not incremental was instantaneous Edward Tolman cognitive maps rats learned way through T maze argument that the reductionist view was not sufficient Explain Productive Thinking Wertheimer phi phenomenon reproductive thinking reproduction of previous solutions static problem solving strategy Productive thinking reorganization of problem to find solution reorganize info in novel way Examples nine dot problem don t think outside box Famous Story of Young Gauss 1 2 3 solved quickly in a new way 11X5 Lecture 33 4 29 Demonology and witchcraf What is Trephination ancient technique of chipping drilling holes into head to release evil spirits to treat psychopathology Explain the Profession of exorcism prayers and averse concoctions so grow that it would cause them to vomit and expel evil spirit Explain what was occurring in the Middle Ages Dance manias 1 Tarantism had seen tarantula and bitten so it caused them to flail and dance they were encouraged to keep moving so it would separate out venom like centrifuge 2 St Vitus Dance locked in room with musicians until collapsed from exhaustion 3 Moonstruck Behavior about full moon Biting Mania started with group of nuns biting each other Lycanthropy delusion they thought they were wolves was expected to be caused by wolf blood they fix by chopping of limb to drain out the wolf blood What theory today explains these manias Social theory creates social mania What was the contribution of Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger Explain the sections of Malleus Maleficarum Malleus Maleficarum boot to identify witches widespread discrimination sections 1 Classification witches demons were cause of psychopathology were assertive outspoken women 2 Methods of Witchcraf glare dolls list of symptoms agitated irritable depressed 3 Courtroom procedures no evidence cursed death penalty and torture apex in 17th century Humanitarian Reform Explain the humanitarian reform in Germany Who was the main contributor and what were his ideas Johann Christian Reil 1 Application of Psychotherapy to Mental Disease focus on treatment criticized idea of evil spirits and being locked up did not matter why what mattered was how to get them back into society 2 Psychodrama roll play exercise look at neurosis Explain the humanitarian reform in England Who was the main contributor and what were his ideas William Tuke 1 Established York Retreat mental health institution was like a country resort with activities and therapy nature animals therapists based on idea that positive conditions would increase good behavior reaction to St Mary of Bethlehem bad conditions don t care about treat rehab did bloodletting 2 Daniel Hack Tuke MD brought legitimacy to facility Explain the humanitarian reform in France Who was the main contributor and what were his ideas Phillippe Pinel Phillippe Pinel 1 Director of Bicretre Asylum males deal with gov to make reforms makes conditions better and showed data that it worked 2 A Treatise on Insanity environment plays a key role 3 First to maintain patient statistics and case histories What were the contribution of Benjamin Rush What treatments did he propose 1 Founder of American Psychiatry 2 Mental Disorders etiology as physiological circulator system issues treat by getting blood flowing more 3 Views on alcohol people typically drank beer wine lower alcohol no issues but then started drinking gin noticed people having issues with alcohol noticed negative effects and that it didn t have some positive effects treatments 1 Diet and Environment are important sun discovered early version of SAD 2 Tranquility Chair more humane than straight jacket less input in order for them to calm down 3 Gyrator Chair that you spin a lot to get blood flowing to alleviate symptoms Explain the contributions of Franz Anton Mesmer 1 Maximillian Hell magnet therapy for physical ailments 2 Mesmer s Magnet Theory mental disorders imbalances force fields used hypnotism mesmerized 3 Animal Magnetism Therapy early group therapy induced trance and crisis while holding animal spirit iron rods then person would yell a word contagion effect groups are more susceptible to suggestion than individuals Explain the contributions of Dorthea Lynde Dix Application of Reforms took data about bad asylums and showed it to other places for reform Lecture 35 5 4 Video What were Freud s younger years like Father was poor Lived in a single room house Had two brothers that were much older Father was a lot older than his mother could have created confusion Little brother died may have created overstimulation Freud was very smart and studied obsessively Kept a boyhood record of his dreams Identified with Napoleon Explain how he was influenced by cocaine Cocaine became popular in the time He used it frequently He was unaware of its addictive property He prescribed it to a friend who developed a fatal addiction to it Explain his ideas on the second mind hypnotism and the unconscious Influenced by the ideas of hypnotism and the second mind He called it the unconscious He opened a medical practice Freudian couch and hypnotism to get into the unconscious and end hysteria through suggestion Explain Self Analysis and Freud Father died Analyzed himself for 4 years Monumental achievement Interpreted own unconscious Royal road to the unconscious dreams Free association Looked at his own issues Smoking cigars Phobia of traveling Fainted in front of other talented male friends How was he influenced by the wars was very dark times confirmed his ideas about the dark side of the unconscious Beyond the Pleasure Principle death drive need to destroy oneself Lecture 36 5 6 Explain Freud s professional career 1 Ernst Brucke physiologist rejected

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