CSU PSY 401 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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PSY 401 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 8 16 Lecture 8 February 13th Early Greek Philosophy The Golden Age of Greek Philosophy Describe the ideas and contributions of the Sophists 1 Professional Teachers paid advisory capacities for people who wanted to gain political power 2 Rhetoric how to argue successfully for political power 3 Relativistic no right wrong you just do what is advantageous to you Describe the contributions of Socrates What was his goal in life 1 Disagreed with sophists believed in doing what is morally right unrestricted egalitarian about who he talked to 2 Inductive Definition study of concept through examination of shared individual examples 3 Goal in life gain knowledge for sake of knowledge morality Describe the Contributions of Plato 1 The academy early university 2 Forms pure ideas exist only in abstract cannot use senses external world is a cheap copy of the universe of forms data in the natural world is erroneous 3 The allegory of the cave people born in a cave chained facing the wall all they see are shadows on the wall The shadows could be created by anything but the people believe what they are seeing in the shadows is real Describe the Contributions of Aristotle How did he view the mind How did he view dreams 1 Lyceum university 2 De Anima On the Psyche 1st psychology like textbook 3 Empiricism why do certain things in the environment have certain characteristics 4 Hierarchy of the Psyche mind 5 Memory extension of perception wax tablets that fade over time remembering recall 6 Associationism mental phenomena are formed by laws of association 7 Dreams reactivations of sensory information from the day 8 Legacy 1st proponent of scientific method early physiological psychology how do our sensory apparatus work early comparative psychology across species Explain the three levels of the Hierarchy of the Psyche and give an example of each 1 Vegetative psyche low level processing automatic Example photosynthesis breathing heartbeat 2 Sensitive Psyche sensation and perception get info and react to it Example Venus fly trap reflexes dropping to the ground when hearing gunshot 3 Rational Psyche reserved for humans higher level thinking Sensory info early development Passive reason a little older common sense basic ability to infer cause and effect 3 Active reason higher level thinking adolescence and later Example abstract thinking test taking problem solving Explain the differences between recall and remembering Remembering rote repetition don t have to consciously think about it doesn t require cognition SPONTANEOUS RECOLLECTION3 Recall unique to humans active requires cognition SEARCH MEMORYINTENTIONAL List the four laws of Assocationism 1 Similarity associate similar things 2 Contrast 3 Contiguity associate things that happened close in time 4 Frequency things that are frequently presented together Explain the research using rats discussed in class on Dreams rat in a maze EEG recording brain while sleeping found the rat way replaying neural activity from earlier in the day also found that if they disrupted them during REM the rat would perform worse than if they let the rat sleep Lecture 9 February 16th The Romans to the Renaissance Why was there philosophical stagnation after Artistotle hedonistic wars Describe the social climate surrounding the Romans 1 Hedonistic entertainment 2 Practical medical advancements to make army better Explain the Contributions of Galen 1 First biopsychological personality theorist extended 4 humor theory to psychology 2 Mental and physical states interact 3 Anatomy Alcohol as antiseptic found medical uses for things Animal Spiritshow the mind controls the body nerves carry a life force NON PHYSICAL that resides in the brain BRAIN IS IMPORTANT FOR COGNITION Skepticism Explain the contributions of Pyrrho we cannot know anything for sure so we shouldn t assume to central goal in philosophy was to promote satisfying life don t assume anything so you are not disappointed or unhappy Explain Neo Platonism platonic thought with Jewish Christian mysticism followed ideas of Plato Describe the Contributions of Hypatia of Alexandria head of Neoplatonic school at Alexandria taught philosophy and astronomy Early music therapy Lecture 10 February 18th The Medieval Period Explain the main ideas and main contributions that arose from the Medieval Period 1 Supernatural Religious explanations naturalistic philosophy church had power move away from empiricism 2 Rise of modern university system BA train the future theology law and medicine were original 3 disciplines Describe the contributions of Thomas Aquinas 1 Return to Aristotelian thought empirical methods could coexist with authority of the church could have both 2 Went to university when 10 developed interest in theology wanted to become a monk family disapproved 3 Reconciled faith and reason put Christian twist on Aristotle s ideas 3 divisions of the Christina soul Explain the four main factors that created a shift from the Middle Ages 1 Printing Press before was slow and difficult now can rapidly distribute a lot of information rediscovery of Greek texts initially used to print Bibles Protestant Reformation interpret own way 2 Black Death killed 1 3 of European population prayer was not working so people began to lose faith in the church authority very visible symptoms 3 C Magellan s Voyage The Victoria goal to find westward route for spices ended up circumnavigating the world went against what church said Earth was different than people believed 4 Heliocentric Model Capernicus sun is the center of the solar system earth geocentric model retrograde motion slowing down and kind of moving backwards Lecture 11 February 20th The Renaissance Explain what was happening during the Renaissance 1 New discoveries new worldviews 2 More exploration changed view of world 3 Rediscovery of Greek philosophy 4 Spurred subsequent intellectual activity Explain the contributions of Niccolo Machiavelli 1 Early social psychologist how people could be manipulated politically 2 The Prince pamphlet for aspiring rulers how to manipulate people people are like pons and you can manipulate them for power 3 Machiavellianism an amoral manipulative attitude toward other individuals Explain the research done in 1970 on Machiavellianism Explain the scale they created Christie and Geis 1970 Mach Scale saw Machiavellianism as a personality trait that varies across the population developed survey Mach Scale

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