Chapter 12 Erikson Identity vs Identity Confusion Marcia Identity status crisis and commitment o Fifth stage of psychosocial development o An adolescent seeks to develop a coherent sense of self including the role that he or she is to play in society o Identity vs role confusion o Identity status states of ego development that depend on the presence or absence of crisis and commitment o Crisis period of conscious decision making related to identity formation o Commitment personal investment in an occupation or system of beliefs Identity Achievement o Crisis leading to commitment Choosing what career path to take and sticking with it Foreclosure o Commitment without crisis Accepting someone else s plans for your own life Moratorium o Crisis with no commitment yet Wanting to have a girlfriend but not being able to develop a close relationship Identity diffusion o Avg age for boys and Homosexuals experience more identity confusion Sexuality o Early vs late girls o Risk taking o Use of contraceptives o Information about sex who do they get it from o Preventing pregnancy o No commitment no crisis Unhappy and lonely no plan for the future and avoiding any commitments to it Consistent sexual romantic and affectionate interest either heterosexual homosexual or bisexual Average age of a first crush is 10 years old o 77 of young people have had sex bu theage of 20 o Average age of first sexual intercourse Girls 17 Boys 16 Most teenagers to start sexual activity earlier have multiple partners do not use contraceptives regularly and have misinformation about sex o Other risk factors include socioeconomic disadvantaged community substance use antisocial behavior Use of contraceptives had increased since 1990 s o 80 of teens use contraceptives the first time having sex o Only 62 teens reported using condoms the most recent time having sex Teenagers get information about sex from peers media parents and sex education o Some schools promote abstinence as the only option Free contraceptives to adolescents birth control education free abortion teaching how to stop or Adolescent rebellion a Pattern of emotional turmoil characteristic of a myth Individuation Adolescents struggle for autonomy and personal Parenting styles Authoritative parents foster healthy psychological o And monitoring development postpone sexual activity attention to underlying factors that put teenagers and families at risk of pregnancy minority of adolescents that may involve conflict with family alienation from society reckless behavior and rejection of adult values Adolescents raised in homes with a positive family atmosphere tend to come through adolescence with no serious problems o Adolescents are NOT ticking time bombs identity o Carving out boundaries between self and parents o May entail family conflict o Have rules but are willing to negotiate Problems arise when parents overstep what adolescents perceive as appropriate parental authority Teens most likely to disclose info about themselves when parents maintained a warm responsive family climate in which they were encouraged to speak openly Adolescents who are they with when they are happiest Happiest with close friends because they can easily disclose thoughts and feelings o Higher self esteem when they have close friendships Delinquency Early on set starting at age 11 chronic juvenile o Early and late onset delinquency in adolescence Late onset after puberty arise temporarily in o prevention response to the changes of adolescence Prevention o Authoritative parenting o Economic circumstances o Early childhood prevention programs o Preventing gang recruitment o Scouts sports church o Job skills programs
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