Second Period 1882 1965 Chinese Exclusion Act U S v Wong Kim Ark 1898 Immigration Act of 1924 Senators influenced by eugenics need to protect American work force We need to give Americans jobs not immigrants Eugenics Modern racial theory pseudo scientific racial hygiene Book The Rising Tide of Color by Lothrop Stoddard separation of races white empire will fall Belief in bettering races Selection of mates from traits intelligence and attractiveness Negative Eugenics Discouraging reproduction by people that have unfavorable traits Positive Eugenics Encouraging reproduction by people that have favorable traits State laws passed better breeding Thousands of people were sterilized Magnuson Act 1943 Chinese Exclusion Repeal Chinese part of allied powers now allowed Chinese Immigration since 1882 grants full citizenship to Chinese WWII Chinese Involvement Mao was in charge of communist party in China and Chang Kai Sheik was in charge of the national party They were at war with each other Japan begins to invade China in Sept 1931 they invade Manchuria NE China because it was rich in raw materials oil minerals League of Nations steps in and Japan withdrawals July 1937 Japan launches full invasion Japan has the 2nd best military at this time due to weaponry and size Take Shanghai NanKing Beijing Dec 1937 Japanese cause a massacre in Nan King 300 000 Chinese civilians were killed between 20 000 80 000 rapes took place also beheading competitions took place U S supported China and condemned Japan Big 3 Roosevelt Stalin Churchill 4 Policemen U S Britain Russia China War Brides Act 1945 Large influx of Chinese Korean women and children in 1945 Third Period 1965 Present Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 abolishes 1924 Act limits signed by L B Johnson Chinese Student Protection Act 1992 Grants permanency for Chinese Nationalists especially from Chinese Universities offers enrollment in U S Universities Tienanmen Square 1989 mourning for death of Chinese officials in Beijing in Tienanmen square Chinese military uses force 3 000 people were gunned down in square Foreign press blocked by Chinese Japanese Americans Hayakawa CA senator dedicated to making the U S official language to English Believed that even immigrants should speak the language Inouye Badass U S Senator from Hawaii highest ranking Asian politician oldest current senator 1 st Japanese American to serve in senate Served at Pearl Harbor as a medical volunteer In WWII he was in the 442nd regiment combat all Japanese regiment Fought in Italy against Italians Germans Platoon commander awarded medal of honor He was shot three times takes out 2 machine gun nests rallies troops to take the hill which they do and then his arm is blown off He takes his blown off arm and throws the grenade in it and destroys the last nest and then guns down the rest of the Nazis on the hill Meiji Restoration Edo Period 1600 1868 No emigration permitted people were not allowed to leave 1868 centralized government single monarchial figure in charge land reform Strong Western influence rapid industrialization Hawaii slowly becomes Americanized 1885 first Japanese immigrants to work in sugar cane and pineapple business 40 population becomes Japanese Asiatic Exclusion League Established 1905 67 labor unions gathered to block Asian immigration became 195 unions in 3 years Aimed at targeting Asians to not own land racial quotas Gentlemen s Agreement 1907 Japan needs to be treated as equally as Britain etc Japanese Russo force Japan destroying Russian military Pamphlets of women sent to U S and men would pay for them to be sent to the U S California Alien Land Law 1913 Prohibits Asian immigrants from owning land or property Japanese Picture Brides Anti Japanese Legislation Immigration Act of 1924 Sets racial quotas 1930 s Japan invades China WWII Japanese Involvement Japan Dec 7 1941 bombs Pearl Harbor which causes widespread fear of a Pacific threat Japan Japanese Internment Camps Executive Order 9066 February 19 1942 Certain areas where any or all persons may be excluded Wanted to legally segregate Japanese Government puts up signs throughout Japanese neighborhoods 11 000 Germans 3 000 Italians were also interned Korematsu v U S 1944 6 3 Japanese Internment declared constitutional Korematsu U S citizen knowingly violated internment order arrested convicted supreme court famously upheld executive order that the camps were constitutional Majority opinion Supreme Court security of U S citizens Dissenting Opinion Legalizing segregation 442d Regimental Combat Team All Japanese American unit Most decorated unit in U S history Fought in Italy Germany and France during WWII Civil Liberties Act 1988 Granted reparation payments to interned Japanese Each given 20 000 45 years after interment nd Industrial Revolution and The Robber Barron s The 2 Expansion of industries and factories in the U S Urbanization of cities Robber Barron wealthy men who used questionable business practices New industries created The Steam Engine Powers railways ships factories Prior to 1850 wood was used to make steam caused widespread deforestation Coal becomes more important main fuel source in 1870 s By 1900 270 000 000 tons of coal are used every year to power cooking heating factories trains etc Early Oil Drilling 1st application refine it kerosene used for lighting before this whale oil was used John D Rockefeller born in 1839 1 of 6 kids father worked in lumber factory lived in N Y By 1870 age 31 he founded Standard Oil Refined oil from drilling sites At first he only had one oil refinery began aggressively expanding Bought out oil companies Horizontal Integration combining small firms into a single corporations Trusts stockholders give trusts to a group of people trustees to watch stocks etc Engaged in behaviors shut down rival companies after he buys them out Says its just business causes the price of oil to go up price setting Made deals with railroad companies to move oil in return of oil to power the train Price of oil dropped 50 for consumers He becomes uber rich Railroad Expansion 2 innovations 1 Standardization all trains were running on different gages before this time which meant people and cargo had to frequently switch trains caused inefficiencies no standard time Time was created due to the standardization of the railroad Railroad barons and Wall St financiers began buying up railways picked off smaller lines 2 Set up time zones Railroads all have the same size gages
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