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AMH2020 1 6 12 Civil War Redux 1861 1865 Battle of Antietam September 17 1862 o Focus of Civil war changed o Took part in Sothern Maryland o Southerners used slaves to help them with the war o Lincoln believed that civil war is to keep country together Lincoln Freed slaves in South in 1862 which needed victory At the Battle of Antietam the US won o Bloodiest day in history o Battle latest one day o 23 000 people died Emancipation Proclamation o Slaves of succeed states were free o Started January 1 1863 o Civil War was initially caused by slavery in the US 1848 US battled Mexico US won and received west Arizona Washington New Mexico etc Immediate question if slavery would go to the Western states Gold was found in 1848 and the population boomed in California Union wanted California to become a state and didn t want slavery allowed On the other hand the Confederacy didn t want California to become a state because it would upset balance of senate free and slaves states Compromise of 1850 California became a free state but all other states gained from Mexico would be up to people on whether to have slaves or not Solved problem of slavery 4 years later Kansas Nebraska Act Senator Steven Douglas from Illinois wanted transcontineal railroad to go from Chicago to San Francisco o Land needed to be territories in order to build railroad Douglas made deal territories were created Kansas and Nebraska and people could decide on slavery can exist or not 1854 Many fraudulent votes Pro Slavery won Battling became in 1865 burned down whole town over slavery John Brown o Failed New England farmer and sheepherder o 20 children o Believed literally the old testament of bible o Anti slavery Believed had to kill all slave owners to and slavery o Moves to Kansas Beheads many pro slavery slave owner In 1859 go back to east and lead a slave rebellion to kill all slave owners in South Harper s Perry Virginia o Where arsenal was made o Brown and followers seize arsenal and begin to attack by village people Brown is hung month later for trying to lead slave rebellion o Southern believe more attacks were going to happen after John Brown attack Southern states decided to leave US and become their own country 1861 Become confederate states deep south and Texas Vicksburg May July 4 1863 o Before 1863 neither side an complete the job and end the war o North wanted to cut supply from Texas and Louisiana to rest of Confederate by Mississippi River Vicksburg was only city left with confederate South surrenders after Grant seizes Vicksburg on July 4th Union now controls the entire Mississippi 30 000 confederates surrenders o Gettysburg campaign June July 1863 Union victory which turned tide of War Reason for battle South wanted food and weapons for soldiers Lincoln thought he was going to be defeated William T Sherman took Atlanta from Confederacy o Assured Lincoln s reelection in 1864 o Lincoln chooses Andrew Johnson as running mate becomes Vice President Had much hate for others Held grudges Appomattox Lincoln o Confederate army surrenders in April 1865 months after reelection of War was over After the war Grant became a hero Became Charitable to Southerners after he seized April 1865 o Lincoln s Assassination John Wilkes Booth Believed by killing him confederacy could come back Wanted to kill all of Lincoln s cabinet o Booth only one who kept his promise on killing On April 15 1865 Andrew Johnson became President Southern who was loyal to union wanted to give big penalty to Southern Casualties of War o Union o Confederate Battle 110 070 Disease 250 152 Total 360 222 Battle 94 000 Disease 164 000 Total 258 000 Results of War o 4 million slaves were freed at end o South was ruined economically o Questions remained How will south Respond Ex Slaves how will they adjust How will Johnson be as President first two questions based on Johnson s presidency Political Reconstruction 1865 1868 Three periods of Reconstruction o December 1863 April 1865 1st Period o 1865 Late 1866 2nd period Andrew J Power o 1866 1868 Radial reconstruction Driven by a split in the republican party o Not one single platform o Big split how to treat the south Moderate Wing wanted the south back to US with no punishments President Lincoln wanted US back together and grow Needed votes in the 1864 reelection Radical Wing the south should pay for what they have done starting war Members o Benjamin Wade o Charles Sumner o Thaddeus Stevens Reconstruction plan o Lincoln s 10 plan December 1863 All confederates except military and political leaders could regain citizenship by taking oath to support constitution and 13th amendment which abolished slavery When 10 of people of a state who had voted in 1860 had taken the oath the state could set up government and be recognized by President Gave each state more electoral votes which Lincoln wanted to help him with reelection States that completed the 10 plan was Tennessee Arkansas and Louisiana o 1864 radicals pushed bill through congress Wade Davis Bill July 1864 Senator Ben Wade and Representative Henry Davis Believed plan of Lincoln didn t punish Confederates enough Congress would control reconstruction Majority of State not the 10 who voted in 1860 should take oath before government could be admitted Confederate officials and military leaders would not be declared US citizen Lincoln pocket vetoed the Wade Davis Bill o Andrew Johnson becomes president April 15 1865 Born in North Carolina and raised in east Tennessee Tailor accumulated tons of money Born in a poor family and believed other Southerners made fun of his less fortune Wanted to prove them wrong 1875 US senator serving in Washington from Tennessee Blamed people who made fun of him were the ones who started the war Slave owner and racist Believed free slaves should not be given rights Kept racist beliefs hidden o Radical republicans were excited when he became president o Johnson s Reconstruction Plan Pardons were given with exceptions similar to Lincoln s Except those with more than 20 000 in taxable property had to ask Johnson personally for a pardon Appointed a provisional governor for each ex confederate state Made leaving the country illegal Constitutional convention Delegates were white voters only o Johnson s plan Act In new constitutional convention slaves were pretty much placed in same position Johnson only cared about personal apology letters o Over 1 000 apology letters came in each day Problems with Johnson s Plan Ex Confederates

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