Psych 104 Personality Lecture Only Chapter 1 Freud I Personality a distinctive pattern of behavior that is relatively consistent across situations a Situations or Personality more important b Behave differently in a bar than sitting in a lecture A Some situations are more demanding than others a In class demanding b In a bar less demanding depending on what you are doing partying drinking B Personality changes in different situations a level of self confidence changes frequently depending on period of time C If you have trouble with personality adjustment now you will continue to have that II The guy Freud extremely influenced our thinking of personality A Little bit about Freud a Freud was born in Eastern Europe to a poor family b Father lost job and went broke c Got on train and went to Austria d Most important child in the family so he was the only one sent to school 1 Therefore he was the only child educated B Freud went to medical school but he really wasn t interested in medicine a Took semesters off to study other things b Freud discovered cocaine and was one of the first users thought it was great c Discovered by a colleague thought Freud was REALLY smart 1 Both of them started talking about their patients 2 One case they discussed a lady who had a number of problems and weird symptoms 3 Having no success in treating her 4 One day she started reminiscing on her childhood found that her symptoms were related to her early childhood experiences d Our personality is related to our early childhood experiences Make you who you are C Hysteria symptoms that could not be explained medically but psychologically a The two men wrote a book and said the lady got better b Just kidding She was not better She got worse in and out of hospitals c A lot of things Freud said or published were false he did so because he had to be successful from his mom putting so much pressure on him 1 He knew they were false but said them anyways 2 Freud was wrong and a liar but is still an influential person III Psycho Analysis Just start talking to patients clear up early childhood experiences and therefore clear up symptoms the point is to not control what they are thinking or saying a However no evidence that this treatment actually works b Go through a series of psycho stages according to Freud A Oral stage the organ of ingestion of food but also perception a First thing baby does is put something in their mouth b Freud says an important thing is to feed the baby on a schedule 1 When you feed an infant when they cry they learn to scream when they need something B Anus Stage Individual has to learn bowl and bladder control a Learn it appropriately Consequences when they don t b Lays down views to the child about how the world works c Child also learns about cleanliness and messiness C Falic Stage word for penis Girls and boys learn the other one does not have what they have D Adolescent Stage a Have no idea what he said here IV Neo Freudians Explanations people who challenged Freud s thought A Alfred Adler it s not penis envy it s not this or that it is feelings of inferiority 1 Your life pattern is attempts to overcome inferiority B Carl Jung Austrian Argued we are influenced by a collective unconscious 1 Unconscious memories of our entire existence all the way back to embryos a that is why we are afraid of snakes could have once been eaten C Karen Horney 1 First famous woman in psychology 2 Threw out most of what Freud said 3 Personality was a function of how you associated with people at a young age a isolation vs clinging A Was Freud a Fraud 1 YES NO doubt Chapter 2 Learning Explanations I Classical Conditioning of Emotions and Fears A Learn emotions through classical condition II Operant Conditioning of Behaviors A Learn behaviors through punishment and rewards III Example A Woman was crazy and in a psych ward 1 Dressed herself with multiple layers multiple dresses a Treatment was to use punishment while she was in the hospital b Punished her for overdressing but rewarded her for dressing normal 2 Hoarded hospital towels stole them from carts a Gave her so many towels she did not like them anymore IV Differences in Conditionability and Personality A Differences in what degree people can be conditioned 1 Influence their personality Chapter 3 Cognitive Explanations I Thoughts and Expectations About Ourselves II Thoughts and Expectations about Others III Information Processing and Personality IV Is this explanation backwards Physiological Explanations for Personality I Personality due to different humors in the body Sounds silly neurotransmitters play important roles in personality II Genes and Personality A Individuals are more like there identical twins than their fraternal twins 1 Identical twins born together and raised together are very much the same 2 Identical twins born together and raised apart are still a little the same 3 Fraternal twins born together and raised together are similar but different 4 Fraternal twins born together and raised apart are different B Raised by biological parents similar to parents C Raised by adoptive parents different than parents III Personality has to do with DNA and genes A Genes have a high percentage of genetic components B Genes count for 50 of personality environmental factors are 50 1 Not exactly true have to take error out of the equation 2 Genes count for at least 25 more than environment IV Neurotransmitters A Parents who suffer from depression due to low levels of serotonin the children will most likely also be depressed b c they share the same genes B Prozac medication for depression C Should we use medication to treat personality disorder or just illnesses V Hormones A Stimulate activity B Testosterone Male hormone responsible for aggression etc 1 Criminals who create violent acts have higher levels of testosterone C Can have a hostile personality because of high levels of testosterone D Parental hormones influence your personality 1 Hormones in mother while pregnant influences baby brain development 2 Study done on monkeys injected with male hormones while still in the womb 3 Monkeys who were injected were much more aggressive 4 Females began acting like males rose to the top of the colony 5 Hormone completely changed their personality E Transgender knows they are one sex but feels like they belong to the other sex 1 Due to cross sex hormones during development
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