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Schizophrenia Possible Causes of schiz 11 14 2013 Genetics are most important cause Biological traumas ex mother has serious case of flu during 2nd or 3rd trimester likeliness of schiz baby increases drastically Birth if child is deprived of oxygen or grabbing of skull in certain way damaging brain can increase likeliness of schiz Stress high levels of prolonged stress ex soldiers natural disasters due to the fact that stress releases a ton of neurotransmitters that flood the brain Gender men more likely to suffer from negative symptoms Causes of negative symptoms Negative symptoms of schiz is brain damage Low brain activity due to shrinking size of brain hippocampus Cause Due to excessive levels of dopamine from brain stem into cortex area in nerve tracts results in excessive level of brain activity which leads to the hallucinations leads to disruption in thought process and word Treatment Drugs neuroleptic drugs block the receptor sites for the dopamine o Theorozine failure Causes person to eventually develop retardation which was irreversible and only was to temporarily fix it was to give them more theorozine o Clozoril went to brain and reduced neurological symptoms but did not fix physiological symptoms major breakthrough o Treatment for schiz involves a combination of many of the drugs Prefrontal lobotomy o Push eye back into socket and you cut up the frontal lobe of the brain with ice pick notion was that there were problems with connections in prefrontal lobe so solution would be to cut it up did not work and people were seriously brain damages Family therapy o Depends on if patient has a hot or cold environment to go back to if they get released from hospital Need a cool environment home environment where there isn t a lot of conflict ect To keep arousal in brain down stress Token Economy o Rewarded for not showing symptoms o Does not cure but teaches person to not show symptoms o Way to get released from hospital Somehow over time people get better in hospitals people play role of a schiz patient keeping them schiz People who got better were people who did better in high school females have positive schiz symptoms Recovery OCD 11 14 2013 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder help doing thoughts you cannot get out of your head and actions you cannot Disorders 11 14 2013 Schizophrenia Positive symptoms o Due to overstimulation and excessively high levels of dopamine o Prognosis likely to get better Negative symptoms o Due to Deterioration of the brain o Prognosis cannot reverse brain damage Anxiety Disorder Phobias o Symptom an irrational fear caused by classical conditioning o Treatment extinction General anxiety disorder o Chronically anxious o Caused by low levels of the inhibitory neurons inhibition isn t high enough so there is a constant level of anxiety o Treatment antianxiety drugs Panic disorder o Feel like cant breath going to die o Caused by the respiroty control center over active measures CO2 in blood when level gets too high it tells you to take big breath but if there is a malfunction in it if level is too high the control center tells you your suffocating o Treatment antidepressants increases level of seratonin PTSD o Post Traumatic Stress Disorder o Caused by classical conditioning really serious anxiety attacks faced with similar situation o Treatment extinction OCD o Obsessive Compulsive Disorder o No good explanation can be a variety of things o Caused by low level of seratonin o Treatment antidepressants that increase serotonin level Somatoform Disorders disorders in which symptoms take form of a physical disorder Somatization will always treat symptoms even if not real many times if just treat depression symptoms person thinks are there will go away o Take small problem and blow it completely out of proportion o Individual who constantly complains about pains to which there is no medical reason for them o Uncommon now o Involves problem in a use of a muscle now know they are actually underlying physical disorders like carpel tunnel Hypochondriasis Pain Conversion syndrome Body Dysmorphic o Occurs when an individual has great concerns about some really minor physiological attribute ex nose is too big boobs are too small etc Dissociative Disorders involve dissociating self moving self away from real personality no evidence because involves repression Amnesia amnesia from threatening experiences and person represses past experience Fugue like dissociative amnesia but person becomes amnesiac for entire life and moves to different location to start completely new life no evidence for it bc involves repression people usually faking it Identity i e multiple personality not a real thing Depersonalization out of body experience Mood Disorder problems with eating mood sleeping feeling of uselessness Depressive o Widespread about 15 of population o Causes due to stress because stress lowers serotonin and serotonin is crucial for mood in hypothalamus where mood is controlled can offset by social support and exercise genetics family history have parent who suffers from depression one is at substantially increased risks Brain damage can also cause depressing in left for depression prefrontal cortex o Treatment CBT therapy light therapy person sits under very bright light Electroconvulsive therapy Shock therapy one shock across your brain For Serious form of depression when drugs aren t Way we do it today we get fewer shocks at lower working levels no damage Used to give a lot of high levels of shocks and would cause brain damage Appear smarter after shock therapy bc one isn t depressed anymore o Drug treatments SSRI s reduce the reuptake of serotonin Atypical increase levels of dopamine Problems w drugs drugs may take four weeks to have an effect can have side effects drugs are treatments not cures different drugs are effective for different persons the combination of drugs plus psychotherapy is often more effective than drugs alone o Important exercise increases levels of serotonin because reduces stress social support o Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression o Postpartum depression period of depression after women give birth woman cant control emotions will burst into tears and will often feel guilty for feeling this way many times become homicidal and in extreme cases may kill child in one way or another will eventually go away treated like any other depression o Dysthymic o Unhappy people don t qualify for a diagnosis for depression and don t consider

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KU PSYC 104 - Schizophrenia

Course: Psyc 104-
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