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FAD 3220 Chapter 6 10 02 2012 Gender what it means to be male or female Boys tend to play more actively and aggressively o Starts at 17 months old Say more words related to their own gender o 2 years old Tend to imitate more gender based tasks o EX boy might pretend like he s shaving a girl might pretend she s carrying her baby because they ve seen their parents do this How parents shape gender Gender typing the process by which children learn behavior that their culture considers appropriate for each sex Differences cross culturally Fathers talk more to sons mothers talk more to daughters Fathers play more aggressively with boys show more sensitivity towards girls Erikson Developing Trust Early experiences are key for trust Trust vs mistrust birth 18 months o Erikson s first stages o Develop a sense of reliability of people and objects Balance o Trust needed to form intimate relationships o Mistrust for self protection Formed by responsive consistent caregiving o Based on feeding Development Attachments Attachment a reciprocal enduring emotional tie between and infant and caregiver each of whom contributes to the quality of the relationship survival forth o Evolutionary benefit predisposed to attachment promotes o Strange situation youtube video where Lisa played with toys her mom left stranger came in and they switched back and Attachment Styles Found 3 types of attachment o Secure 60 75 cries or protests when the caregiver leaves and actively seeks out the caregiver when he she 15 25 rarely cries when separated and avoids extremely upset when gone and both seeks and resists when 10 15 anxious before leaving returns o Avoidant contact when returns o Resistant ambivalent returns o These styles are universal Fourth pattern Disorganized Disoriented 10 pattern in which an infant after separating from the caregiver shows contradictory repetitious or misdirected behaviors on his her return o Thought of as least secure Predicts future behavioral and adjustment problems Anxiety Stranger anxiety o Fairly typical o Second half of the first year wariness of strange people and places Separation anxiety distress when a familiar caregiver leaves o Not an indication of attachment Attachment Long Term Effects Secure attachment friendly adventurous empathic self confident resilient form close relationships Insecure attachment hostility dependency problems psychiatric disorders Intergenerational transmission Emotional Communication with Caregivers Mutual regulation process by which infant and caregiver communicate emotional states to each other and respond appropriately o Aids in learning to read emotions expressed by others Social referencing understanding an ambiguous situation by seeking another person s perception of it o Plays a role in self conscious emotions o Socialization Developmental Issues Self concept image of ourselves total picture of our abilities and traits others objects o Based on self awareness distinguishing self from o Red nose experiment 18 24 months o As self awareness develops children start to use first person pronouns and descriptive terms about themselves Autonomy vs Shame Doubt Erikson s 2nd stage in development Start to use their own judgments Achieve balance between self determination and control by others o Terrible two s Moral Development Socialization process by which children develop habits skills values and motives that make the responsible members in society Internalization process by which children accept societal standards of conduct as their own Self regulation a child s control of behavior to standards and expectations even when caregiver is not around Contact with Other Children Siblings o Lessons learned help peer relationships o Conflict increases after 1 5 years o Longest relationships Non siblings o Infants attempt to communicate with other infants o Helps with coordination of activities Maltreatment Abuse and Neglect o Physical abuse o Neglect o Sexual abuse o Emotional maltreatment rejection isolation o 6 million reported 905 000 substantiated Nonorganic failure to thrive slowed physical growth with no known medical cause Helping Families in Trouble Poor neighborhoods with more of a sense of community had lower rates of abuse Shelters Education in parenting skills Therapy Removing the child from the home o Foster care o Kinship foster care Chapter 7 Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood 10 02 2012 Physical Development in Early Childhood Early childhood 3 to 6 years Children slim down and shoot up Head is still large but body catches up Boys taller and heavier than girls Typically grow 2 3 inches and gain 4 6 lbs per year Sleep Patterns 11 hours of sleep per night by age 5 o give up naps Sleep problems o 1 in 10 o Night terrors and nightmares Night terrors appear to wake up freaking out and it is difficult to wake them out of this When they do wake up they do not remember what happened o Make sure child does not hurt themselves but do not interrupt them o Stand in doorway because touching them can make it worse o Grow out of it by age 13 o Effect parents more o Gently wake child 15 minutes before normal night terror occurs and this may change their sleep cycle Nightmares o Caused by scary movies heavy meals before bed overexcitement o Occasional nightmares are normal o Frequent sign of stress or abuse Enuresis Involuntary wetting the bed o More common among boys o Kids grow out of this by 8 years old if past 8 it may be medical problem stress o No actions you should take Brain Growth Age 3 90 of brain adult brain weight Age 6 95 o What does this tell us They have the structural necessities they need for future cognitive development to take place Age 3 6 o Prefrontal cortex regulate planning and organizing activities Organizing schemas Corpus Callosum o Until 15 years Motor Skills Muscle development and harder bones combined with brain development are contributing to greater advances in gross motor skills Physical skills that involve large muscles o Running o Jumping o Climbing Most children under 6 are NOT ready for organized sports Fine motor skills small muscles and eye hand coordination o Buttoning shirts drawing pictures tying shoelaces o Handedness left or right emerges around this age Systems of action increasingly complex combinations of skills permitting a wider or more precise range of movement Circular reaction child accidently produces a behavior and they like the outcome so they repeat it 85th BMI 95th for children of

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FSU FAD 3220 - Chapter 6

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